I just finished my last play through of Mass Effect as a Sentinel femshep. The game was a lot easier playing as a Sentinel class. I was just mowing through bad guys with biotic combos with Liara. When they got too close, I just detonated my shield. This was all before I got the Valkyrie assault rifle and the Flare ability from Aria.
This go around, I played the Citadel DLC. Hands down it is the best addition to the series. The mission versus my clone was fun but challenging. My favorite part was being able to choose Wrex.

Dude put in so much work especially against the Cerberus heavies. Afterwards, being able to just hang out with each character in a laid back setting was very gratifying. Other than hanging with my boo Liara, I think I enjoyed inviting over specialist Traynor to most. You guys know why.
The Armax arena was also very fun. I'm glad they gave us an opportunity to fight with characters from ME 2. Grunt and Samara were usually my go to in ME 2 and I always chose them in the arena. I still didn't beat the Collector elites. They are way too tough.
The toughest decision I made was with Legion. I didn't do his loyalty mission so he didn't survive the suicide mission. I wasn't expecting to see him in part 3 but he was there. Every time I called him Legion he was like 'We are not Legion, Legion died.'

I ended up not letting him let the Geth ascend. It was rough pulling the trigger with the renegade option.
At the end, I told the catalyst to go fukk himself and didn't choose an option. Despite the ending, it was a great ride. The characters made the game worth playing. I wish they made a way to end the Reapers and continued to grow the universe. It would have been interesting to see the choices I made in the trilogy carry over to a new game with a new character. They could have let you play as a an N7 recruit coming up through the ranks. Maybe let you choose a different race either Turian, Asari, or Human. As you rise through the ranks, you could choose Ashley or James as a mentor. Eventually some new evil emerges and you will have to address it. Of course, Shepgawd would make an appearance.