Obesity rates by Race and Gender

May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
we still the second lowest you fat hating ass cracker…talking bout “us”
theres less than a million black people in canada the 2nd largest country on the planet



Dec 15, 2019
True...BMI is useless for individuals but helpful for studying populations.

If you took a Black, Asian, white and Latina woman of the same height/weight...the Black women would most likely be healthier since sistas store less fat/visceral fat in the midsection and more on the thighs and butt.

White women are a mixed bag...but most either have big thighs/calves or huge titties.

Asian (East Asian) women got it the worst. Their weight goes straight to their .
Minor note to make here. I agree with everything else except this word. You may not be using it correctly.

Visceral fat is entirely different concept than midsection fat. In anatomy, viscera are organs in the abdominopelvic cavity. As such, medically speaking, visceral fat is fat that surrounds individual organs, ( effectively hugging them )and is actually a leading cause of insulin resistance due to how the metabolism of those lipids affects the organs they are attached to.

Conversely, the build up of fat in midsection's adipose tissue is a separate thing entirely. In your original post, I think you meant to refer to subcutaneous fat deposits which would be the fat beaneath skin and often lines the midsection. As counterintuitive as this sounds, midsection fat is actually linked to healthier people, with a lower risk of insulin resistance and less diabetes but only if the fat is expressed on your midsection instead of on your visceral organs.

Link-> What causes the insulin resistance underlying obesity?

"In this context, the mechanisms that control the expandability of subcutaneous adipose tissue, including its high capacity for adipocyte differentiation and lipid storage may be key factors in determining diabetes risk in obesity"
"Each standard deviation (SD) increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue mass decreases the odds of insulin resistance by 48%, whereas a SD increase in visceral adipose tissue mass increases the odds of insulin resistance by 80% [5▪]. These findings can explain the existence of ‘benign’ and ‘malign’ obesity". - quotes from National Institute of Health position paper.

As a final note, lemme add that those Asians actually are healthier than us as black people based on their fat distribution. Our proportions are actually counterintuitive because our wider hips and larger frames lead to more visceral fat in addition to our more pronounced subcutaneous (midsection) fat. So Ming Lee and her fellow PAAGs do indeed look worse with fat, but they are also healthier with it than black women specifically because the fat goes straight to their mid-section. Thus, Thick women are actually not healthy. Skinny-ish black people are often not healthy either.

"These findings can explain the existence of ‘benign’ and ‘malign’ obesity wherein insulin resistance is not observed in all individuals with high BMIs. They may also explain the very highincidence of insulin resistance and diabetes in ethnic populations that display relatively low BMIs associated with high waist circumferences or waist-to-hip ratios, reflecting elevated visceral obesity. " -a from quote from the NIH position paper.

I apologize in advance if I went a little overboard with the post. I just find this stuff fascinating and I thought I could add value with the point on the word "visceral". i hope the message is received well.:whoa:


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
Its because of fatphobia, and with how racism and fatphobia are intertwined. I’ve seen more than a few black women, on TikTok and various other forms of social media, recount their negative experiences at these gyms. These gyms are littered with fatphobes who make disparaging remarks about black women’s bodies. Black female bodies are often unfairly critiqued, abused, and made fun of. The gym is yet another space where these types of things happen. It causes a lot of black women to shy away from even entering a gym. Its really sick. In a perfect world we’d have gyms specifically for black women to act as safe spaces for their bodies. Also, its important to remember that just because a person is obese doesn’t mean that they’re unhealthy, and so, these stats don’t mean much.
:dead: obese is the definition of unhealthy


Sep 24, 2013
Its because of fatphobia, and with how racism and fatphobia are intertwined. I’ve seen more than a few black women, on TikTok and various other forms of social media, recount their negative experiences at these gyms. These gyms are littered with fatphobes who make disparaging remarks about black women’s bodies. Black female bodies are often unfairly critiqued, abused, and made fun of. The gym is yet another space where these types of things happen. It causes a lot of black women to shy away from even entering a gym. Its really sick. In a perfect world we’d have gyms specifically for black women to act as safe spaces for their bodies. Also, its important to remember that just because a person is obese doesn’t mean that they’re unhealthy, and so, these stats don’t mean much.
Jesus, I don’t know how you do it. :russ:


Aug 29, 2013
There are a lot of reasons for the obesity problem.

But the low brow explanation almost always revolves around some sort of character flaw about X-race of people or nationality/ethnicity.

You hardly ever get a real deep dive into how we got here.
May 16, 2012
Superior African genetics..... you gotta be a dumbass to fumble these superior genetics.

I wonder if you realize you are advocating for white supremacy with this point.

If we have superior genetics for athleticism, does that mean we have inferior genetics for intelligence? Cause the same objective metrics that say we run faster and jump higher also say we do worse on practically every cognitive test?

There's no such thing as "superior genetics". We are all products of what we believe. If I tell you that you are faster than other kids and you legitimately believe it then you will run faster. If I tell you that other kids are smarter then you'll do worse on tests that are supposed guage intelligence. The placebo effect has been shown countless times in a myraid of applications.

By promoting the idea of athletic supremacy just realize you are also promoting our intellectual inferiority. Why? Because they go hand in hand. If we are superior because we test better athletically then how are we not inferior if we test worse cognitively?

It's better to tell black kids they are smarter than their white counterparts than they are better athletes.
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May 16, 2012
:childplease: Don't our genetics (west African) promote muscle growth and power? How does that help your argument? BMI mistakes muscle for fat which is what those studies use.

There are no genetics that promote muscle growth. If there was then you would have guys with bodybuilder physiques who sit on their asses all day. There's simply no such thing as that. To grow muscle you have to put in the work. The thing that differentiates those who grow muscle bigger and faster is better training and consistency.

Your genetics are what you make of them. Be inactive and you will have shytty genetics. Be active and you will have great genetics. The key is your actions.


Jul 8, 2014
I wonder if you realize you are advocating for white supremacy with this point.

If we have superior genetics for athleticism, does that mean we have inferior genetics for intelligence? Cause the same objective metrics that say we run faster and jump higher also say we do worse on practically every cognitive test?

There's no such thing as "superior genetics". We are all products of what we believe. If I tell you that you are faster than other kids and you legitimately believe it then you will run faster. If I tell you that other kids are smarter then you'll do worse on tests that are supposed guage intelligence. The placebo effect has been countless times on a myraid of applications.

By promoting the idea of athletic supremacy just realize you are also promoting our intellectual inferiority. Why? Because they go hand in hand. If we are superior because we test better athletically then how are we not inferior if we test worse cognitively?

It's better to tell black kids they are smarter than their white counterparts than they are better athletes.
it's easier to manipulate cacs tests pertaining to intelligence (such as IQ) than testing for which race can simply jump higher and faster dumbass.:stopitslime:

black folk on average have the highest testosterone and faster twitch fibers as well as quicker metabolic rate.

A lot of factors can sway these cac intelligence test such as environmental factors and upbringing.

Aint you a half cac? Would make sense you projecting with these tired debunked WS talking points:pacspit:
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May 16, 2012
it's easier to manipulate cacs tests pertaining to intelligence (such as IQ) than testing for which race can simply jump higher and faster dumbass.:stopitslime:

black folk on average have the highest testosterone and faster twitch fibers as well as quicker metabolic rate.

A lot of factors can sway these cac intelligence test such as environmental factors and upbringing.

Actually no. The mind is so powerful that it can also affect our physical abilities. They have shown in experiments how if you tell people you are giving them anabolic steroids (but in reality they are given a placebo) they begin to growth muscle and increase their strength at the same rate as people who are actually given steroids. Tell some of the placebo group you gave them a placebo and the muscle and strength gains stop. The others who you don't say anything to keep thinking they are getting steroids and continue to make gains.

The mind is extremely powerful. If it legitimately believes it's genetically predisposed to be faster or more explosive than someone else then it will be. Just as easily as it will build muscle at a rapid rate because it thinks it's getting steroids.