What's your audio setup like? This game has great sound, make sure you're setting is on home theater in the options and turn down dialogue a notch.
I think it's just time for me to cop some of these golds because it feels like I'm missing out on some of the lows. Like when I'm fighting I don't hear that thud sound sound that I'm used too with punches . But it's probably just my head phones ain't on this games level of audio output. I had already tried different settings. Are those golds that goodhave you checked your sound settings in game?...i'm not talking about levels, i'm talking about the different sound settings like home theater, ps3 gold, shelf speakers, tv, etc. and set it to whatever you listening to the game through?....cause that plays a part in the sound....i've used home theater and the ps3 gold headset settings, and this game sounds great....you can hear every lil thing from gun shots cross town, to your footsteps, the sound of your powers, etc. all clear as shyt....