Lol they stupidly assumed it was dead, I did think they were just going to burn the whole house down before hand thing I didnt get is why they put the fire out when creature was burning.
He obviously bleeds
But damn, just let the house burn. Wasn't that nice anyway, lol
shyt was made for us breh, so damn goodI'm only on episode 4 or 5 right now butand
definitely, and like someone said, firestarter. above all else, FS is the father of this show
the IT reference is double-layered too, because stephen king using the slingshot is an obvious reference to david defeating goliath. and the idea of a "shadow vale" is reminiscent of hebrew mythology of the afterlife, pre-judgment day. low key a lot of biblical references in this thing, directly or indirectly
That's a good question. Or maybe the hole is open from its side and it can see the tear more easily. Think about how other animals see in different light spectrums.
I think it's open from it's side, Remember how the tree closed up after a few minutes? The girl let the monster know about our dimension, I assume they were trying to show that by the black room and how the monster had it's back turned towards her the entire time until she walked up and touched it. But even then the monster could only move within a 1 mile radius on our side.
.True. I wonder why that was, I also wonder how it was able to just appear sometimes at the scent of blood and sometimes in a place with no blood
he went to the school of @Reinscarf he was straight up HOH musta got did dirty early in his mackn career.They made my dude Lance a true brotha.
He wasn't having none of that shyt.
jaws reference, one of many Spielberg movies saluted here. It's a super predator
brehs what if the dimension that the monster is from is a parallel universe where the cold war actually went nuclear and that the reason the two dimensions were able to interact was because of Eleven? It would explain the toxic environment/atmosphere that the creature lives in and why in it's world there are the same houses/and that kids tree fort thing were in the exact same places just a parallel universe