Nochilljones aka NoheartJones exposes himself as a punk

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
Funny how we skip the whole step of Black people becoming self sufficient and create product to trade with the rest of the globe.

We're pretty huge in entertainment - some of us - so that would be a smart place to start.

Build some stadiums, streaming sites, movie studios. Make the athletic wear, concessions, Blue Ray Discs, mobile apps.

Make it ourselves and sell it to the rest of the globe. Exactly how it is now except we own it all and we make all the goods right here.

Once we do that, the rest is academic. You will have to make agreements with other groups you will have to have a security force to protect your assets. You will have treaties and alliances and cold wars and espionage.

So the form that an agreement with .. lono .. Mexico would take would be something like

"we agree to play the World Basketball Championship in Mexico City in 2030 and Mexico will send us all their finest Afro Latinas back after the game"

(<<alert<< these are not literally the types of agreements. That was an attempt at humor).

Some people think we'll just grow into prosperity one family at a time and some seem to think there will be a climax after which we'll conquer the world militarily.

Conquer the world? Not so much. More like find your square and be able to hold that shyt. Even badgers and spiders and geese can find a spot on the map and hold that shyt. So that's us. We just need to burrow in somewhere where there's only one small entry and when someone sticks they paw in the entry, they draw back a nub.

Enough cats walking around on a nub.. then the other cats start being careful where they stick they paws.


Jan 1, 2018
I think people would respect you more if you stopped giving out advice under the premise that you're 1 of us. You clearly not black breh.
You probably some Pakistani who champions the cause of the "Brown man" and says nikka with your paki friends cause "we're minorities too"


Feb 2, 2016
I think people would respect you more if you stopped giving out advice under the premise that you're 1 of us. You clearly not black breh.
You probably some Pakistani who champions the cause of the "Brown man" and says nikka with your paki friends cause "we're minorities too"

Okay, ban bet then nikka. Since you know so much about "black" dialect, bet that If I prove to your retarded ass my skin color you get banned. Bet that will shut down your bullshyt real quick wont it?

Now should I use my hand or my dikk......let me know your preference.......:usure:


Mar 18, 2017
That one I am not really sure on, and I am never one to state I have all the answers. But I do believe that that bridge is one of the keys to black success in America

Black and brown unity is a myth, breh. When you think about it, what’s really the point of uniting? Black people got our own problems to deal with and so the spics.

You don’t think trying to intersect the two and come together as one is just going to dilute the problems in the Black community that WE need to be focused on?

Spics are not our allies. They don’t have a history of standing by our side. A lot of other minorities want to unite with Black ppl under the guise of coming in and getting the things we fought hard for and unfortunately, we let them in most times. When does it stop tho?


Feb 2, 2016
Black and brown unity is a myth, breh. When you think about it, what’s really the point of uniting? Black people got our own problems to deal with and so the spics.

You don’t think trying to intersect the two and come together as one is just going to dilute the problems in the Black community that WE need to be focused on?

Spics are not our allies. They don’t have a history of standing by our side. A lot of other minorities want to unite with Black ppl under the guise of coming in and getting the things we fought hard for and unfortunately, we let them in most times. When does it stop tho?

You nikkas keep talking history, I am talking future. You've gotten it in your mind that the enemy is Mexicans.......when the enemy is and will ALWAYS be white supremacy, for now until always. Around the world not just in America. He rules the Kingdom(America) will rule the world. Blacks need to get our piece of this kingdom, and that starts with destroying white supremacy.......not upholding it, not eliminating the biggest allie that is out there on some jealousy they not better then us shyt.

We need a political voice in America....and whitey ain't go give it to us. Not to say Hispanics will, but goddammit we have more in common then any other race in this country