The Fukin Prophecy
RIP Champ
You really think they were going to turn James Bond, one of the most iconic action hero's in film history into a black man and ask folk to pretend he wasn't a white man in 24 movies ?Dude this is for one movie lol. This isn’t a permanent thing. People talked about Idris as bond. This isn’t her playing bond. She’s her own agent who got his 00 once he retired from the service. Which is logical. James Bond won’t stay retired though. The movie series has to continue.
So the thing here is how does he get his 00 status back and what happens to her once he does.
You’re talking about something completely different

Nah bruh, it was always going to be Bond retires and a new 007 steps in to takeover the franchise...
Anyways I hope you're right for the franchise sake and its just for one movie...