except the only reason widow was used before was because she had no weaknesses. Now she does, but hanzo's still not being used, snipers aint shyt anymore. And I have the facts to back it up. If what youre saying about that site is true (which is the first ive heard about it) then post some receipts.
if you want to go over the ult again, its garbage compared to other ults in pretty much every situation. It has a huge callout, it covers a very thin aoe (that dragons small af compared to dvas self destruct or the range of winstons ult) and its easily avoidable. All you have to do is move three feet, and if youre not in position to do that then youre in a corridor. And if youre in a corridor the ONLY other teammate who should be near you is mercy if she's in your pocket and even then a well coordinated team will have a guardian angel to escape to. So AT BEST against a well coordinated team your ult can kill one person in a very specific situation. The only other time its useful is when combined with zayra's mei's or reins and that can be said about literally every ult in the game. It isnt clearing an objective other than maybe a payload (and again, every other aoe ult clears out the area way better), the dragons hitbox is way to thin. You dont have to run to cover like you do with other clearout ults.
I aint talking about this anymore so hopefully you learned something. if not
What weakness?
Her 'nerf' only effected the people that sucked with her to begin with. If you were ever a good sniper, you're STILL landing those massive point and click super powerful headshots in rapid succession. The nerf only changed the fact that she could one shot body shot kill people. That's not a nerf to anyone who ever got picked up for a competitive team as a sniper.
Planet Overwatch is only popular because of the 'select few' (streamers, personalities, etc) who had access to the closed beta realized the money in creating the damn site in the same vein as Planet Destiny - which still does numbers despite the wildly varying quality of content. It shouldn't even be held as more regarded than the reddit page.
And first off, you were straight up lying about Hanzo's ult to start off, so lets just observe that
breh i never play hanzo and get kills with it when i use it. that doesnt mean anything, pugs are trash. If you compare it to other aoe ults it doesnt do as much damage and isnt nearly as big. If you compare it to other damage dealing ults its laughable how little damage it does. It has a loud callout and unless youre stuck in a corridor you can easily get outof its way. It doesnt clear an objective like dvas or winstons. It doesnt deal damage like reapers or pharahs. its trash and the only good thing about it is it charges fast.
only ones i can think of that are worse are roadhogs and tracers but even with hers at least its a guaranteed kill on a tank.
1) The radius is 4 fukking meters
Those are the same dimensions as Zayra's Graviton Surge. And considering length? Its the largest damage dealing ultimate in the game.
2) 200 damage per second, with damage increased the closer you are to the center. Also goes through Reinhardt's and Winston's shields
other ults are losing a significant portion of their damage just chipping through that first.
3) Did you know that every ult in the game has a loud callout on activation
4) Positioning for any ult is essential, obviously
but how many other ults can get you a triple from your spawn room? I'll wait
5) Refer to 2 and 4 - because if people think they can sit inside of Hanzo's ult, then either they're idiots or you're lining them up perfectly. If that shyt comes through your payload, you have to move or die. If you're trying to cap the objective and that dragon comes through, you either have to move or accept the fact that you're gonna have a long walk back after you die.
6) Not only does it do more damage, but it can't be blocked like Pharah and Reaper's can. Also, you don't have to be exposed to deal damage like Reaper and Pharah do. Reaper says die die die and everyone knows to kill Reaper to stop it. Pharah says justice rains from above, people know to shoot her. Damage comes directly from them - if you know where the damage is coming from, you can stop them before its too late. That option doesn't exist in Hanzo's ult. A Reinhardt can't block it. Immediate cover isn't as easily identified if positioned correctly (every hanzo ult should come through a wall at an angle imo).
D.Va is my 3rd most used character and honestly... she might have the worst ultimate in the game right now. Unless you're air dropping your mech in, its way too easy to see coming and avoid. The charge time will even let a lucio casually save everyone with a beat drop of his own or something. Its trash. Its only good for zoning right now. Even then its pretty weak if you've got a reinhardt that knows how to tank it.
In conclusion
Hanzo's ult at the very least ain't trash
but if you think it is