Newly crowned c00n 50 cent: Justin Bieber isn't racist, he's just a baby

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
I have no problem believing that Justin Beiber wouldn't have problems being friends with a black person :yeshrug:
I have no problem believing that Justin Beiber wouldn't help a black guy who he knows out or help an old black lady across the street :yeshrug:

I have no problem believing that Justin Beiber wouldn't be able to consistently party with black people without having negative thoughts or about them or ever go home and rant about the ******s he's seen today:yeshrug:
I have no problem believing that Justin Beiber doesn't support racial discrimination or slavery:yeshrug:
I have no problem that he wouldn't have a problem working under a black person:yeshrug:

I also have no problem believing that he thinks that America is a post racial society and that black people are a bunch of whiners and whites are the real people being discriminated and can't comprehend the difference between ****** and cracker and would treat any black person he knows as a token and ask to touch their hair or constantly bring up the color of their skin as a joke or that he's threatened by BBC or reinforces stereotypes in the form of jokes laced with what he believes to be truth :yeshrug:


Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Has any high profile black person blasted Bieber for this?

Seems like everyone was to forgive him

Lupe Fiasco is the only famous black man to stand up for his people. You guys can call him corny, but he has my respect for this :salute:.

"There was such an uproar about someone who didn't use the N-word at all,"

“Donald Sterling, did he say the N-word? Justin Bieber said it, but it’s cool?” said Lupe when asked about whether people should be offended by Bieber’s remarks.

“There’s already people coming to his defense. I just did an interview with Fox Sports and they brought up Donald Sterling in that capacity in sports. I just was like, I don’t think anybody should be profiting off racism. Donald Sterling made a billion dollars. You know, sold the team, and made a billion dollars. And then, you just have somebody who just made a very racist joke about it. I wonder if Justin Bieber is going to get the same treatment as Donald Sterling. I don’t think he will. It’s an absurd twist of fate. Absurd things. I guess that’s how that universe puts things out.
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Apr 16, 2013

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
I have no problem believing that Justin Beiber wouldn't have problems being friends with a black person :yeshrug:
I have no problem believing that Justin Beiber wouldn't help a black guy who he knows out or help an old black lady across the street :yeshrug:

I have no problem believing that Justin Beiber wouldn't be able to consistently party with black people without having negative thoughts or about them or ever go home and rant about the ******s he's seen today:yeshrug:
I have no problem believing that Justin Beiber doesn't support racial discrimination or slavery:yeshrug:
I have no problem that he wouldn't have a problem working under a black person:yeshrug:

I also have no problem believing that he thinks that America is a post racial society and that black people are a bunch of whiners and whites are the real people being discriminated and can't comprehend the difference between ****** and cracker and would treat any black person he knows as a token and ask to touch their hair or constantly bring up the color of their skin as a joke or that he's threatened by BBC or reinforces stereotypes in the form of jokes laced with what he believes to be truth :yeshrug:

I don't understand why anyone would feel the need to defend this fakkit ass white Canadian culture vulture. :mindblown: Like what do you get out of defending him?

The damn fakkit is from a town not too far away from Toronto, where artists like Drake, Kardinal Offishal, and even Main Source come from. This kid came out as a fukkin teenybopper and in order to shed that image, he decided to coopt black culture. Suddenly he started sagging his pants, getting covered in tattoos, acting more aggressive, which is something HE thought black culture entailed. The entire concept of coopting and culturally appropriation is racist. Look at the fukkin bigger picture here. He was put on by a black male, who decided to take a chance and sign some fakkit ass kid from youtube. I ain't taking these excuses about him not knowing any better. Really? A fukkin kid who was born in 1994? Who grew up in an era where information is readily available through the internet, smart phones, etc.

I don't understand why y'all go so hard to defend this b*stard, when nobody was coming in to cape for Trayvon Martin, who was the same damn age. The poor child (RIP) didn't even live to see his fukkin 18th birthday. And two years later his name is still being dragged through the mud. Put on trial for his own fukkin murder. He was a black kid living the lifestyle that Justin Bieber wanted to so badly live himself, without the consequences.

15 years old is old enough to know the difference between right and mothafukkin wrong man. This kid was making ****** jokes and having an evil white devil grin on his fukkin face.

Stop reducing racism to being friends with black people and the like, and stop being an idiot on purpose. You do realize he was making these jokes while he already had one album under his belt and was signed to USHER, A BLACK ARTIST?
