Mulatto Tennis player says she isn't black or white


Les Enfants Terribles
Jul 10, 2014




May 1, 2012
Im not the one advocating for mixed races to fall under the Black banner. The insecure ones are the ones who feel Black people cant make it on their own.
this isn't about "advocating" or "claiming". This is about acknowledging a fact. People with one white and one black parent are black. It's not up for debate. It's been that way for thousands of years. If you don't think that being so weak minded that you can't accept the truth is about insecurity, then what is it? You cats are actually arguing against reality:what:
That just proves my point
No matter how many times you try and explain that race is a social construct that isn't based on science or genetics, they still wont get it because they don't want to get it. You have to beat re white man at his own game but sadly a lot of us are too stupid to even understand the game that he's playing.


Mar 24, 2014
this isn't about "advocating" or "claiming". This is about acknowledging a fact. People with one white and one black parent are black. It's not up for debate. It's been that way for thousands of years. If you don't think that being so weak minded that you can't accept the truth is about insecurity, then what is it? You cats are actually arguing against reality:what:
No matter how many times you try and explain that race is a social construct that isn't based on science or genetics, they still wont get it because they don't want to get it. You have to beat re white man at his own game but sadly a lot of us are too stupid to even understand the game that he's playing.

Your'e're either mixed or white, no secure Black person raised in a two parent Black household with pride would allow a non Black person to dictate to them what they are and aren' allow fukking cacs to tell you what the Black race is, you allow fukking mulatto's to force themselves through the door and they dont get checked for it?? :wtf: If youre Black, then what sort of Black person are you, letting whites and others dictate to you what the makeup of the African race is??youre mad..and the one drop rule hasnt been in effect for thousands of years, it is a purely white American concept designed to keep the white pure and the mutts thrown away onto the Black pile like we are garbage or something. Grow some fukking balls, some pride and maybe you wont let other races tell you about yourself. Idiot!

Aug 17, 2013
let me get out my go-to song for this type of discussion!!

Sisters up in my hood trying to do good given choices
When pregnant drop out of school or have abortions
Stop working hoping that they find a man that will support them
Up late night on they mothers cordless, thinking a perm or
Bleaching cream will make better when they gorgeous
White girls tanning, lypo suction
Fake titties are implanted, fake lips thats life destruction
Lightskin women, bi-racial hateful toward themselves
Denying even they blood
I don't judge Tiger Woods but I overstand the mental poison
Thats even worser than drugs


May 1, 2012
Your'e're either mixed or white, no secure Black person raised in a two parent Black household with pride would allow a non Black person to dictate to them what they are and aren' allow fukking cacs to tell you what the Black race is, you allow fukking mulatto's to force themselves through the door and they dont get checked for it??
You only call yourself "black" because the white man told you to. "Black" is the white man's term to describe brown skinned people of African descent. Africans did not create the term "black", whites did. Race is the white man's concept. If only you people knew how ignorant you sounded posting this dumb ass argument. You waste your time trying to run that simple psychology. If you don't like or subscribe to the concept of race then just say that. You look silly trying to take the white man's concept of race and apply your own personal rules that nobody gives a fukk about or goes by though. It's like you people don't know what " social construct" means.

:wtf: If youre Black, then what sort of Black person are you, letting whites and others dictate to you what the makeup of the African race is??
:scusthov: at this ignorant simple minded ass shaming. I notice how your snake ass switched "black"'to "African race" too:shaq2: I keep telling people that these c00ns/crackers are completely deceptive. There is no such thing as the African race. There are whites born in Africa. We're talking about the "black" race which is a general all inclusive term.

Again, the concept of race itself is the white man's invention. You're following the white man's concept whether you realize it or not. I'm a secure enough black person that I don't have to lie to myself about what blackness is. People like you are so weakminded and insecure that you have to lie to yourself about what it means to be black because you can't deal with the truth.

youre mad..and the one drop rule hasnt been in effect for thousands of years, it is a purely white American concept designed to keep the white pure and the mutts thrown away onto the Black pile like we are garbage or something. Grow some fukking balls, some pride and maybe you wont let other races tell you about yourself. Idiot!
No, you're mad. You're so mad that you refuse to deal with the way things are in favor of pretending that things are the way that you wished they were. There's no skch thing as a "pure" race. Race is a social contruct(for the millionth time), it's not based on science or genetics. There are plenty of people who are of mixed racial heritage that are classified as white. That "pure aryan" bullshyt was Hitler's ideology and he was defeated by other people classified as white. Whites claim non whites all the time when it's beneficial to their agenda. Ever heard of Jesus? Have you not seen how whites are trying to claim the ancient Egyptians? Please stop perpetuating these myths.

You're completely ignorant and you should shut up and listen instead of trying to argue. If the so called ODR isn't in effect anymore then why is Obama universally considered the first black president? That fact alone refutes your dishonest argument. Nothing regarding the way in which races are classified has changed. The only thing that has changed is the strategy of the white supremacists. Whites allowing mixed blacks to symbolically disassociate themselves from other blacks is a chess move made to dissipate black unity. Whites will allow you to claim whatever race you want but how you personally ID yourself has no bearing on how society will ID and treat you. If you're brown skinned of African descent then you will be classified as black and treated as such. That's just the truth about life in a world controlled by white supremacy. You don't have to like it or agree, but denying the reality of the situation does you a disservice. It also makes you look stupid and weak. Grow a fukking brain.
Apr 11, 2014
let me get out my go-to song for this type of discussion!!

Sisters up in my hood trying to do good given choices
When pregnant drop out of school or have abortions
Stop working hoping that they find a man that will support them
Up late night on they mothers cordless, thinking a perm or
Bleaching cream will make better when they gorgeous
White girls tanning, lypo suction
Fake titties are implanted, fake lips thats life destruction
Lightskin women, bi-racial hateful toward themselves
Denying even they blood
I don't judge Tiger Woods but I overstand the mental poison
Thats even worser than drugs

quote smart dumb nikkas to prove a point brehs