New York Squatter Gets The Homeowner Arrested For Changing Locks 😭😭😭😭

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Saw this story of a guy who made a business of squatting on the squatters.

Home owners contact him when they have a squatter they can’t get rid of. They have a fake lease, utilities on etc. the cops will not do anything. It’s a civil matter

What he does is gets a legit lease from the actual
Homeowner. Waits until the squatters leave the house then he moves in :mjlol: Puts all of their shyt out on the street. They come back and are of course outraged. He dares them to call the cops. Most don’t. They take the L and move on. The ones that do then have to show the cops their lease. He shows them his and also has the homeowner come up there with the deed

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I don't understand why squatters have any rights at all to begin with

They're supposed to be a check on landowners hoarding property and doing nothing with it, to encourage the productive use of land. In a society where some people own 100s or 1000s of times more assets than other people, sometimes due to nothing more than the situation they were born in, it's too easy for someone with lots of assets to buy up property they don't even need and then just leave it doing nothing while the poor have no place to live. This has been an American principle since the founding, and every state in the country has squatter's rights, red or blue. If you have a bunch of rich landowners buying up all the property in a city without doing anything with it, and the regular people have no place to live, then the city is screwed. Just look at what's happened with the property speculators in Detroit.

It's fascinating that the original justification for squatters rights is more true now than ever. Income inequality is at the highest rate in over 100 years. The racial wealth gap is higher than any time since slavery days. The housing crisis is major, it's never been so hard for a poor person to find a place to live. Housing speculators, both individuals and huge firms, buy up homes like crazy and then either let them sit vacant or just rent them out for a few weekends a year on an Air B&B plan, further exacerbating the housing crisis. You have all the exact ingredients that led to the laws being created in the first place.

But, unfortunately, bootlicking the rich is also at an all-time high, and we live in a society that automatically sees the rich as being more "worthy" than the poor and landowners as having more inherent rights than landless citizens. I don't think they should have arrested her, both because of the bad optics and because I don't think people should be arrested unless necessary (I'd be interested to know why the police chose to arrest in this particular case especially in front of the cameras, when they often find a different way to handle it). But our society really does need checks-and-balances to keep those with assets from hoarding everything while those without assets can't even afford a place to live. Regardless of whether the action was right in this particular case, what would you institute to replace squatter's rights and ensure the rich weren't just leaving homes vacant in places with housing shortages?

Personally for me, I think all residential properties where the owner does not live in the residence should be heavily taxed at a much higher rate than owner-occupied homes.
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Family Man

May 5, 2012
my husband and I are getting ready to renovate the entire Hollis Queens house and there are tenants on the top floor...we are getting ready for a battle b/c as soon as we notified them to vacate they are going to stop paying and squat.

we are getting an attorney to handle all of is recommended that you get a lawyer never do it yourself...any of the process.

because of this lady's story and many more there is bipartisanship on the bill introduced to define what is a "tenant" b/c on the current law there is no definition and is a loophole
I wish you guys all the best. I can't image somebody in my crib playing with me and not paying their rent. I used to live down the Ave from y'all in Queens Village and with the way those houses are set up you can hear them muthaphuckas upstairs above you carrying on while they live in your house rent free and tearing it up in the process.
Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
Laws are starting to change. GA is going to pass the Squatting Reform Act. It just passed the House.

Florida just approved a bill that was just sent to the governor that prosecutes squatters as felons if they cannot IMMEDIATELY prove permission/lease to the property.

These squatters are getting out of control.

And it's not like most landlords are wealthy.

People have homes that were passed down from their family members and these a$$holes squat in them for years.

Renters should be angry with squatters and not normal people renting their homes out.

That's why the rent is out of control and nobody wants to rent to just anyone anymore.