i need that 5th season of mad men and the seasons 4&5 of breaking bad. netflix bullshytting wtf is taking so long?

Season 5 of Mad Men just finished yesterday. Season 5 of BB hasn't even started.
i need that 5th season of mad men and the seasons 4&5 of breaking bad. netflix bullshytting wtf is taking so long?
so should i just skip S1 and go straight to S2? or do i need to S1 to understand
So is Breaking Bad that good? I need a new show man....
Im worried season 4 of BB isn't going to be available on instant until the 5th season starts...
just started watchin girl with a dragon tattoo extended edition...
I recommend the movie Puncture if y'all into drug related dramas. Chris Evans gives a good performance.
Yea i recommend this one too couple of pages back really good movie, ending was kindathough