Newly crowned c00n 50 cent: Justin Bieber isn't racist, he's just a baby

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Calling another man a f*cking baby sounds f*cking gay! I'm 20 years old and I would smack the sh*t out of anyone that calls me a baby. Sh*t is emasculating. I don;t even allow my own mother or even grandmother to call me a baby. 50 Cent came off like a homo/pedo. Justin Bieber is a grown independent man. You become a legal adult once you reach 18. Forget c00ning this sounded gay...

Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
Black people so hypocrital man.

I'm far from a c00n but this goes way beyond bieber or sterling. I agree with 50. The only cringeworthy part of this is the fact that Bieber said these things while knowingly being recorded. Which imo shows you how young and dumb he was as a kid. We've all said racist ish, man if your employer were to pull up your coli account right now, 90% of you would be gone.

The real issue is that blacks will never succeed at anything because we are the most critical of our own race. The white man doesn't have to do anything, we'll destroy ourselves. I see it all day and it makes me sick.

Drake comes out with a new song, black people call him soft, gay, etc. Completely disregarding that this is a young successful brother who worked hard to get to where he is, regardless of social/economic standing. Like yo, stfu and support the man, have your opinion but support the dude as a young black man.

When michael jackson was alive, we didn't even wanna claim the nikka, now he's dead and he's everyones GOAT who meant so much to us. GTFO. I love my people man, but we are the worst. We encourage division, labels and dehumanizing each other for fun.

Hell I sat with my homies today, talking about females, every other word was hoe, thot, dark skinned, ugly, light skinned

You dig me? :mindblown:

Until we fix our problems as a culture, I can't be overly angered by a 15 year old white teen saying nikka and thinking its fun. Regardless of how demeaning it is. Nah, it's not cool, and no ppl should be defending JB. :whoa: