2. T'Challa was Barack Obama and Killmonger was Malcom X.
5. Basically Killmonger was the angry black man and T'Challa was the safe negro.
People with this view don't understand world politics.
People (real life) bark every day about how the US is in too many people's Koolaid, helping other citizens and getting involved in wars.
Wakanda would eventually had to have gotten into numerous wars throughout history if they weren't isolated. Wakanda would've found themselves in the middle of every countries dirty laundry and had they allied themselves with any particular nation, it could mean war. Yea, they'd win, but, not before thousands dying for nothing,
2018 is the most peaceful time ever in human history--the perfect time to get into a more global politicking.
I don't get how T'Challa was a "safe negro." He wanted to protect his people from the outside. Tariq goofy ass coined "Hold Your Own Nuts" whilst trying to be "Pan Africanist" when it can make him money. If anything, he's more like T'Challa living in the lap of luxury instead of the inner city. He wants to protect Mama Peanut and his kids, despite being a man conscience of his people outside his home's plight.
I agreed with T'Challa, but, I understand his dad took it too far and for that reason it was time to change if that was the length they were willing to go.
And Killmonger is a way more naunce character then people are giving him credit for. The main reason I wish Mike had more acting range. He was a bit too straight forward with the angry part.
Don't forget T'Challa
JUST BECOME THE KING and almost immediately changed Wakanda's isolationist stance and did not solely being inspired by Killmonger.

people have the thought process of a child picking an apple or orange and hating the one they didn't pick.