New York City In 2014


The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
most blue collar 9-5 working folks can afford to live in these gentrified areas. do you know how much money construction workers make? :usure:

call it what it is. it's the result of black people not taking education seriously. you're making excuses. yes, in some respect, i'm blaming the victims for their own laziness and apathy. how difficult is it to study in high school and gain knowledge that can send you to college? how difficult is it to get a pell grant, some loans, and go to college? hell, there are plenty of scholarship programs out here for black underprivileged youths trying to get into college.

you are making excuses and it's time to turn the mirror on our own community. a lot of these people focus on dumb shyt and when the shyt hits the fan, they want to go :to: and look at us for help. as if we're supposed to feel sorry for their stupid fukking attitudes. you're right: not everyone knows about investing and starting businesses, etc. so, you know what you're supposed to do? figure it out. learn it. seek out help from others.

if black people in these hoods who are getting pushed out truly want to better their situation, they'd try to. but they don't want. they want us to feel sorry for them and they want to complain. i'm not feeling sorry for them. and i'm not complaining about gentrification. those neighborhoods, for the most part, were terrible before they got cleaned up. i don't celebrate poverty the way many of my brothers and sisters do.

You know these CAC teachers don't give enough of a fukk to properly educate black kids.

It's true we need to do better, & progress is already being made. Give it a decade or so & we'll be eating good


Jun 19, 2014
Damn do white people be in a meeting on this type of shyt.:what:

How the fukk they just decided to move to black hoods and suffer no backlash.:snoop:
iono, but i guess it started when the crime rate started to drop in ny hoods