Mulatto Tennis player says she isn't black or white


May 1, 2012
whites only acknowledge asian, whites or blacks? what are indians, mexicans or natives then?
Indians or natives are descendants of people from Asia. Mexican isn't a race. They're either white, Indian/native, or some of kind of mixture of the two. How do you not know this?

those are still other europeans, including the jews. they dont go around claiming biracials, they keep their shyt exclusive to those perceived as white.
European isn't a race. There are plenty of black people from Europe. A lot of Italinas and Greeks are of mixed racial heritage and they are still classified as white. There are plenty of Italians and Greeks who are darker than this chic. You keep trying to make a point that is invalid. Whites claim people when it's convenient to their cause(white supremacy). There was just controversy over the Exodus movie where whites are now trying to claim Egyptians. To quote Rupert Murdoch one of the crackers who controls the media "Since when are Egyptians not white? All the Egyptians that I know are white". Whites hijacking the image of Jesus and claiming/painting him as white is probably the biggest power move in history. You don't know what the fukk you're tking about. This is why I talk to you cats with no respect. A lot of you're a dumb as fukk yet you want to argue others down.

third time, why are biracials and mixed race folks c00ns for not adhering to the one drop rule? if you had a black dad and an asian wife in a white community, how is it c00ning when you dont procreate w/a black woman? he wasn't raised in a black neighborhood w/black mother, he owes the black community NO allegiance.
This is an irrelevant deflection. The topic of discussion is people born from one black and white parent being classified as black.

and mixed race individuals dont have the same experience in the america, we're talkin bout 2015, not 1815.
Neither do black people that you don't acknowledge as being mixed.

we've got biracials saying the exact same thing i'm saying. what, you going to tell them their experience is a lie as well?
You're a c00n, c00ns often agree and sound alike. What is an individual biracial person's limited life experience supposed to mean in the face of centuries worth of history? For centuries, people born from 1 white and 1 black parent have been classified and treated as black. You keep parroting "there are biracial people who say what I say" all while ignoring all the ones who acknowledge what I say. The most famous biracial person in the world has no problem acknowledging that he's black yet you keep repeating that dumb shyt.

oh, you mean she lived a sheltered life afforded to her by resources outside of the black community?
I don't know where her resources were afforded from. Her father is black though.

wouldn't that denounce your bullshyt theory that blacks and biracials are treated exactly the same and share the same experiences?
My position is that biracials are black dumb ass. Not all black people have the same experiences. Blacks living in the north tend to have different experiences than blacks in the south. Blacks in the east tend to have different experiences than blacks in the west. Blacks the complexion of Wesley Snipes tend to have different experiences than blacks the complexion of Will smith. Blacks the the height of Shaq tend to have different experiences than blacks the size of Kevin Hart. Do you think that black women like Gabby Sidibe and Gabriel Union have been treated exactly the same and have gone through the same experiences? No, blacks aren't treated exactly the same nor do we all go through the same experiences.

you sound delusional trying to shame these half whites into swinging it back black.
Im not trying to shame anyone. This is bytchmade dishonest way of trying to discredit my position because you can't do it intelligently. On the contrary, you're trying to shame black people for embracing other blacks of African descent simply out of insecurity an jealousy.

most biracials are living in white communities along with their white parent and they dont give a damn about "rebuilding or uplifting the community" how are grown men so delusional?
Here you are talking out of your ass. You don't have anything to back this up. Even if what you say is true though, it doesn't refute anything that I've said.
Blacks are brown skinned people of African descent. We should only embrace and worry about blacks who embrace and are proud of their blackness. You insist upon ignoring the part of my position because you have an agenda.
What part of the part in bold don't you get? You keep harping on the biracials who want to be accepted by whites and join the white community. fukk them. Biracials who go on to get with and procreate with whites will breed the blackness out of their bloodline anyway so why worry about them? What do biracials who seek to join the white community have to do with those who embrace their blackness and are productive members of the black community? Why are biracials who go on to get with and procreate with other black people a problem to you?

i'm all for solidarity between groups, but the race must be reorganized. you dudes trying to claim anyone outside of asians and whites are lunatics. all this one drop ruling, and your only excuse is malcolm X. come on now.
This isn't about "claiming" anyone. It's about acknowledging things for how they are. Biracials people of African descent are classified as black in this world that we live in and it's been that way for centuries. I don't have a say in that. The racial classifications aren't based on my personal feelings/opinions. If I actually had my way and could claim or choose who does and doesn't get to be black, dumb motherfukkers like you damn sure wouldn't be black. Bruh I'd force you to bleach. Giving c00ns like you vitiligo would be the law.

did i say biracial and mixed blacks never helped the black community? they've put in work. but why go all way into the 50 and 60s? lets discuss the head biracial in office in 2015. he's treating blacks like diseased lepers. wont even look our way unless its to make another pookie jab infront of cacs
The point was that mixed folk have ways been part of the black community. I'll just ignore this dumb deflection about Obama. He doesn't represent all mixed blacks anymore than Clarence Thomas represents all supposedly non mixed blacks. You suck at this:heh:

yeah i know there's dark skinned c00ns, but i wont make em all out to be a marcus garvey, like you and malcolm x
So bytchmade and dishonest. I've clearly acknowledged the existence of mixed black c00ns over and over. My whole position here is that we shouldn't worry about the c00ns and only embrace/support those who are proud of their blackness.

if you haven't noticed, i ignore your emotional attacks. its no different from women getting emotional and resorting to name calling to avoid the crux of the debate.

BW are right, even if they're only primarily focused on beauty standards; i'm looking at that and far beyond.

and i have no ill towards biracials. but AAs have to reorganize the race, the current structure doesn't benefit us and this is where we're headed:

if you're are truly pro-black, why would you dilute yourself?
I'm just at awe of how contradictory and insecure you are. You type up a bunch of insecure, paranoid, scary ass shyt like this then have the gall to accuse others of being scared. You're scared as fukk my dude. Everything that you're saying is motivated by fear and this a clear example. The only structure that's set up to our detriment is the system of white supremacy. :heh: at "diluting yourself" You don't even understand the concept of race even after it's been explained to you repeatedly. You're a fukking idiot. That's not an emotional outburst, that's an accurate observation. Race is a social construct. Black is a general term to classify someone brown skinned of African descent. You people talking percentages and purity levels are just lost. AA's aren't as "pure" as people from Africa yet they come talking that "diluted" shyt y'all don't want to hear it. An African in some dirt poor country destroyed by white colonialism can use your same dumb ass logic to tell you that you're not really black because you're diluted and there's nothing that you could really say.


May 2, 2012
Indians or native are descendants of people from Asia. Mexican isn't a race. They're either white, Indian/native, or some of kind of mixture of the two. How do you not know this?

its funny you say that because guys like tariq nasheed also claim asian groups as well. how do i not know this, where's the rule book?

This is an irrelevant deflection. The topic of discussion is people born from one black and white parent being classified as black.

its not irrelevant, its completely relevant to the discussion we're having. you want to claim biracials but they're sudddenly cooons when they dont fall on the side of the fence you'd like, why is that?

You're a c00n, c00ns often agree and sound alike. What is an individual biracial person's limited life experience supposed to mean in the face of centuries worth of history? For centuries, people born from 1 white and 1 black parent have been classified and treated as black. You keep parroting "there are biracial people who say what I say" all while ignoring all the ones who acknowledge what I say. The most famous biracial person in the world has no problem acknowledging that he's black yet you keep repeating that dumb shyt.

no, c00ns think a lot like you as i've never met a cooon that believes in racial exclusion. this is where faux militants and new blacks have common ground with your "race is just a social construct."rhetoric.

once again, your most famous biracial president wont even acknowledge black folks. i mean, talk about the perfect example of biracials using blacks as a leg up; cant present a better example than barack obama. guy has put gays, mexicans, cacs and jews over black folks, but this is your 2015 malcolm x.

I don't know where her resources were afforded from. Her father is black though.

baracks father is black as well, and all of the resources he received came from his mother and white grand parents. keep proving me right, buddy :heh:

My position is that biracials are black dumb ass. Not all black people have the same experiences. Blacks living in the north tend to have different experiences than blacks in the south. Blacks in the east tend to have different experiences than blacks in the west. Blacks the complexion of Wesley Snipes tend to have different experiences than blacks the complexion of Will smith. Blacks the the height of Shaq tend to have different experiences than blacks the size of Kevin Hart. Do you think that black women like Gabby Sidibe and Gabriel Union have been treated exactly the same and have gone through the same experiences? No, blacks aren't treated exactly the same nor do we all go through the same experiences.

bi-racial literally means "Having parents of two different races." and you want to tell me they're still black. get a crayon and mix blue and yellow together and tell me if it comes out blue again; cus you silly nikkas would actually believe its blue if enough cacs forced it down your throat long enough.

Im not trying to shame anyone. This is bytchmade dishonest way of trying to discredit my position because you can't do it intelligently. On the contrary, you're trying to shame black people for embracing other blacks of African descent simply out of insecurity an jealousy.

you're calling anyone biracial that doesn't procreate with black people, c00ns. you're shaming them by telling them they're lesser than if they acknowledge their other half. how is that not shaming tactics? and you guys dont embrace other blacks, you just want access to their women. that's not real solidarity.

Here you are talking out of your ass. You don't have anything to back this up. Even if what you say is true though, it doesn't refute anything that I've said.
What part of the part in bold don't you get? You keep harping on the biracials who want to be accepted by whites and join the white community. fukk them. Biracials who go on to get with and procreate with whites will breed the blackness out of their bloodline anyway so why worry about them? What do biracials who seek to join the white community have to do with those who embrace their blackness and are productive members of the black community? Why are biracials who go on to get with and procreate with other black people a problem to you?

i'm sorry, i must have missed the plethora of black men and black women getting married to their white partners and moving back into the black community, have you seen a lot of it? if your whole stance is they're some malcolm x tier warriors, why are you so quick to throw them out when date non-black men? if malcolm x had married a white woman, would he have been a cooon to you?

and let them embrace their blackness and be productive members of the black community, they are still biracial. if a white man embraces blackness and helps the neighborhood, does that make him an honorary black american?>

considering how you nikkas were quick to claim politicians like bill clinton as the first black president, yall probably would.

This isn't about "claiming" anyone. It's about acknowledging things for how they are. Biracials people of African descent are classified as black in this world that we live in and it's been that way for centuries. I don't have a say in that. The racial classifications aren't based on my personal feelings/opinions. If I actually had my way and could claim or choose who does and doesn't get to be black, dumb motherfukkers like you damn sure wouldn't be black. Bruh I'd force you to bleach. Giving c00ns like you vitiligo would be the law.

here we go, more "but white people told us this is what it is, so we'd better listen"

The point was that mixed folk have ways been part of the black community. I'll just ignore this dumb deflection about Obama. He doesn't represent all mixed blacks anymore than Clarence Thomas represents all supposedly non mixed blacks. You suck at this:heh:"

you brought up obama, so how is it a deflection? thats your 2015 malcom x, remember?

The only structure that's set up to our detriment is the system of white supremacy. :heh: at "diluting yourself" You don't even understand the concept of race even after it's been explained to you repeatedly. You're a fukking idiot. That's not an emotional outburst, that's an accurate observation. Race is a social construct. Black is a general term to classify someone brown skinned of African descent. You people talking percentages and purity levels are just lost. AA's aren't as "pure" as people from Africa yet they come talking that "diluted" shyt y'all don't want to hear it. An African in some dirt poor country destroyed by white colonialism can use your same dumb ass logic to tell you that you're not really black because you're diluted and there's nothing that you could really say.

bruh you scorned over there. you also sound just like them raven symones and pharrell williams of the world. :heh: now stop ducking my question, biracial or dating a white chick? which is it,
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just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
She just showed where her alliance lies which is to herself

Sadly her stance just benefits racists whites because they thrive off of individuality among other groups here in the US because of white supremacy

Oh well fukk her then if she doesn't want to support the black community


May 1, 2012
its funny you say that because guys like tariq nasheed also claim asian groups as well. how do i not know this, where's the rule book?
You didn't know that Induans are descendants of people from Asia because you're a gotdamn idiot.

its not irrelevant, its completely relevant to the discussion we're having. you want to claim biracials but they're sudddenly cooons when they dont fall on the side of the fence you'd like, why is that?
It's completely irrelevant.

no, c00ns think a lot like you as i've never met a cooon that believes in racial exclusion. this is where faux militants and new blacks have common ground with your "race is just a social construct."rhetoric.
Facts aren't "rhetoric".

once again, your most famous biracial president wont even acknowledge black folks. i mean, talk about the perfect example of biracials using blacks as a leg up; cant present a better example than barack obama. guy has put gays, mexicans, cacs and jews over black folks, but this is your 2015 malcolm x.
The point was that he's black. What he has or hasn't done for other blacks is irrelevant fakkit. Obama doesn't represet biracial blacks anymore than Clarence Thomas represents all darker skinned blacks. The point made in that analogy flies over your empty ass head.

baracks father is black as well, and all of the resources he received came from his mother and white grand parents. keep proving me right, buddy :heh:
What does Obama and his upbringing have to do this young woman? What was proven right here? Not a gotdamn thing. You really are a stupid motherfukker.

bi-racial literally means "Having parents of two different races." and you want to tell me they're still black. get a crayon and mix blue and yellow together and tell me if it comes out blue again; cus you silly nikkas would actually believe its blue if enough cacs forced it down your throat long enough.
Races aren't crayon colors you dumb son of a bytch. This is an invalid analogy. The concept of race goes over your simple ass head.

you're calling anyone biracial that doesn't procreate with black people, c00ns. you're shaming them by telling them they're lesser than if they acknowledge their other half. how is that not shaming tactics? and you guys dont embrace other blacks, you just want access to their women. that's not real solidarity.
I'm posting my opinions on a message board. I'm not directing these comments to anyone or any group in particular. I'm not telling biracial people anything. I can speak for myself I don't need your fakkit ass to speak for me.

if your whole stance is they're some malcolm x tier warriors, why are you so quick to throw them out when date non-black men? if malcolm x had married a white woman, would he have been a cooon to you?
I haven't thrown anyone out. I've simlly given my opinion on blacks who date outside the race.

Had Malcolm X married a white woman he wouldn't have been Malcolm x. Marrying a white woman would have contradicted everything that he stood for. This would be common sense to someone who isn't a fukking idiot.

and let them embrace their blackness and be productive members of the black community, they are still biracial. if a white man embraces blackness and helps the neighborhood, does that make him an honorary black american?>
Can a white man embrace blackness that he doesn't have? Gotdamn you're stupid.

considering how you nikkas were quick to claim politicians like bill clinton as the first black president, yall probably would.
This is the kind if weak shyt that I've reduced your bytch ass to using nothing but logic and common sense:pachaha:

here we go, more "but white people told us this is what it is, so we'd better listen"
Whites told you that people should be classified in different races. White people told you that you're "black" in the first fukking place. White people invented the concept of race.

you brought up obama, so how is it a deflection? thats your 2015 malcom x, remember?
I brought up Obama to refute your simple ass "bu bu biracial people say that they aren't black just like I'm saying" argument. Your point was refuted.

bruh you scorned over there. you also sound just like them raven symones and pharrell williams of the world. :heh: now stop ducking my question, biracial or dating a white chick? which is it,
I swear c00ns/crackers are pathological liars. My position concerning race is the exact opposite of the Raven Symones and Pharrells. Those type of people share your "biracial people aren't black" position. Raven Symone kicked the exact same c00n shyt that you're kicking here. She claimed that she isn't AA because she's mixed with other shyt exposing her self hate and ignorance. You're parroting that same c00n shyt yet you have the audacity to try and lump me in with her:snoop: Again, you c00ns/crackers are inherently dishonest.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
If your dad is black you're black. The only reason mixed with white dads are not seen as white is because they deny them.


All Star
Jan 30, 2013
The Tragic Mulatto trope is getting really old. That girl can identify as she pleases but the minute that some crazy Euro fans throw bananas on to the tennis court she will be screaming racism and asking for support and sympathy from her "black" brethren.

And on another note, why is it usually the biracial offspring of black men that do this?

You can't even tell she's mixed :beli:

And you just couldn't help yourself to add that last part in could you lol.

You really think I am a CAC brah?
You have cacs pretending to be black on here, but hey....keep negging and stalking me brah.




All Star
Jan 30, 2013
Look. If your ass woulda been considered a slave in 1815 then your black in 2015 period. The whole reason race was even constructed as a concept was for the self-called white man to separate themselves from everybody else. Theres no science behind its all white supremacy. We cant keep picking and choosing which values we wanna adhere to from our masters. If you wanna keep following the idea of race than she's black. Yall follow the self-called white mans idea of race but wanna move the goalpost when convenient. The devil done got yall all confused and still playing plantation politics

Not quite. Sally Hemings was a slave and she was 75% white.


Nov 27, 2012
You're a c00n, c00ns often agree and sound alike. What is an individual biracial person's limited life experience supposed to mean in the face of centuries worth of history? For centuries, people born from 1 white and 1 black parent have been classified and treated as black. You keep parroting "there are biracial people who say what I say" all while ignoring all the ones who acknowledge what I say. The most famous biracial person in the world has no problem acknowledging that he's black yet you keep repeating that dumb shyt.
Point, game, and match.



just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Are you serious?

They aren't the same but saying they are mutually exclusive makes no sense.
There are black people with two black parents who are light skin blacks and there are biracials with light skin with one black parent and one white parent who are biracial and not fully black

That's the difference between the two.