- The best/worst (I mean both) boss battle is that Reaper thing you fight before meeting Ashley/Kaiden in Mass Effect 2
- The worst decision I ever made was;
Siding with the Geth thinking they could work it out.
But, they can, but, you have to do certain missions to make that possible.
And Tali committed suicide. I almost turned the game off after getting back to the Norm'
- Mordin might be the most interesting character
- Ashley was my favorite romance, but, I hated they abandoned the bun in 3
- phck! Kai Len...I hate him every time I've played through
- Aria is the most interesting NPC
- The worst decision I ever made was;

But, they can, but, you have to do certain missions to make that possible.
And Tali committed suicide. I almost turned the game off after getting back to the Norm'
- Mordin might be the most interesting character
- Ashley was my favorite romance, but, I hated they abandoned the bun in 3
- phck! Kai Len...I hate him every time I've played through
- Aria is the most interesting NPC