Mulatto Tennis player says she isn't black or white


Not on Coli website
Dec 4, 2014
if they said she was white , would she of said the BS lines you present us in this thread op . Why couldn't of she of just kept quiet when Williams could her black , instead of saying no im not black . mixed race women are disgraceful


Jan 31, 2014

This coming from a fat cac bytch pretending to be a black women on a forum.:mjlol:

There been plenty of Mixed people supporting and marring their black side from BM/WW unions, and never from WM/BW union.

So get your duck tales bullshyt outta here.:camby:

When I saw her pic it reminded me of this vid



Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
Look. If your ass woulda been considered a slave in 1815 then your black in 2015 period. The whole reason race was even constructed as a concept was for the self-called white man to separate themselves from everybody else. Theres no science behind its all white supremacy. We cant keep picking and choosing which values we wanna adhere to from our masters. If you wanna keep following the idea of race than she's black. Yall follow the self-called white mans idea of race but wanna move the goalpost when convenient. The devil done got yall all confused and still playing plantation politics


Nov 27, 2012
Um no. The majority of (B/W) biracial marry non-Black. ALL of my biracial cousins have non-Black partners. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And the majority of the others that I know have non-Black partners.

A Filipino woman who is married to a friend of the family (BM) doesn't even want her children to date blacks.....and she married one (for his $$). She wants her children to date/marry white or Asian only.
It was sarcasm, read up in the thread :lolbron:


Nov 27, 2012
You misunderstood. I say that whites don't play the "half and half" game meaning, to them if you're not white or Asian then you're black. It's a myth that the white race is this ultra exclusive club only meant blonde haired blue eyed aryans. That's Hitler's ideology and obviously he was defeated by other white people. There are plenty of people who have mixed racial heritage who classify as white. Italians and Greeks are classified as white. Jews are white. Exclusivity is not what keeps the white race dominant over other races. Like I've said, that's a myth. Whites become very inclusive when need be. The thing that keeps the white race dominant is the unity amongst people classified as white and the allegiance that they've all pledged to the ideology of white supremacy. This pledge of allegiance to white supremacy allows people classified as white to maintain a system that ensures their supremacy. As black people our enemies are those who maintain that system as our allies are those who aim to help us overcome that system.

You really need to stop projecting your own scared ass mentality on me. You're the one who's scared not I. "oh lord, the biracials are going to form their own community and not want to fukk us". Ole insecure ass feminine type dude. I'm not scared of mixed their own communities because that's not going to happen. What do you think that they are going to do, inbreed? Immediate biracials don't usually get with other immediate biracials. They usually pick one side or the other and that side is usually black because that's how they're usually seen and treated by others. Of course you have those who are confused and want to buck the system so to speak ala the young lady, Tiger Woods, Raven Symone, Zoe Saldana ect. They're just c00ns who are confused scared and bave bought into the myth of of white supremacy/black inferiority to some extent. fukk 'em. Not all mixed race blacks are like that though. There are countless mixed blacks who have fought and given their lives to opposing white supremacy and uplifting the black community. Your position is disrespectful to all of them past, present, and future. For you to say that mixed race blacks dont have the same experience as other blacks just shows how ignorant you are. My grandmother is Beyonce's complexion. Her grandfather was a mixed damn near white looking black man who was a slave. His experience as a black man is slmething that your bytch ass will necer have to ho through. So who are you to say that he wasn't "black"? Nobody. The definition of what it means to be "black" in a white man's world was established centuries before now and you look like an idiot thinking that you can ignore what the definition of being black has meant for centuries all the way up until now in favor of your own scared, insecure, selfish personal opinion.

Blacks are brown skinned people of African descent. We should only embrace and worry about blacks who embrace and are proud of their blackness. You insist upon ignoring the part of my position because you have an agenda.

The only thing that I've said about this girl is that she's black and that her comments are ignorant. She's 19 who's undoubtedly lived a sheltered life up until this point. She has excuses to be ignorant. It's like you said, maybe she was raised by a c00n to be a c00n. This is all a deflection though. The point is that she's black whether she's a chooses to embrace and claim her blackness or not. According to our concept of race, she's black. You're deflecting with all of that other shyt. She could mature into a grown woman c00n or she may get some consciousness and mature into a proud black woman who opposes the system of white supremacy. I like to give blacks the benefit of the doubt and not prejudge because under the system of white supremacy it's our blackness that binds us all.

You're too insecure and scary bruh. It's feminine. The first thing that you need to do is start speaking for yourself and stop trying to speak for others. This isn't about me being upset at anyone. I'm just offering my take on the subject. Mixed blacks who only claim their blackness when it's convenient are c00ns and so are those who ignore white supremacy to perpetuate it anyway. Neither form of c00n makes me upset. Some blacks are c00ns, fukk 'em. I got love for those who truly embrace their blackness, who acknowledge and oppose white supremacy, and are down to rebuild/uplift the community. fukk blacks who don't fit that description I don't care what their complexion is or how mixed they are/aren't.

This is the type of disingenuousness that makes you look weak. Of course Malcolm X was mixed, he was lightskinned with red hair and freckles. The reason that he's used as an example is because he clearly refutes your dumb ass position which is why you don't like that he's brought and pretend that it isn't obvious that he was mixed.

We can discuss all the biracial c00ns who've gone against the community as long as we talk about all of the darker skinned blacks who aren't visibly mixed who have gone against the black community too. Why are you so colorstruck? Is Clarence Thomas "biracial"? How about Larry Elder? Allan Keyes? Hermain Cain? Is Condi Rice biracial?

Only thing to get is that you're colorstruck in the opposite way. Talk about emotional? Your whole position is built on emotion and hurt feelings. You resent biracials because you think that whites accept them more than you. I can actually understand why you see black women resenting biracials because of the whole standard of beauty thing. They arent in the right but I get it. You're supposed to be a man tho right? No excuse for you to so petty and bytchmade.
You're wasting your time. Dude came in the thread with an agenda.


Nov 27, 2012
You misunderstood. I say that whites don't play the "half and half" game meaning, to them if you're not white or Asian then you're black. It's a myth that the white race is this ultra exclusive club only meant blonde haired blue eyed aryans. That's Hitler's ideology and obviously he was defeated by other white people. There are plenty of people who have mixed racial heritage who classify as white. Italians and Greeks are classified as white. Jews are white. Exclusivity is not what keeps the white race dominant over other races. Like I've said, that's a myth. Whites become very inclusive when need be. The thing that keeps the white race dominant is the unity amongst people classified as white and the allegiance that they've all pledged to the ideology of white supremacy. This pledge of allegiance to white supremacy allows people classified as white to maintain a system that ensures their supremacy. As black people our enemies are those who maintain that system as our allies are those who aim to help us overcome that system.

You really need to stop projecting your own scared ass mentality on me. You're the one who's scared not I. "oh lord, the biracials are going to form their own community and not want to fukk us". Ole insecure ass feminine type dude. I'm not scared of mixed their own communities because that's not going to happen. What do you think that they are going to do, inbreed? Immediate biracials don't usually get with other immediate biracials. They usually pick one side or the other and that side is usually black because that's how they're usually seen and treated by others. Of course you have those who are confused and want to buck the system so to speak ala the young lady, Tiger Woods, Raven Symone, Zoe Saldana ect. They're just c00ns who are confused scared and bave bought into the myth of of white supremacy/black inferiority to some extent. fukk 'em. Not all mixed race blacks are like that though. There are countless mixed blacks who have fought and given their lives to opposing white supremacy and uplifting the black community. Your position is disrespectful to all of them past, present, and future. For you to say that mixed race blacks dont have the same experience as other blacks just shows how ignorant you are. My grandmother is Beyonce's complexion. Her grandfather was a mixed damn near white looking black man who was a slave. His experience as a black man is slmething that your bytch ass will necer have to ho through. So who are you to say that he wasn't "black"? Nobody. The definition of what it means to be "black" in a white man's world was established centuries before now and you look like an idiot thinking that you can ignore what the definition of being black has meant for centuries all the way up until now in favor of your own scared, insecure, selfish personal opinion.

Blacks are brown skinned people of African descent. We should only embrace and worry about blacks who embrace and are proud of their blackness. You insist upon ignoring the part of my position because you have an agenda.

The only thing that I've said about this girl is that she's black and that her comments are ignorant. She's 19 who's undoubtedly lived a sheltered life up until this point. She has excuses to be ignorant. It's like you said, maybe she was raised by a c00n to be a c00n. This is all a deflection though. The point is that she's black whether she's a chooses to embrace and claim her blackness or not. According to our concept of race, she's black. You're deflecting with all of that other shyt. She could mature into a grown woman c00n or she may get some consciousness and mature into a proud black woman who opposes the system of white supremacy. I like to give blacks the benefit of the doubt and not prejudge because under the system of white supremacy it's our blackness that binds us all.

You're too insecure and scary bruh. It's feminine. The first thing that you need to do is start speaking for yourself and stop trying to speak for others. This isn't about me being upset at anyone. I'm just offering my take on the subject. Mixed blacks who only claim their blackness when it's convenient are c00ns and so are those who ignore white supremacy to perpetuate it anyway. Neither form of c00n makes me upset. Some blacks are c00ns, fukk 'em. I got love for those who truly embrace their blackness, who acknowledge and oppose white supremacy, and are down to rebuild/uplift the community. fukk blacks who don't fit that description I don't care what their complexion is or how mixed they are/aren't.

This is the type of disingenuousness that makes you look weak. Of course Malcolm X was mixed, he was lightskinned with red hair and freckles. The reason that he's used as an example is because he clearly refutes your dumb ass position which is why you don't like that he's brought and pretend that it isn't obvious that he was mixed.

We can discuss all the biracial c00ns who've gone against the community as long as we talk about all of the darker skinned blacks who aren't visibly mixed who have gone against the black community too. Why are you so colorstruck? Is Clarence Thomas "biracial"? How about Larry Elder? Allan Keyes? Hermain Cain? Is Condi Rice biracial?

Only thing to get is that you're colorstruck in the opposite way. Talk about emotional? Your whole position is built on emotion and hurt feelings. You resent biracials because you think that whites accept them more than you. I can actually understand why you see black women resenting biracials because of the whole standard of beauty thing. They arent in the right but I get it. You're supposed to be a man tho right? No excuse for you to so petty and bytchmade.
Just read the whole exchange. You flamed him bruh.


Looks like we got down to the root of the issue. Someone is jealous of lightskinned biracials. Ole Wale ass nikka.


May 1, 2012
Look. If your ass woulda been considered a slave in 1815 then your black in 2015 period. The whole reason race was even constructed as a concept was for the self-called white man to separate themselves from everybody else. Theres no science behind its all white supremacy. We cant keep picking and choosing which values we wanna adhere to from our masters. If you wanna keep following the idea of race than she's black. Yall follow the self-called white mans idea of race but wanna move the goalpost when convenient. The devil done got yall all confused and still playing plantation politics
Exactamundo! These cats want to pick and choose and pretend as if the world revolves around their personal feelings/opinions. The concept of race is what it is, you can either accept it or reject it altogether.
Just read the whole exchange. You flamed him bruh.


Looks like we got down to the root of the issue. Someone is jealous of lightskinned biracials. Ole Wale ass nikka.
Dude's position is based on nothing but jealousy and envy. He puts his personal agenda above black unity.


All Star
Oct 21, 2014
Actually I see the exact opposite and not just with celebrities but with biracial people that I know. And considering that more black men marry out than black women you comment does not make sense. 24% of black men marry interracially (compared to 9% of black women) but black women are the ones who hate black men and the black community? :usure:

Where you getting 24% from :patrice: Like I said, I know biracial people too, and the BW that are in IR for the most part have a problem with BM and the BC as a whole. There are some BM in IRR that are the same way. But I have seen it more so with BW in IRR. But yeah, I'm going to need some credible sources for that 24%, not some random number people like to pull out of their butts :comeon:


May 2, 2012
You misunderstood. I say that whites don't play the "half and half" game meaning, to them if you're not white or Asian then you're black. It's a myth that the white race is this ultra exclusive club only meant blonde haired blue eyed aryans. That's Hitler's ideology and obviously he was defeated by other white people. There are plenty of people who have mixed racial heritage who classify as white. Italians and Greeks are classified as white. Jews are white. Exclusivity is not what keeps the white race dominant over other races. Like I've said, that's a myth. Whites become very inclusive when need be. The thing that keeps the white race dominant is the unity amongst people classified as white and the allegiance that they've all pledged to the ideology of white supremacy. This pledge of allegiance to white supremacy allows people classified as white to maintain a system that ensures their supremacy. As black people our enemies are those who maintain that system as our allies are those who aim to help us overcome that system.

whites only acknowledge asian, whites or blacks? what are indians, mexicans or natives then?

those are still other europeans, including the jews. they dont go around claiming biracials, they keep their shyt exclusive to those perceived as white.

You really need to stop projecting your own scared ass mentality on me. You're the one who's scared not I. "oh lord, the biracials are going to form their own community and not want to fukk us". Ole insecure ass feminine type dude. I'm not scared of mixed their own communities because that's not going to happen. What do you think that they are going to do, inbreed? Immediate biracials don't usually get with other immediate biracials. They usually pick one side or the other and that side is usually black because that's how they're usually seen and treated by others. Of course you have those who are confused and want to buck the system so to speak ala the young lady, Tiger Woods, Raven Symone, Zoe Saldana ect. They're just c00ns who are confused scared and bave bought into the myth of of white supremacy/black inferiority to some extent. fukk 'em. Not all mixed race blacks are like that though. There are countless mixed blacks who have fought and given their lives to opposing white supremacy and uplifting the black community. Your position is disrespectful to all of them past, present, and future. For you to say that mixed race blacks dont have the same experience as other blacks just shows how ignorant you are. My grandmother is Beyonce's complexion. Her grandfather was a mixed damn near white looking black man who was a slave. His experience as a black man is slmething that your bytch ass will necer have to ho through. So who are you to say that he wasn't "black"? Nobody. The definition of what it means to be "black" in a white man's world was established centuries before now and you look like an idiot thinking that you can ignore what the definition of being black has meant for centuries all the way up until now in favor of your own scared, insecure, selfish personal opinion.

Blacks are brown skinned people of African descent. We should only embrace and worry about blacks who embrace and are proud of their blackness. You insist upon ignoring the part of my position because you have an agenda.

third time, why are biracials and mixed race folks c00ns for not adhering to the one drop rule? if you had a black dad and an asian wife in a white community, how is it c00ning when you dont procreate w/a black woman? he wasn't raised in a black neighborhood w/black mother, he owes the black community NO allegiance.

and mixed race individuals dont have the same experience in the america, we're talkin bout 2015, not 1815. we've got biracials saying the exact same thing i'm saying. what, you going to tell them their experience is a lie as well?

The only thing that I've said about this girl is that she's black and that her comments are ignorant. She's 19 who's undoubtedly lived a sheltered life up until this point. She has excuses to be ignorant. It's like you said, maybe she was raised by a c00n to be a c00n. This is all a deflection though. The point is that she's black whether she's a chooses to embrace and claim her blackness or not. According to our concept of race, she's black. You're deflecting with all of that other shyt. She could mature into a grown woman c00n or she may get some consciousness and mature into a proud black woman who opposes the system of white supremacy. I like to give blacks the benefit of the doubt and not prejudge because under the system of white supremacy it's our blackness that binds us all.

oh, you mean she lived a sheltered life afforded to her by resources outside of the black community? wouldn't that denounce your bullshyt theory that blacks and biracials are treated exactly the same and share the same experiences? you sound delusional trying to shame these half whites into swinging it back black.

You're too insecure and scary bruh. It's feminine. The first thing that you need to do is start speaking for yourself and stop trying to speak for others. This isn't about me being upset at anyone. I'm just offering my take on the subject. Mixed blacks who only claim their blackness when it's convenient are c00ns and so are those who ignore white supremacy to perpetuate it anyway. Neither form of c00n makes me upset. Some blacks are c00ns, fukk 'em. I got love for those who truly embrace their blackness, who acknowledge and oppose white supremacy, and are down to rebuild/uplift the community. fukk blacks who don't fit that description I don't care what their complexion is or how mixed they are/aren't.

most biracials are living in white communities along with their white parent and they dont give a damn about "rebuilding or uplifting the community" how are grown men so delusional?

i'm all for solidarity between groups, but the race must be reorganized. you dudes trying to claim anyone outside of asians and whites are lunatics. all this one drop ruling, and your only excuse is malcolm X. come on now.

This is the type of disingenuousness that makes you look weak. Of course Malcolm X was mixed, he was lightskinned with red hair and freckles. The reason that he's used as an example is because he clearly refutes your dumb ass position which is why you don't like that he's brought and pretend that it isn't obvious that he was mixed.

did i say biracial and mixed blacks never helped the black community? they've put in work. but why go all way into the 50 and 60s? lets discuss the head biracial in office in 2015. he's treating blacks like diseased lepers. wont even look our way unless its to make another pookie jab infront of cacs

We can discuss all the biracial c00ns who've gone against the community as long as we talk about all of the darker skinned blacks who aren't visibly mixed who have gone against the black community too. Why are you so colorstruck? Is Clarence Thomas "biracial"? How about Larry Elder? Allan Keyes? Hermain Cain? Is Condi Rice biracial?

yeah i know there's dark skinned c00ns, but i wont make em all out to be a marcus garvey, like you and malcolm x

Only thing to get is that you're colorstruck in the opposite way. Talk about emotional? Your whole position is built on emotion and hurt feelings. You resent biracials because you think that whites accept them more than you. I can actually understand why you see black women resenting biracials because of the whole standard of beauty thing. They arent in the right but I get it. You're supposed to be a man tho right? No excuse for you to so petty and bytchmade.

if you haven't noticed, i ignore your emotional attacks. its no different from women getting emotional and resorting to name calling to avoid the crux of the debate.

BW are right, even if they're only primarily focused on beauty standards; i'm looking at that and far beyond.

and i have no ill towards biracials. but AAs have to reorganize the race, the current structure doesn't benefit us and this is where we're headed:

if you're are truly pro-black, why would you dilute yourself?


All Star
Aug 17, 2014
whites dont play the half game because they fully understand it would remove wealth and resources from their communities. not to mention all the social confusion or possible coercion it could bring amongst individuals in their group. but what's your excuse? it doesn't matter if biracials will never be accepted into the white community, they'll eventually build their own community and identity (which scares you nikka bad for some reason) whether you choose to admit it or not, they are not having the same experience as blacks or whites in america. they are unique in that right. there's plenty of biracials that are saying what i'm saying and they'd agree. hell, i posted up a documentary and no one acknowledged it.

but you've been going on this thread quite a bit over a biracial women that wants to separate herself from being identified as black (and white). i c00ns come in all shapes and sizes, but i think you're likely to produce cooons when you raise your biracial offspring, with a white parent in a white community. i mean, really what of "black" person are you expecting to come out of those homes.

i'd be more upset with biracials that only uses their blackness as a leg up in society, than i would w/biracials that date outside their race like you. but this shyt really aint about embracing a race, its about nikkas wanting access to all women under the guise of unity.

of course all mixed people dont support white supremacy and i shouldnt have to quantify it for you. but why do y'all always bring up malcolm X? he wasn't biracial but even if he were.why dont we ever discuss all the biracials that went against the black community? why we aint talking about how organizations like the NAACP were founded by cacs and biracials and have never done a thing for the black community. or the quadroon balls and colleges setup for biracials to strengthen the buffer class. i'm looking at the overall plan, you keep trying to bring it down to some emotional shyt.

sad part is the women seem to get it a lot more than black men
this scares nikkas shytless
remember when #teamlightskin started happening
but still hated lightskin males
nikkas hate their own women, and would die in a world where pawgs and lightskin bytches dont fukk with them
so they could make kids that dont look dark like them (fake pro black ass nikkas)
nikkas dont want unity because of unity nikkas want unity because of self hate
nikkas want unity to hide behind whites latinos, everybody
look at how easy nikkas accept miley justin french montana anybody nikkas let anyone come in shyt on them and walk out
because nikkas hate themselves and want to escape from their blackness
foreign whips bytches , everything


May 2, 2012
this scares nikkas shytless
remember when #teamlightskin started happening
but still hated lightskin males
nikkas hate their own women, and would die in a world where pawgs and lightskin bytches dont fukk with them
so they could make kids that dont look dark like them (fake pro black ass nikkas)
nikkas dont want unity because of unity nikkas want unity because of self hate
nikkas want unity to hide behind whites latinos, everybody
look at how easy nikkas accept miley justin french montana anybody nikkas let anyone come in shyt on them and walk out
because nikkas hate themselves and want to escape from their blackness
foreign whips bytches , everything

thats why i just let their bullshyt about unity blow right pass me. they do not give a damn about unity with light or dark skin black men. they just wanna unify with the damn light skinned women and non-black women that creates them. like you said, they really wanna escape their own blackness, that's the true goal. they trynna end up having kids that look like this one day:


Supreme HD

Dec 7, 2014
She is right, there is no such thing as black or white or races, you can either come from the 10 tribes in the bible. She is a jake but only if her father is black, if her dad is white then she is an edomite and a decendant from esau.


All Star
Aug 17, 2014
thats why i just let their bullshyt about unity blow right pass me. they do not give a damn about unity with light or dark skin black men. they just wanna unify with the damn light skinned women and non-black women that creates them. like you said, they really wanna escape their own blackness, that's the true goal. they trynna end up having kids that look like this one day:

Its so obvious too thats why blacks dont get respect
nikkas dont want to be black so why should anyone fukk with them?
nikkas wanted the tennis player to be another lightskin girl they could be with
shorty said:mjpls: and everybody butthurt,
she could think for her own, and she a real one for that.

nikkas contradict themselves too much for me to be down with it
Its yo we all black, but hate on lightskin nikkas
fukk the white man, but use the one drop rule to your advantage when u wanna sleep and impregnate lightskin women
Wanna claim you running shyt but got an inferiority complex.
fukk that shyt bruh