My woman co-worker, who has a bf, stays watching my snap/ig story


Sep 10, 2015
I wouldn't make a move, ain't worth losing ya job or shyt becoming awkward over.

If she was really interested she'd hit you up on snap.


2 girls and they get along like I'm Lou Will
Mar 8, 2015
Again, if you have to ask this question then you ain't used to the attention. old are you? You sound :flabbynsick:. Like you don't know how social media works.

What if I told you that using snapchat has helped me bag bytches before? What if I told you that I, like most young people, keep track of which women are constantly viewing my snap as a means of gauging interest? What if I told you that I've successfully initiated several fukkbuddy relationships with women purely off the strength of seeing them CONSTANTLY viewing my snap story. If seeing my co-worker do that came off like a GREENLIGHT to me, wouldn't you think I'm basing that off of past experiences? :dahell:

When you post a pic of you looking fly on the gram, or on your story, you don't do that shyt secretly hoping the shawty you're feeling views/likes it? You think those IG thots are out here having their titties half-out in the story for fun? Or to lure a baller who's been creeping her shyt? :dahell:

Snap, like any social media app, gets cluttered fast. If you have a lot of people on it, you are going to be more selective about whose stories you read instead of just going through everyone's. I do not view everyones' story. There's people I got on here whose shyt I ain't looked at in years. When people look at your snap, they're typically doing it with intent. The same way these IG hoes leave thousands of nikkas DMs on read to answer the handful of NBA players and rich nikkas. This is a woman who I've had all of 5 conversations with in the past year she's been working here, who sometimes I go several weeks without seeing, who has a whole ass boyfriend. The few times we do talk, she flirts. And despite how little we talk, she stays viewing my story like we're close. I have a whole lotta my coworkers on snap and I only particularly care to view the story of one, because he's the one I talk to regularly. Her behavior is peculiar, it really is not a hard concept to understand for anyone who actually has a social life and poppin social media accounts. :mjlol:

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC old are you? You sound :flabbynsick:. Like you don't know how social media works.

What if I told you that using snapchat has helped me bag bytches before? What if I told you that I, like most young people, keep track of which women are constantly viewing my snap as a means of gauging interest? What if I told you that I've successfully initiated several fukkbuddy relationships with women purely off the strength of seeing them CONSTANTLY viewing my snap story. If seeing my co-worker do that came off like a GREENLIGHT to me, wouldn't you think I'm basing that off of past experiences? :dahell:

When you post a pic of you looking fly on the gram, or on your story, you don't do that shyt secretly hoping the shawty you're feeling views/likes it? You think those IG thots are out here having their titties half-out in the story for fun? Or to lure a baller who's been creeping her shyt? :dahell:

Snap, like any social media app, gets cluttered fast. If you have a lot of people on it, you are going to be more selective about whose stories you read instead of just going through everyone's. I do not view everyones' story. There's people I got on here whose shyt I ain't looked at in years. When people look at your snap, they're typically doing it with intent. This is a woman who I've had all of 5 conversations with in the past year she's been working here, who sometimes I go several weeks without seeing, who has a whole ass boyfriend. The few times we do talk, she flirts. And despite how little we talk, she stays viewing my story like we're close. I have a whole lotta my coworkers on snap and I only particularly care to view the story of one, because he's the one I talk to regularly. Her behavior is peculiar, it really is not a hard concept to understand for anyone who actually has a social life and poppin social media accounts. :mjlol:

Stopped reading right, I ain't reading the rest of this bullshyt. I've been on the Internet BEFORE AOL when I was on Geocities using Prodigy Service. And if you can use social media to bag bytches then its even more pathetic to be thirsting at your job.


2 girls and they get along like I'm Lou Will
Mar 8, 2015
Stopped reading right, I ain't reading the rest of this bullshyt. I've been on the Internet BEFORE AOL when I was on Geocities using Prodigy Service. And if you can use social media to bag bytches then its even more pathetic to be thirsting at your job.
What a surprise. A :flabbynsick: nikka who doesn't get how the game is played nowadays but wants to comment on it. :mjgrin:

Yes, young people use snapchat views, instagram likes, etc to gauge who is interested in them. And we deliberately view and like the stories/pics of people we either care about (family/friends) or are interested in (women.) Who says I don't already use social media to bag bytches? Experiences with past women is EXACTLY why my co-worker viewing my story tipped me off. This is universally understood amongst basically all millennials, and the fact that so many of you brehs in this thread are struggling to grasp that made me realize just how fukking old this board actually is. Y'all claim to be winners in life but are 40+ still posting on an internet forum. :laff:

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
What a surprise. A :flabbynsick: nikka who doesn't get how the game is played nowadays but wants to comment on it. :mjgrin:

Yes, young people use snapchat views, instagram likes, etc to gauge who is interested in them. And we deliberately view and like the stories/pics of people we either care about (family/friends) or are interested in (women.) Who says I don't already use social media to bag bytches? Experiences with past women is EXACTLY why my co-worker viewing my story tipped me off. This is universally understood amongst basically all millennials, and the fact that so many of you brehs in this thread are struggling to grasp that made me realize just how fukking old this board actually is. Y'all claim to be winners in life but are 40+ still posting on an internet forum. :laff:

I've been playing this game for a LONG TIME and I'm a lot better at than you. At least I'm not pondering shytting where I'm eating at cuz I get enough p*ssy outside of work that I don't have to think pf these dumb ass questions. Lames like you gotta write these long drawn out paragraphs to justify your wackness.


2 girls and they get along like I'm Lou Will
Mar 8, 2015
I've been playing this game and I'm a lot better at than you. At least I'm not pondering shytting where I'm eating at cuz I get enough p*ssy outside of work that I donj't have to ponder these dumb ass questions
nikka you're over 40 still posting on an internet forum the p*ssy game been slow for you stop lying. :bryan:

And uh, do you know how many people at work fukk eachother? Do you know that the majority of affairs in the US, both officially married, and simply dating, stem from one half of the relationship cheating with a co-worker? You're tryna tell me that of the literal MILLIONS of humans out there who are "shytting where they eat" and fukking co-workers every single last one is doing it because they're p*ssy starved? You sure it's not because of the OBVIOUS reason? That they spend the majority of their waking life surrounded by the same people doing the same shyt everyday and simply get bored? :rudy:

I'm a grown ass man. I get plenty of p*ssy outta work. But shawty bad with a fat ass so you know Ima shoot stay mad old man. :umad:

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
nikka you're over 40 still posting on an internet forum the p*ssy game been slow for you stop lying. :bryan:

And uh, do you know how many people at work fukk eachother? Do you know that the majority of affairs in the US, both officially married, and simply dating, stem from one half of the relationship cheating with a co-worker? You're tryna tell me that of the literal MILLIONS of humans out there who are "shytting where they eat" and fukking co-workers every single last one is doing it because they're p*ssy starved? :rudy:

I'm a grown ass man. I get plenty of p*ssy outta work. But shawty bad with a fat ass so you know Ima shoot stay mad old man. :umad:

See all this extra in the BOLD? Real nikkas getting p*ssy don't have to type all this but you did to attempt to prove you know what the fukk you are talking about and you clearly don't. All this in the bold is a the musing of a lame nikka trying to convince me and the rest of the board that he got it like that and you don't. And all your subsequent replies are full of paragraphs julezing trying to convince us how much p*ssy you get because you were so embarrassed me and @String Bell called you out


2 girls and they get along like I'm Lou Will
Mar 8, 2015
See all this extra in the BOLD? Real nikkas getting p*ssy don't have to type all this but you did to attempt to prove you know what the fukk you are talking about and you clearly don't. All this in the bold is a the musing of a lame nikka trying to convince me and the rest of the board that he got it like that and you don't. And all your subsequent replies are full of paragraphs julezing trying to convince us how much p*ssy you get because you were so embarrassed me and @String Bell called you out
This post is so unbelievably ironic. :snoop:

When you first saw this thread, you had 2 natural options. You could've chose to ignore it, or you could've chose to answer the question I was ACTUALLY asking and tell me whether or not you think I should take a risk with a taken co-worker.

You chose neither. Instead, you chose to come in here on your righteous "You must get no attention from women because if you did blah blah" which is your way of sneak bragging that you stay in some p*ssy. Literally any, and I mean ANY, psych will tell you that's the textbook behavior of an insecure person who is the very opposite of what they claim to be. For no reason, where no one asked you to, you felt the urge to come in here and talk about how much p*ssy you get. :dead: It's projection and overcompensation, but tell me more about how I'm the one living fantasies. :mjlol:

"6 feet. 6 certs. 6 figures." is a meme on this site for a REASON. It's because this place has an epidemic of nikkas who are LOSERS in real life coming on here to live their power fantasies and have random outbursts about how much better they are than everyone, you included. 40 years old still on the Coli smh :dead: