1. Umar has said the black race has all flavors, including light-brights, so they are on the table.
2. Who cares? Black men should accept and outright embrace being the villain and hated by even their own since all too many people within the community will hate you anyways. They'll hate you for being anything other than their slave so who cares what they think.
The victim complex is so embarrassing.
Why can’t we talk about it? Why are you so defensive? What is the problem with having these discussions?
Y’all always talking about some “who cares” “do what you want” “they gone hate anyway” just shamelessly boring, depth-less, zero desire to analyze or critique anything beyond rudimentary standards, zero desire to interrogate pathological behaviors, just vibes for y’all. I don’t understand men who have no desire to be men, lead, take charge, and interrogate behaviors that affect their community. It’s bizarre to feel no inclination to critique. Where’s the self reflection? Community reflection? Where is the depth ANYWHERE? I mean what do y’all ever care about?
This man said his black american mother was mixed race and lied to our faces to justify impregnating 17 latinas. Sorry but I have QUESTIONS. Why would he lie on his own mama to defend himself?
This shyt is not normal y’all. It is not. But y’all don’t like conversations. Everything is “who cares”. Y’all gone “who cares” yourselves to extinction and dysfunction.