what was klaw doing with all that vibranium anyways I watched age of ultron today and for what like 25 years or whatever dude was just storing vibranium on a ship never selling it to anyore before hand
He choked her for having the audacity of wanting to preserve a centuries old Wakandan tradition. Killmonger wasn't for the people he was for himself.and why is everyone stuck on this he raised up a old woman, the old woman who had no authority no right questioned the king.
He didn't shoot her in cold blood. That's why she said sorry to him, because she knew she fukked up
In the black panther cartoon Klaw has black panther's mother hostage and black panther says go ahead and kill her, his mother says thats my son lol
thats the wakanda mentality
She would rather him shoot her then be used as a hostage
He choked her for having the audacity of wanting to preserve a centuries old Wakandan tradition. Killmonger wasn't for the people he was for himself.
She fukked up by being held hostage? So we're not supposed to get a negative impression of Killmonger killing her?
Nah. This moment was expressly included to illustrate the villain's coldheartedness and lack of compassion for other human beings, even someone whom the audience had been led to believe he might love.
That would never happen in the MCU and for good reason.
The only thing I disagree that killmonger did is destroying the herb, i would have given a herb to everyone who was down with me w'kabi etc. and send them out in the world.
If okoye knew the benin artifact was vibranium, why not steal it themselves?
Killmonger ran up on him breh. He stormed up to his front door and demanded a challenge and said he wanted the throne. He wasnt trying to talk
So basically anybody can challenge for the top spot like Kevin Costner did in the postman? T'Challa was already king.
But again this goes to the movie needing to be longer as small details and nuances get brushed over.
I was more upset his homie turned his back on him. That was some fukk shyt.
a peasant worker back talking a king, to even have the audacity to even open your mouth is absurd.
So it was all good when Zuri was breaking century old wakandan traditions by interferring in a ritual fight,....