Obama Ties Broken Families To Gun Violence In Emotional Chicago Speech


Jun 21, 2012
Well first of all there is no reason for the Democratic Party to address black issues becuase black people are guaranteed to vote for democrats no matter what, if anybody dares to challenge that orthodoxy they are called a sellout, you were the one arguing that anybody that votes for a republican is a sellout

Second as far as the prison industrial complex, the architect of the prism industrial complex is joe Biden first of all, and half of you fuks are already takin out poms poms for him in 2016

It's a pretty simple sutio if black people want more attention from democrats, declare independence from the democratic party, vote for other parties and exercise full intellectual freedom and explore other ideologies and other solutions to black problems

I don't need to defend Obama and the democrats becuase I'm not a democrat but Obama has done some changes Drug Sentencing Reforms Halt Decades Of Prison Population Growth

But overall the way to get rid of the prison industrial complex is for people to stop participating in it in the first place



God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Ok but how does a high level of education equate to community prospering when they do face the very real issues of institutionalized racism and economic oppression ?

Not saying that a academic tradition is not important it is neither, its very important.

because education gives you the means to resist and combat racism and economic oppression and it allows you to organize better and education creates economies in and of itself

if you look at history, especially in the modern era, its education that gives nations and communities power and makes them prosperous

if you read history there are examples of communities that have prospered despite being oppressed whether its jews in europe or black people in black wall street

in other words black people imo should not be fighting to end racism or "economic oppression", black people should be fighting for education and that can be done by creating a strong academic culture and academic tradition

in the modern world the main determinant of prosperity is education, any community that focuses on education will prosper regardless of any oppression, any community that doesnt will falter, its that simple


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
BTW here is a good rundown of bidens record on drug war Obama's Biden Pick Signals 'More of the Same' Stupid Drug Policies | Alternet

and here is the 1994 crime bill that was "originally written by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton."

Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

im just saying, if you fuks think the prison industrial complex is such a singular fundamental issue how do any of you fuks sleep at night supporting democrats like clinton and biden and why do you go around calling people that dont support people like biden and clinton sellouts? we all know yall will be out with the poms poms in 2016

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
Ok but how does a high level of education equate to community prospering when they do face the very real issues of institutionalized racism and economic oppression ?

Not saying that a academic tradition is not important it is neither, its very important.


Especially when there are hundred of stats that show a white high school drop out is more likely to get hired over a black person with a college degree. The black community problem is more than an education problem. It's a economic oppression problem.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012

Especially when there are hundred of stats that show a white high school drop out is more likely to get hired over a black person with a college degree. The black community problem is more than an education problem. It's a economic oppression problem.

That problem is after the fact, the question is why does a black person have to go to a white person to get a job in the first place

I'm for all ending racism and job discrimination and so called economic oppression i just strongly disagree that that is the fundamental problem

The thing is even if you do get a job, that wouldn't mean economic prosperity for black people, because that isn't a determinant factor, the determinant factor is education

Over the long term a black high school dropout or a barely literate black person is a bigger threat to black prosperity than a racist white person

The solution is not to get white people to hire black people the solution is for us to create our own economies and out own jobs and to do that you need an educated community

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
That problem is after the fact, the question is why does a black person have to go to a white person to get a job in the first place

I'm for all ending racism and job discrimination and so called economic oppression i just strongly disagree that that is the fundamental problem

The thing is even if you do get a job, that wouldn't mean economic prosperity for black people, because that isn't a determinant factor, the determinant factor is education

Over the long term a black high school dropout or a barely literate black person is a bigger threat to black prosperity than a racist white person

The solution is not to get white people to hire black people the solution is for us to create our own economies and out own jobs and to do that you need an educated community

You don't think equally qualified black people being passed over on the basis of race is a problem with addressing?

Sent from handheld Minority Report console


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
You don't think equally qualified black people being passed over on the basis of race is a problem with addressing?

Sent from handheld Minority Report console

I don't think black people being passed over for a job in a white company is the fundemental factor, I think the fundemantal factor that determines the level of prosperity is the level of education of the overall community

I think the legacy of the civil rights movement which opened up doors for a lot of black people and having a black president is evidence that black people getting hired is not a real solution, it's a marginal solution


Apr 30, 2012
Ok but how does a high level of education equate to community prospering when they do face the very real issues of institutionalized racism and economic oppression ?

Not saying that a academic tradition is not important it is neither, its very important.

What he's getting at is that with a proper focus on the value of education, and with those motivations being promoted by a community and one's support system, one can succeed despite these obstacles. He's not saying they're not there. The problem with these discussions is it is always just balance and where one places most of the blame and where does one focus the resources. Both are equally important. TWISM's point is that the social and legislative solution is unlikely to arise in a system that is based upon and perpetuated by white hegemony in nearly all aspects of society, either intentionally or as a result of generations. I don't see him saying to abandon attempts to make structural changes, but that he believes a cultural awakening is more likely to bring about change than waiting around for the government to make African-Americans issues a priority because that is what it is viewed as. The issues of latino and african-americans communities as opposed to some generalized "poor" no matter how we try to frame it that way. The right-wing campaign has officially made it a racial issue and that is why such programs are viewed negatively and score high on the racial resentment scale.

He's saying that changes will occur when African-Americans (and other poor people) decide to act as a unified mass in pursuit of those objectives instead of part of any democratic party apparatus or supposedly progressive universal camapaign. I don't know if he's right, but it's worth considering.

But most importantly, AAs of more affluent backgrounds perform better academically than their impoverished peers but still do not succeed to the same extent as people of color from third world backgrounds in comparable situations, or others in general. That is (among other things) because what is authentically "black" in the African-American community has been defined by those at the bottom and that is the reference point. Which is why you have black kids from the suburbs trying to act like hood cats or these varying definitions of "blackness." (for brevity's sake) All that lends credence to his point and when people of color from other countries show up to the US and move up the social ladder in a generation because of their cultural dynamics (sure it is their culture's best, but still).

It leads credence to the point that with the proper vision that AAs can succeed in spite of the odds if they take hold, and given the history of the United States, it may very well require that sort of excellence as opposed to waiting for a legislative solution that probably won't come until AAs are in greater lobbying position or are writing the laws themselves. His suggestion may actually be the more feasible suggestion (in the sense that it can be started now) at this very moment. Though, structural changes are certainly necessary and perpetuate the situation.

That's my two cents @Serious, now stop bringing me into these threads :russ:
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TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
I don't think black people being passed over for a job in a white company is the fundemental factor
Who said it was?

Lets put things back in the context of the thread

The biggest impediments to black progress, IMO, are the counterproductive elements within our culture. To a large degree I agree with you on that. However, Obama has no control over that. He can't write a law into place to make black people take education more seriously. However, there are also external factors which hurt us. Obama has control over that. Obama can make drug laws & the court system more fair. Obama can counter hiring + workplace discrimination. Obama can push for a more equitable distribution of educational resources.

So Obama can't wake people up and get people to do the right thing, but he can at least address the inequities in the system he is in charge of, and then let us do the rest. But so far he hasn't held up his end of his bargain.

Like everything it's holistic... and its tiring to discuss topics with people who only focus on the aspects of problems that are convenient to their biases/agendas.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Who said it was?

Lets put things back in the context of the thread

The biggest impediments to black progress, IMO, are the counterproductive elements within our culture. To a large degree I agree with you on that. However, Obama has no control over that. He can't write a law into place to make black people take education more seriously. However, there are also external factors which hurt us. Obama has control over that. Obama can make drug laws & the court system more fair. Obama can counter hiring + workplace discrimination. Obama can push for a more equitable distribution of educational resources.

So Obama can't wake people up and get people to do the right thing, but he can at least address the inequities in the system he is in charge of, and then let us do the rest. But so far he hasn't held up his end of his bargain.

Like everything it's holistic... and its tiring to discuss topics with people who only focus on the aspects of problems that are convenient to their biases/agendas.

Well I actually give Obama a B on education, I think a lot his initiatives are good, my main beef is that he doesn't support vouchers, as far as drug laws he has done something's and I'm not aware of holder slacking on his job as far as civil rights laws enforcement

And again if y'all are so serious about the PIC, It would behoove you to reconsider your support for the major players in the democratic party becuase they are the ones that wrote those laws

As far as Obama not effecting culture I think that's bs, I think Obama can effect culture and I think he needs to do more of these meetings of telling black people to buck up, in fact I've always said the main reason I support Obama is becuase he is black and because of the cultural and psychological impact of him being president

But I simply strongly disagree that the implementation of what is essentially leftist mumbo jumbo is the key to black prosperity, the leading indicator and main engine of black prosperity is education and the cultures and attitudes toward education, everything else is secondary, that is something I got from reading world history and its especially significant in he modern world

And looking at the black race in terms of geopolitics and world history is the proper prism to analyze those things, the prism or paradigm of looking at black people as victims of racism and economic oppression is a limited paradigm that will yield limited results, it's not a paradigm that is based on putting black people on top, it's a paradigm that will leave the same racial hierarchy but with black people marginally better off

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Well I actually give Obama a B on education, I think a lot his initiatives are good, my main beef is that he doesn't support vouchers, as far as drug laws he has done something's and I'm not aware of holder slacking on his job as far as civil rights laws enforcement

And again if y'all are so serious about the PIC, It would behoove you to reconsider your support for the major players in the democratic party becuase they are the ones that wrote those laws

As far as Obama not effecting culture I think that's bs, I think Obama can effect culture and I think he needs to do more of these meetings of telling black people to buck up, in fact I've always said the main reason I support Obama is becuase he is black and because of the cultural and psychological impact of him being president

But I simply strongly disagree that the implementation of what is essentially leftist mumbo jumbo is the key to black prosperity, the leading indicator and main engine of black prosperity is education and the cultures and attitudes toward education, everything else is secondary, that is something I got from reading world history and its especially significant in he modern world

And looking at the black race in terms of geopolitics and world history is the proper prism to analyze those things, the prism or paradigm of looking at black people as victims of racism and economic oppression is a limited paradigm that will yield limited results, it's not a paradigm that is based on putting black people on top, it's a paradigm that will leave the same racial hierarchy but with black people marginally better off
Nobody said anything about the left way being the only way. If Obama has made any initiatives on education or PIC, to me it doesn't matter because he hasn't made any inroads on the aspects that matter. Resources are still distributed inequitably, the justice system is still two-tiered, yadda yadda. And it was the same under the GOP's presidential administrations. The most egregious part with Obama though is he from where these systematic issues affect people the most, and hasn't done shyt to fix them.

You keep looking at things through this very narrow lens of your 2-3 talking points... you're way off base


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Nobody said anything about the left way being the only way. If Obama has made any initiatives on education or PIC, to me it doesn't matter because he hasn't made any inroads on the aspects that matter. Resources are still distributed inequitably, the justice system is still two-tiered, yadda yadda. And it was the same under the GOP's presidential administrations. The most egregious part with Obama though is he from where these systematic issues affect people the most, and hasn't done shyt to fix them.

You keep looking at things through this very narrow lens of your 2-3 talking points... you're way off base

Yeah but the leftist notion that black people are the victims of economic oppression and racism is the one that is being repeated over and over against and that the key is to remove these structural causes

You are just repeating the same mantra about structural causes, and again for the millionth time I don't think those structural causes are fundemantal, I have no problem with removing structural barriers but I believe removing these barriers will have marginal effects becuase they are not the fundemantal problem the fundemantal problem is the lack of a strong academic tradition in the black community