Mulatto Tennis player says she isn't black or white


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Doesn't matter what a duck wants to be called. If ducks attacked everytime you said "duck" you'd be saying "Fukcin duck attacked my ass yesterday".

Niqqas can call themselves what they want. Everyone else calls us niqqa. Around the world.
Who cares what racists calls us


Feb 2, 2014
Why are ya'll assuming things? No one in this thread said any of this except for the ones who use it for a counter argument :mindblown:

So a person with a white parent and a black parent who embraces their black identity politically and socially (Bob Marley, J Cole etc.) can never be "black" even if that's the decision they made to live their own lives?!! :mindblown:

I'm done.

You cant decide what race you are, your race is just your race.

There is absolutely no race on earth who needs to be tribal more than black people yet we're the one race who wants to accept and mingle with everyone. In 2014, young black people got a small sample of a reminder of the fact that we're behind enemy lines when it comes to white people and thats just the start. White people will continue to openly remind naive black people what they as a whole think of us and no amount of white liberal media brainwashing will be able to sugarcoat it. Soon enough, Hispanics will be letting black people know where they stand as well (hint: with white people). I can sit here and tell coli members or other young black people how it is until I'm blue in the fact but we're just a race of people who loves learning things the hard way. Lines will be drawn in America and they wont be drawn by black people.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
Who cares what racists calls us

If by "racists" you mean "everyone in the world" then I say it matters. This simple fact will shape our lives way more than us agreeing to talk positively about ourselves.

It's just a thing. It can be upsetting, but after we get done being upset we still here among all this shyt.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
If by "racists" you mean "everyone in the world" then I say it matters. This simple fact will shape our lives way more than us agreeing to talk positively about ourselves.

It's just a thing. It can be upsetting, but after we get done being upset we still here among all this shyt.
It may shape your life but not mines lol.

The only opinions I care about is other black people

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
It may shape your life but not mines lol.

The only opinions I care about is other black people

If you go to Russia you'll have to navigate those waters. If you end up in Utah some fukcin where you will be subject to the niqqa rules. You could avoid Russia and Utah, but this still is a result of the pressure of worldwide racism.


May 23, 2012
hell, lets go with it. its insecurity and jealousy to not one non-blacks elevated as acceptable blacks, all while representing the race at the forefront. why wouldn't i have a problem with it? i dont see biracials being uplifted as the best of any other community except ours. if you dont have a problem with non-blacks receiving favoritism over full blacks, you're either dumb, biracial or procreating w/non-blacks. which is it?

I've read alot of your posts in this thread and you've been on point. As has @Gravity. But really....its like kicking a dead horse now. We need to chill with the talking down to black people. Because no people are not the only people suffering from colorism, and we're not the only people who've been conditioned to place a premium on light skin. Since white people put their foot on the world's neck, everybody's been putting lighter skin at the forefront. In East Asia, lighter skin is prized. Dark skin means you're a poor laborer. In India, lighter skin is prized. Dark skin means you're from a lower caste, from the poor south. In Latin America, lighter skin is prized. Dark skin (those with more native blood) is shunned. Why single out blacks?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
If you go to Russia you'll have to navigate those waters. If you end up in Utah some fukcin where you will be subject to the niqqa rules. You could avoid Russia and Utah, but this still is a result of the pressure of worldwide racism.

Racists rules are not meant to be followed

If I do not care about their opinion and mind my own race then it has no effect on me
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Mar 24, 2014
You cant decide what race you are, your race is just your race.

There is absolutely no race on earth who needs to be tribal more than black people yet we're the one race who wants to accept and mingle with everyone. In 2014, young black people got a small sample of a reminder of the fact that we're behind enemy lines when it comes to white people and thats just the start. White people will continue to openly remind naive black people what they as a whole think of us and no amount of white liberal media brainwashing will be able to sugarcoat it. Soon enough, Hispanics will be letting black people know where they stand as well (hint: with white people). I can sit here and tell coli members or other young black people how it is until I'm blue in the fact but we're just a race of people who loves learning things the hard way. Lines will be drawn in America and they wont be drawn by black people.

Black people with very little or no European lineage are upset over this because they feel abandoned. Its like they feel Black people are safer in the company of those among us with genetic ties to whites. Its actually embaressing to see a Black person demand a white looking person declare themselves as Black. You cant Blur the lines with this shyt, and Im glad its all happening so the youth get a soul shattering life lesson. I dont think the youth are completely all clueless, they know whats up. They just didnt expect it to be real. Those Black people with little or no mix at all need to grow some fukking pride and band together.

The Emperor

Paid Agent
Oct 29, 2012
I hope this becomes a massive story. That bullshyt one drop rule needs to fukking go. Was going to post a pic but I don't want her looks to distract from the discussion at hand.

c00ns and self haters need to get this shyt through their thick skulls.

Throw this ugly bish in the bushes...


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
Why not accepting biracial's as black means we're kicking them out?

I see biracial's as half black, but I can understand they have to choose a side because they can't play on both teams in this society.

But blacks gotta keep our race define as 2 black parents(also 1 black and 1 half black if you wanna go there) to prevent from confusion, inclusion from the wrong type of people, and potential betrayal.


May 1, 2012
what are you talking about? i specifically asked you about indians and asians because one drop rulers often claim indians and pacific islanders as well. according to your logic, how are they not black as well? there's asians walking around just as dark if not darker than black folks.
I'm not entertaining your weak ass deflections. I haven't said anything about claiming Asians as blacks nor am I "one drop ruler" whatever that is. The reason that you keep building up these strawmen to argue against instead of dealing with what I've actually said is because you're a gotdamn idiot.

To reiterate the point. Indian isn't a race, they are descendants of people from Asia. You didn't know that because you're a stupid motherfukker.

its not irrelevant though. all your logic is geared around biracials self identifying as black
Well you understand that race is a social construct but you don't understand how that construct works. The concept of race isn't based on how people personally classify themselves. You can classify yourself and claim any race that you want, but your race is actually determined by how people in society see you.I use this example all the time. Tiger Woods made up a race for himself and claimed it(sorta like this chic is doing here) yet it didn't stop the world from seeing and treating him like a black man when shyt got real.
You tell blatant lies like this because you're a fukking idiot who can't do any better.

Clarence Thomas represents dark skinned c00ns fairly well, he's damn near a spokesperson. just like obama represents biracials using the black community to get a leg up in america.
Look at how sneaky this c00n is:heh: You've learned the art of deception from your masters I see. Notice how he uses Clarence Thomas to represent only "dark skinned c00ns" while trying to paint Obama as someone who represents biracial people as a whole. You'll have to try harder snake.

you've jumped from Tiger Woods to Egyptology, stop pretending like you've stayed on point.
The points that I've made have jumped over your empty ass head. I brought up Tiger Woods to illustrate that it doesn't matter how people self ID. You keep falsely accusing me of trying to "claim" mixed people who don't want to be called black and shame them
Into being black. I simply trying to dumb it down as explain to you that race is based on how other people in society see you. The portion of 1 of my older comments re-posted above explains this.

I brought up the Egyptians as an example of how whites claim non white people all of the time when it's beneficial to their agenda. You're completely ignorant. You've literally said that whites don't claim non whites when that's a clear lie. Whites even made up a fake science in "Egyptology" which is nothing but propaganda that white washes ancient Egypt. Whites white-washing history claiming people, places, and things that aren't theirs is probably the main reason that they're in a dominant position over other races now. The whites hijacking the image of Jesus and painting him in their own image is the biggest power move in history. You're so fukking stupid that it's sad.

concept works perfectly fine. if you mix a black man with a non-black women, you're no longer producing a black child
Except that people who are born from one white and one black are black and it's always been that way. If you weren't so feeble minded, you'd be able to separate how you wish things worked from how they actually work. You're simply deluding yourself which is a sign of a weak mind. No matter how hard you wish people with 1 white and 1 black parent weren't considered black, they are.

what? you point out malcolm x, we cant acknowledge there's been handful of whites that rode for the black community as well?
Malcolm X wasn't black because he "rode for black people" Malcolm was black because he was brown skinned of African ancestry. fukking idiot.

quick questions. if whites suddenly decided they're going to start classifying blacks as giraffes, and really started treating nikkas like we were giraffes. would you accept it and play the role? because that's the same logic i'm hearing from you.
fukk your dumb ass questions.

and i've BEEN said you're going to have biracials using the black community as a stepping stone. so i couldn't care less about biracials that prey upon the black community when they need something. it just falls right into what i'm trying to drill through your skull
You switch like a fakkit. First you say that biracials agree with your position that they aren't black. Then when I point out that there are plenty of biracials who embrace their blackness you try and discredit that by accusing them of only wanting to use the black community. You're a fear mongering insecure scared jealous/envious ass little bytch. That's all you are. Your entire position here is based on fear:scusthov:

raven symone played the "i'm a human" card. where as shes just a confused mixed breed to me. but that's what happens when you allow them to represent the black race.
Raven took the same position that you've taken idiot. She's claiming mixed/multi-racial not black. Yes she's confused and so are you. Seriously, you really are stupid as in genuinely lacking intelligence. I'm not just calling names.

and since you've ignored my question about you being biracial 4 times
fukk your questions and strawmen. I told you, I'm not entertaining that fakkit shyt.
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May 1, 2012
Black people with very little or no European lineage are upset over this because they feel abandoned. Its like they feel Black people are safer in the company of those among us with genetic ties to whites. Its actually embaressing to see a Black person demand a white looking person declare themselves as Black. You cant Blur the lines with this shyt, and Im glad its all happening so the youth get a soul shattering life lesson. I dont think the youth are completely all clueless, they know whats up. They just didnt expect it to be real. Those Black people with little or no mix at all need to grow some fukking pride and band together.
Nobody feels abandoned but you and those on your side of the argument. You need to stop trying to project your own insecurities and overall bytchassness on others. Speak for yourself and let others do the same.


Mar 24, 2014
Nobody feels abandoned but you and those on your side of the argument. You need to stop trying to project your own insecurities and overall bytchassness on others. Speak for yourself and let others do the same.

Im not the one advocating for mixed races to fall under the Black banner. The insecure ones are the ones who feel Black people cant make it on their own.