Need prayers from my coli fam right now


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
I'm so sorry to hear this news. I've been getting into meditation lately, and there are a number of studies that show meditaton is good for cancer patients for stress reduction and coping.

Check out these sites and podcasts:
Free professional support for anyone affected by cancer

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
ok so let me show yall the power of prayer.

We just came out the doctors office. She got her imaging back. The masses in her brain are so tiny they dont even understand how it is affecting her physically.

She got 3 rounds of radiation next week and they moved her chemo to july third and they are confident they can buy her many more years to come if all goes well.

:wow: i know nothing is carved in stone. But tonight we are rejoicing all the same because this is the best news we have had in months.

They assured us she is as of now not classified as terminal. The cancer is still very much treatable.

She has already shown signs of responding to her treatment. Its a long road ahead but by the grace of God may we rejoice here in september for our FUKK cancer free daps and rep extravaganza.

anyway its a beautiful night. I think i am going take breh from earliers advice and take bae for a walk around the neighborhood just to appreciate nature. :salute:


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
Hey yall. Sorry i dont make threads very often. But i wanted to ask anyone here who is religious it dont even matter to me what ur religion. Pls say some prayers and stand proxy for my wife.
We been going through a lot and like that wasnt enough they found a mass in her lung. After further testing they found 2 in her brain and it spread to her bones as well.
She has stage four cancer of the lungs, brain and bone.

Im trying to stay optimistic for her yall and for my own sanity, but its starting to sink in if im being real with myself my baby of 20+ years is about to die.

Pls give her all the prayer yall can spare brehs/brehettes. Outside of yall she is literally all i got in this world man.

im staying strong and optimistic for her but inside im falling the fukk apart yall. Idk what im going to do or how im going to deal if and more realistically when it happens.

im sorry yall i wish i had a more lighthearted thread to make i really do.

Peace to you and yours brotha.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
ok so let me show yall the power of prayer.

We just came out the doctors office. She got her imaging back. The masses in her brain are so tiny they dont even understand how it is affecting her physically.

She got 3 rounds of radiation next week and they moved her chemo to july third and they are confident they can buy her many more years to come if all goes well.

:wow: i know nothing is carved in stone. But tonight we are rejoicing all the same because this is the best news we have had in months.

They assured us she is as of now not classified as terminal. The cancer is still very much treatable.

She has already shown signs of responding to her treatment. Its a long road ahead but by the grace of God may we rejoice here in september for our FUKK cancer free daps and rep extravaganza.

anyway its a beautiful night. I think i am going take breh from earliers advice and take bae for a walk around the neighborhood just to appreciate nature. :salute:
:blessed:prayers and bottles tonight


Nov 2, 2017
New York
ok so let me show yall the power of prayer.

We just came out the doctors office. She got her imaging back. The masses in her brain are so tiny they dont even understand how it is affecting her physically.

She got 3 rounds of radiation next week and they moved her chemo to july third and they are confident they can buy her many more years to come if all goes well.

:wow: i know nothing is carved in stone. But tonight we are rejoicing all the same because this is the best news we have had in months.

They assured us she is as of now not classified as terminal. The cancer is still very much treatable.

She has already shown signs of responding to her treatment. Its a long road ahead but by the grace of God may we rejoice here in september for our FUKK cancer free daps and rep extravaganza.

anyway its a beautiful night. I think i am going take breh from earliers advice and take bae for a walk around the neighborhood just to appreciate nature. :salute:
Thats great news breh. Happy for you and her. :blessed:


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
ok so let me show yall the power of prayer.

We just came out the doctors office. She got her imaging back. The masses in her brain are so tiny they dont even understand how it is affecting her physically.

She got 3 rounds of radiation next week and they moved her chemo to july third and they are confident they can buy her many more years to come if all goes well.

:wow: i know nothing is carved in stone. But tonight we are rejoicing all the same because this is the best news we have had in months.

They assured us she is as of now not classified as terminal. The cancer is still very much treatable.

She has already shown signs of responding to her treatment. Its a long road ahead but by the grace of God may we rejoice here in september for our FUKK cancer free daps and rep extravaganza.

anyway its a beautiful night. I think i am going take breh from earliers advice and take bae for a walk around the neighborhood just to appreciate nature. :salute:

Great news breh. Stay up

Mr Clean

Mar 1, 2015
ok so let me show yall the power of prayer.

We just came out the doctors office. She got her imaging back. The masses in her brain are so tiny they dont even understand how it is affecting her physically.

She got 3 rounds of radiation next week and they moved her chemo to july third and they are confident they can buy her many more years to come if all goes well.

:wow: i know nothing is carved in stone. But tonight we are rejoicing all the same because this is the best news we have had in months.

They assured us she is as of now not classified as terminal. The cancer is still very much treatable.

She has already shown signs of responding to her treatment. Its a long road ahead but by the grace of God may we rejoice here in september for our FUKK cancer free daps and rep extravaganza.

anyway its a beautiful night. I think i am going take breh from earliers advice and take bae for a walk around the neighborhood just to appreciate nature. :salute:

Wow breh :to:

Was just reading through the thread and my heart was feeling real heavy about offer my prayers too. This is amazing news. God is good.

Regardless, hoping y’all get all the time you could ask for and more. Blessings to you and yours
Aug 18, 2015
ATL paid.. Cali blazed
ok so let me show yall the power of prayer.

We just came out the doctors office. She got her imaging back. The masses in her brain are so tiny they dont even understand how it is affecting her physically.

She got 3 rounds of radiation next week and they moved her chemo to july third and they are confident they can buy her many more years to come if all goes well.

:wow: i know nothing is carved in stone. But tonight we are rejoicing all the same because this is the best news we have had in months.

They assured us she is as of now not classified as terminal. The cancer is still very much treatable.

She has already shown signs of responding to her treatment. Its a long road ahead but by the grace of God may we rejoice here in september for our FUKK cancer free daps and rep extravaganza.

anyway its a beautiful night. I think i am going take breh from earliers advice and take bae for a walk around the neighborhood just to appreciate nature. :salute:
Damn that's great news got my eyes all watery and shyt ...God still does miracles man can't nobody tell me differently