The Wire was around in a time before social media fueled the ascension of cult shows
Game of Thrones was the best show in existence during its rise. It's failures at the end are irrelevant to the ratings discussion
My entire point at bringing up the dwindling Mr Robot audience was to illustrate that Sham Lessmail is weak at connecting us emotionally with his work. That is why each season saw more and more people abandon the show. Because they didn't give a fukk about what was going on, and the whole cult of "theory crafting" doesn't apoeal to them.
I love reading all the Juelzing that occured in this thread immediately following the finale, excusing Sham's inability to deliver for that portion of the fandom. Instead, he tried to deliver to the portion of the fandom that seeks an emotional attachment to the characters....but it was never a strong suit of the show.
Some people still haven't learned from the leasons that LOST and GOT taught us. Don't invest too much into what you think will happen, because you will then have expectations that likely won't be met.
The difference here though is that LOST and GOT were all time great shows during their run and only got retroactively downgraded at the end. Mr Robot was NEVER on their level no matter what the Mr Robot subreddit would lead you to believe. So all yall nerds wasted your time for nothing
At no point in time was this the best show on TV. GOT, Leftovers, Better Call Saul, and this year The Watchmen were all better in their given years.
And yes, I understand that this is only my opinion and some people may disagree with my notion that Sham is bad at connecting us to the plot/characters emotionally. But in an age where FOMO and social media drive rabid fans to constantly want to be a part of the next THE WIRE, the shrinking audience of Mr Robot spoke volumes