Did they even have a trailer like that when Ash choked in the Finals like the Suns in XY?
Either way, this is kinda getting too big (pause). It really looks like Ash's final run.
At this point, what do they even do with the anime afterwards? That shyt is too marketable to bush.
Sure, we know it would be in-character for Ash to just start fresh in a new region like the old days, but the anime made sure to damn near have a parade every time he stepped in Alola, imagine him as a world champ.
We might be about to witness history brehs.
Either way, this is kinda getting too big (pause). It really looks like Ash's final run.
At this point, what do they even do with the anime afterwards? That shyt is too marketable to bush.
Sure, we know it would be in-character for Ash to just start fresh in a new region like the old days, but the anime made sure to damn near have a parade every time he stepped in Alola, imagine him as a world champ.
We might be about to witness history brehs.