The problem with the people who were upset about the finale is they don’t get the show is only about mental illness.
Every one of the important characters had a serious mental illness that they all overcame this final season.
All this nonsense about White Rose’s machine, The Deus Group, etc completely misses the point. The anger is because people’s bullshyt theories were wrong and they can’t accept that things don’t have to be as grandiose or some super twist that makes them feel smarter than everyone else. It’s pathetic.

Oh, the show was about mental illness now??

Yeah, this was a real deep character piece rooted in exploration of mental illness

I WISH this show had been about that, then it might have been an all-timer.
You must be referring the The Leftovers with your post, because you damn near described that show perfectly. Which is why it is possibly the best show of the decade. You certainly aren't describing Mr. Robot, a show that built its following based on massive plot twists, misdirection, stylish direction, and theory crafting