We'll just agree to disagree, I think your being closed minded,lots of games do the choice system a lot better and I'll leave it at that.you and others are saying that by asking to 'pick' which power you can get and not have them take power options away based off of previous choices...
it does affect the story cause the game is based on picking a side...if you pick good karma, you shouldn't have bad karma powers...and vice versa...if you did, that makes no sense...also, yea, you have the powers unlocked, but you are leveling them up when you do the lil shyt....cause when you first get them, they aint shyt...
on a side note: I find it hard to believe that you 'love' playing the series the way you do if your major complaint is the very thing the series is based off of
And what does me thinking it's stupid to give people a choice when there really isn't any, have to do with me loving the series? I liked the story of the first a lot and the second one was good too.
The game play is fun as shyt and the powers feel powerful. Replaying the game as the other side is also like playing with a whole different character and I love that.
I just don't think much thought is put into the choice system and there are better, smarter ways to punish someone for changing paths for one or two choices that doesn't involve the tedious grinding that you gotta do to get your powers back