Obama Ties Broken Families To Gun Violence In Emotional Chicago Speech


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Did you read your first link?

O on healthcare

Safety Net

nikkas need jobs!!!!!

Housing crisis, same story... O's moves came up short, and to boot, have benefitted banks and mortgage lenders more than homeowners. This is where we got hit the hardest in wealth because our homes are (were) all we have (had). Education, more criticisms in the article. It seems like you just did a Google search and posted whatever came up w/o reading it

Saying that some of the policies are flawed is not the same as saying "Obama has done nothing for black folks". Yes some of the programs could be stronger, but you and I both know there was no way in hell he would have gotten the single payer system through congress. So should he have just done nothing? Same with the bailout, yes it helped corporations more than poor people, but he needed that support to get it passed and most of the bailout plan was in place well before Obama took office.

And yes nikkas need jobs but there is no "give nikkas jobs" button Obama can press. The best he can do is try to bolster education and economic opportunity which he's done

I said it pretty early on... I feel like Obama should have directly addressed

Those are problems unique to us that I feel are worth addressing :yeshrug:

What could the federal goverment do to make people quit being racist? And didn't obama address some of the drug sentencing disparities? Granted there is much more to be done, but he's done more than any president before him. And I think he deserves credit for that.


May 1, 2012
In the post you quoted I not only acknowledged the existence of racism in Hollywood but cited an example :yeshrug:

But I brought up Tyler Perry to say that for whatever reason when given the choice we support the lowest of the low. Its a transcendental theme, from the most popular rappers, to Tyler Perry's movies, to the unbridled support of the likes of Eddie Long... over the last 10-20 years we have not only had a glut of leadership, but an appetite for fukkery
So what/who is the alternative choice to Tyler Perry? A big part of the reason that Tyler has become so successful is that he's the only black person in Hollywood who's making movies on a regular basis. I'm not a Tyler fan either but you're off base trying to use the support that he gets from some blacks to make your "we make bad decisions" point. The problem isn't with Tyler Perry, the problem is that he's the only black voice that we get to hear out of Hollywood. Again, the answer to that problem in my opinion is unity. Blacks supporting Perry isn't a bad thing. Some of the criticism of him and some of his movies/projects are valid, but the positive of him being successful at doing everything for himself despite the racism in Hollywood outweighs the valid criticisms IMO. He has his own production studio and complete ownership of his movies, you have to respect that.

Because its a deflection of the root cause of a lot of our woes... bad decision making. What is the argument for economic segregation, when you consider that if we had the tools to play in corporate America we could easily use it to our advantage? I agree that we should have more black enterprise, but at the same time corporate America is an easy tool to use to gain wealth. We shouldn't be passing up avenues to build capital for no reason
I don't understand you here. Why do you think that economic segregation would stop the black community from being players in corporate Amerikkka? My point is that Amerikkkan blacks are one of the biggest consumer groups in the world. We spend more money buying shyt than most countries and 9 out of 10 times we are spending our money outside of our communities. I'm saying that we should start making a conscious effort to recycle that money in our own black communities instead of spending it with other communities. I'm not advocating that we pass up avenues to build capital in any way shape or form.

Like I said to TWISM institutional racism is real and is a problem; where I disagree with you is that it is the driver of a lot of the bad decisions we make. That is where the intersection of your philosophy and this idea of the abandonment of personal responsibility happen in my mind. How is white supremacy forcing black people to do some of the stupid shyt we do?

As far as what I think the cause is, I think it is just a perpetuation of certain aspects of the culture of poverty, not of black people. Poor white people engage in all the ratchet fukkery mainstream America associates with black people. The reason it is more widespread with black people is largely because we are collectively poorer than the rest of the country, and so all the things associated with poverty come with that. Someone who came up poor is less likely to have kids that end up middle class, and someone who came up poor is more likely to get caught up in some bullshyt. That doesn't make them "inferior" or whatever eugenic bullshyt you are trying to goad me into cosigning. Does the system contribute to it? Sure, but at the end of the day when I wake up in the morning I have way more control over what I do than what the system does. Obama is supposed to be our conduit/representative within the system, and to that end he has failed. But like I told TWISM 100 times, I never suggested that dude was our only hope for change, far from it.
I understand that you think that bad decision making is the root cause of the problems in our community, but what do you think causes many within our community to be bad decision makers? Is it the break down of the black family structure where you currently see over 70% of black kids being born to single mothers? How do you address the break down of the black family structure without talking about the insitutionalized racism within the justice system? You're not seeing the big picture here. You talk about poverty but institutional white supremacy is the biggest factor in the disparity of poverty levels regarding whites and blacks. It also should go without saying that whites living in poverty still have it a lot better than blacks living in poverty. Even is you're poor and white, you don't have to deal with institutional racism. I wouldn't say that white supremacy "forces" blacks to be ignorant and self destructive, I would say that it "conditions" us to be ignorant and self destructive. I've brought up the "doll test" more than once and you've done nothing but ignore. Well the doll test proves what I'm saying. It illustrates how our society conditions people to associate dark skin with being "bad" and light skin with being "good". Racism is ingrained in every aspect of our society and there's really no getting around that even though you desperately want to. I'm not trying to goad you into cosigning anything, I'm just trying to be clear.


May 1, 2012
Did you read your first link?

O on healthcare

Safety Net

nikkas need jobs!!!!!

Housing crisis, same story... O's moves came up short, and to boot, have benefitted banks and mortgage lenders more than homeowners. This is where we got hit the hardest in wealth because our homes are (were) all we have (had). Education, more criticisms in the article. It seems like you just did a Google search and posted whatever came up w/o reading it

I said it pretty early on... I feel like Obama should have directly addressed

Those are problems unique to us that I feel are worth addressing :yeshrug:

What could Obama do to stop racial profiling? :wtf: He already took a step in reducing the sentences for crack sentences which was something connected to profiling but if you think he can do anything to stop it at a federal level then you believe in unicorns.


Aug 12, 2012
What could Obama do to stop racial profiling? :wtf: He already took a step in reducing the sentences for crack sentences which was something connected to profiling but if you think he can do anything to stop it at a federal level then you believe in unicorns.

I look at the whole "40,000 climate change rally outside the Capitol building" recently and I just shake my head......

Everyone else is getting out fighting about these issues and one of the main things dudes in here is talking about is prison reform and marijuana legalization(which i agree with by the way).....but its the only group that will sit around and get pissed at Obama.......

This(the drug war and prison reform) is the biggest issue of the past 2 decades even bigger than climate change and you mean to tell me these dudes on here quoting Shyne with comments like the "President is only black around election time" and criticize him for things they aint even fighting for .

It reminds me of LBJ telling MLK after being pushed something to the effect of "Okay you keep on doing what your doing and I will make sure to act".

You mean to tell me you dudes can't get outside the capitol building the same way? Or are we gonna get a "there is no point in doing that because they wont do anything" mindset that we seem to have that other groups dont.

I mean every time on one of these petition websites, they keep stopping at some pathetic laughable number like "503 signatures", basically give up and then get back online shytting on Obama for everything every second.

I mean stop racial profiling? What do you expect Obama to do?

As expected I saw no comments about the plan to expand pre-K for 200% of the poverty line and saw the same predictable ass comments about how raising the minimum wage would increase unemployment when that did not happen in the late 90s when we increased it.

Dudes in here will just find everything to criticize Obama about.

Certain dudes in here are seriously reminding me of Oswald Bates with "Certain" comments they make.



May 1, 2012
I look at the whole "40,000 climate change rally outside the Capitol building" recently and I just shake my head......

Everyone else is getting out fighting about these issues and one of the main things dudes in here is talking about is prison reform and marijuana legalization(which i agree with by the way).....but its the only group that will sit around and get pissed at Obama.......

This(the drug war and prison reform) is the biggest issue of the past 2 decades even bigger than climate change and you mean to tell me these dudes on here quoting Shyne with comments like the "President is only black around election time" and criticize him for things they aint even fighting for .

It reminds me of LBJ telling MLK after being pushed something to the effect of "Okay you keep on doing what your doing and I will make sure to act".

You mean to tell me you dudes can't get outside the capitol building the same way? Or are we gonna get a "there is no point in doing that because they wont do anything" mindset that we seem to have that other groups dont.

I mean every time on one of these petition websites, they keep stopping at some pathetic laughable number like "503 signatures", basically give up and then get back online shytting on Obama for everything every second.

I mean stop racial profiling? What do you expect Obama to do?

As expected I saw no comments about the plan to expand pre-K for 200% of the poverty line and saw the same predictable ass comments about how raising the minimum wage would increase unemployment when that did not happen in the late 90s when we increased it.

Dudes in here will just find everything to criticize Obama about.

Certain dudes in here are seriously reminding me of Oswald Bates with "Certain" comments they make.

Oswald Bates Keep your butt in school www keepvid com - YouTube
They want Obama to march himself in the streets for change while they sit online and criticize everything he does. Funny you don't see threads about the Congressional Black Caucus who actually can write some bills.


Aug 12, 2012
They want Obama to march himself in the streets for change while they sit online and criticize everything he does. Funny you don't see threads about the Congressional Black Caucus who actually can write some bills.

You see the petition in my sig? That and the Violence Against women act are big issues. I guarantee if you bring up the thousands and thousands and thousands of signatures issues like that are getting, folks in here will bring up something about hwo those are different cases....

They don't even try.....

I don't have the quote right now but i thinkk sometime in December 2 months ago Obama had some short quote/interview about possible action towards prison reform.........and predictably it was not big news on alot of websites........

Now if the second after making such a comment on making some action towards prison reform and seeing that the same people who criticize him do not talk about it or realize he said it.........Do we really expect him to magically insert it into his inauguration speech 2 to 3 weeks later?

I would bet any amount of money that if any person on the Coli met President Obama in person and had a chance to talk to him quick they would not even mention prison reform or any of the things they talk about on here that they want him to take action on.

I mean look how easy this is :

Signon.org ...... You organize a simple petition and promote it on here, Facebook, comments section of news websites, Youtube,etc and you get people to respond.....

Days after I had the link to the petition to minimum wage in my sig and made some threads/comments on here about it.......he mentioned it in his SOTU speech when everyone said that was the last thing they expected him to talk about.

By the way before someone puts words in my mouth I am not saying he mentioned it because of me. I am just giving an example of how you can work with promoting something popular even if your only one person....

Nobody is asking us to write up 4 page essays when putting up these petitions or even better yet protesting by D.C.