"Nobody wants their MTV. What's behind Viacom's alarming ratings collapse?"


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Black Podcasts >>>>>>>>

I need some new (good) podcasts in my life...share with the classroom, fam.

1. My favorite Black podcast is probably @NV-ME, @Basaglia, & @KBadd's podcast: http://www.thecoli.com/threads/fiyastarter-podcast-thread.188373/

2. I also regularly listen to @rodimusprime's podcast: http://www.theblackguywhotips.com/

3. I also listen to Hip-Hop/Music podcast "Where's my 40 Acres", which is also from a former SOHH poster: http://www.thetearsoforphans.com/

4. I listen to the Movie & TV audio reviews AND the Insanity Check podcast from Movie Trailer Reviews: http://www.movietrailerreviews.net/


All Star
Jul 15, 2012
Cause BET they dont give a fukk about it and will throw anything on it .MTV used to be the place to go see the best in music videos and some damn shows now they got all those bullshyt shows on like teen wolf and scream (White people).

Bruce LeRoy

All Star
May 26, 2012
MTV having sh-tty viewership has little to nothing to do with them not playing videos anymore and everything to do with them constantly trying to cater to a younger audience. The audience that was watching them in the 90's, isn't watching them now because folks hitting their late 20's early 30's arn't trying to watch no tween/teeny bopper shyt.... and that's mostly all they show these days. You can't alienate your core audience then wonder why no one is watching you today...

HBO has managed to pull in a record number of viewers for their shows because they are constantly trying and putting different types of shyt out there for a wide audeince....


May 1, 2012
:mjcry: Not only did they stop airing music videos, they stopped airing music-related programming.
Kurt Loder and Ananda (Teen Summit's GAWDESS), made the cypher complete:myman:

...remembers, their Dance show playing House records:dj2: that made everyBODY go HAM:stylin: And, don't get me started on the GOATS: Rock-n-Jock Basketball/Baseball:mjcry:

That's my Childhood:to:
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Apollo Kid

May 28, 2012
The Boom Bap Era
MTV having sh-tty viewership has little to nothing to do with them not playing videos anymore and everything to do with them constantly trying to cater to a younger audience. The audience that was watching them in the 90's, isn't watching them now because folks hitting their late 20's early 30's arn't trying to watch no tween/teeny bopper shyt.... and that's mostly all they show these days. You can't alienate your core audience then wonder why no one is watching you today...

HBO has managed to pull in a record number of viewers for their shows because they are constantly trying and putting different types of shyt out there for a wide audeince....

Portlandia pretty much made that point

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Yeah they were..the programming was already on the downside. Teen summit and Rap city were the one really good things they had going..outside of the gospel stuff that they do and still do but everything else was already appealing to lowest common denominator. Matter of fact, the father of one of my homie's would talk to us about BET's fallen promise, and how even back when it started, Bob Johnson never quite fulfilled what he said it was supposed to be and it rubbed him and people he knew of his generation in the wrong way. So when they sold it to Viacom, they shed no tears and knew something like that would eventually happen because that's who Bob Johnson was to them and what he represented. So for a certain generation of people, it's never been a great network and in my eyes, they were going the wrong way before he sold and Viacom just pushed it

That's actually true, I remember when they fired Tavis Smiley and all hell broke loose because he was the only one covering Black issues. Bob Johnson had to do that uncomfortable ass sit down with Ed Gordon to try to smooth things over.

Overall, they started going down the drain just like MTV did around the time Puffy and Jay blew up.

MTV used to have good reality shows when they were based in reality. Over the years they focus tested the shyt out of Real World to the point where you know the exact type of cast they will have every year. You no longer get a good mix of everyday people living together, its all young guppies looking to make friends and have an "experience". Plus why did they get rid of Rock and Jock and Spring Break?

Now, THIS is a good answer. A lot of MTV's culture was in stuff like "Spring Break" and Rock N Jock, but since they don't have VJs because they don't play videos, there's no more cool, hip people on the channel to build a channel around.

They used to have Bill Bellamy, Idalis, Daisy Fuentes, Dan Cortese, etc. .

They weren't just people to play videos, they were people to build the channel around and were often more interesting than the people they were interviewing.

They were a lifestyle channel with "House of Style" and "Yo MTV Raps". It wasn't JUST about the music, but the things AROUND the music that made MTV great.

People say no one would watch MTV if they still played music videos. Sometimes I like having some music playing in the background on the TV without going on the net looking for specific songs. Im sure many others feel the same. On the other hand I havent even put the channel on in years since they started the reality TV bullshyt. Thats just me tho :yeshrug:


Hope that homo dies. Hope MTV dies

Perfect answer

Would anybody really watch MTV if they still played videos though? It's 2015. We have smartphones and tablets for that. And if they did play videos, we'd be complaining about which artists they used because most of us aren't in their demographic anyway, so not much would appeal to us.

It's undeniable that music videos are still a huge thing though. Just look at YouTube and the millions (and millions) of hits artists get there. It's just that no one wants to sit down and let a program or network dictate to them what video to watch and when. If you want to discover or hear good music, you have to search it out on your own. TV and radio aren't going to supply it for you. So even if you had the "old MTV" back, it would be a huge flop, IMO.

I'd watch. It's not about being in the demographic. MTV in it's prime didn't just play stuff for a demographic. They played everything. They did an Unplugged with Tony Bennett for chrissakes. They played Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones, U2, Rod Stewart, Tina Turner, and tons of people that weren't teeny boppers.

The thing that made MTV great was that it brought different "demographics" together, so you could have NWA, Public Enemy, Run-DMC with Aerosmith, Tom Petty, Guns N Roses and groups that were nothing alike.

Also, what people don't get about MTV, is also what they don't get about radio. Those things are SUPPOSED to introduce you to stuff you would not look up on YouTube.

I would've never gotten into Nirvana or Pearl Jam or Chemical Brothers or something without MTV, because I would've never been exposed to it. I wouldn't go looking for that shyt if I hadn't been forced to. Radio worked the same way. Radio introduces you to people you wouldn't seek out.

The problem is that the large companies got too good ad buying up radio/MTV and forcing crap down people's throats instead of letting people get over organically and started turning people off.

Also, the problem with the whole "You can watch ___________ on YouTube/phone/etc." is that the stuff that they replaced videos with on MTV is also stuff you can watch on the internet.

There's nothing on Rob Dyrdek's 105 shows on MTV that you can't watch on the internet.

One last note, I can't believe this is a @Napoleon thread. This is actually an interesting thread instead of just pushing his fakkit ass atheism down everybody's throat

Good job, buddy.


May 6, 2015
The problem with the networks is their programming isn't innovative nor oriented to the average music listener, but dumbed-down to the lowest common denominator. Uptown: Unplugged, TRL, The Roots and Jay-Z, Eric Clapton, Blackstreet Live, Alicia Keys Unplugged just to name a few. The entertainment industry in general is going through some strange times as we dive further into the digital realm where the big brother label or executives aren't really needed as artists and other entities are growing successful (ie Netflix, independent recording artists) without their aid.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
When you have a channel called Music Television (or MTV) and show garbage like Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2, Catfish, Teen Mom 3 and etc then you know you are fukking up. On another note MTV also fukked up by not making a Rob & Big: The Movie film
yea that is what turnedme off, the reality shows were always about pushing some agenda or highligting people tha dont need to be famous... They went from informational shows like true life i am (insert however this persons life wasnt "normal") to true life I am a tranny or am 15 and pregant or 16 and spoiled and dont give a fukk.. Orange county type shows started them on the path of no return.. And for everyone saying they dont show mousic anymore cause of streaming, if I can remember cirrect, they killed off all of tneir music shows in the early 2000's before streaming became popular...

as for nick and spike... well nick had a great run, its just a saturated market now, but spike has identity issues due to them rebooting the channel every 5 years but somehow keeping replays of cops running all day, like why do people watch that shyt?

and its a crime that one of these channels havent picked up summer Jam yet, I know people dont think that show is relevant to anyone outside of the east coast, but it sells out stadiums every year... MTV/Bet could have been that channel that put it over , but nope they choose to act like it doesnt exist and to keep pushing the bullshyt that people dont want to hear music on tv... Record sales tanked becaue the industry couldnt keep up with the way people like to purchase music, not because they arent interested
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I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
That's actually true, I remember when they fired Tavis Smiley and all hell broke loose because he was the only one covering Black issues. Bob Johnson had to do that uncomfortable ass sit down with Ed Gordon to try to smooth things over.

Overall, they started going down the drain just like MTV did around the time Puffy and Jay blew up.

Now, THIS is a good answer. A lot of MTV's culture was in stuff like "Spring Break" and Rock N Jock, but since they don't have VJs because they don't play videos, there's no more cool, hip people on the channel to build a channel around.

They used to have Bill Bellamy, Idalis, Daisy Fuentes, Dan Cortese, etc. .

They weren't just people to play videos, they were people to build the channel around and were often more interesting than the people they were interviewing.

They were a lifestyle channel with "House of Style" and "Yo MTV Raps". It wasn't JUST about the music, but the things AROUND the music that made MTV great.


Perfect answer

I'd watch. It's not about being in the demographic. MTV in it's prime didn't just play stuff for a demographic. They played everything. They did an Unplugged with Tony Bennett for chrissakes. They played Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones, U2, Rod Stewart, Tina Turner, and tons of people that weren't teeny boppers.

The thing that made MTV great was that it brought different "demographics" together, so you could have NWA, Public Enemy, Run-DMC with Aerosmith, Tom Petty, Guns N Roses and groups that were nothing alike.

Also, what people don't get about MTV, is also what they don't get about radio. Those things are SUPPOSED to introduce you to stuff you would not look up on YouTube.

I would've never gotten into Nirvana or Pearl Jam or Chemical Brothers or something without MTV, because I would've never been exposed to it. I wouldn't go looking for that shyt if I hadn't been forced to. Radio worked the same way. Radio introduces you to people you wouldn't seek out.

The problem is that the large companies got too good ad buying up radio/MTV and forcing crap down people's throats instead of letting people get over organically and started turning people off.

Also, the problem with the whole "You can watch ___________ on YouTube/phone/etc." is that the stuff that they replaced videos with on MTV is also stuff you can watch on the internet.

There's nothing on Rob Dyrdek's 105 shows on MTV that you can't watch on the internet.

One last note, I can't believe this is a @Napoleon thread. This is actually an interesting thread instead of just pushing his fakkit ass atheism down everybody's throat

Good job, buddy.
EXACTLY!!!!!!! The "you have to search for good artist" or "good music is horrible to me cause, honestly... I just dont have time for that shyt, most people dont, there is nothing worse than hearing a whack artist, I need them "A&R" or record execs to do their job and sift through the bs for me.. Shows like American Idol and xfactor or whatever dont show you the terrible shyt they have to sit through unless its funny for a reason..

And YES the radio sucks fukking horrible, but I can remember a time when it didnt, when the hottest DJ's in the city or area wernt afraid to break new songs, or should I say were allowed to. The Music Industry became too much of a business and we suffered from it, now even though it took a while the lazy execs that allowed this to happen are feeling the burn... Getting over organicaly will ALWAYS be the best method, Making superstars, will always be more profitable than these fast food one and a half hit wonders or formularic reality shows...

I hope this company falls, just so people can see the mistakes they made and build someting better.. I hope all those dudes are forced to quit or retire and let some new younger people get back incontrol, someone that actually likes the music they used to play