Mother instructed 14-year-old son to shoot, kill man at hot dog stand,


Kristina Schulman Bro
Mar 4, 2015
The Real Titletown
The articles written before the video was posted were horribly written. It was confusing about exactly what happened. I didn't see the woman spit on the guy like some article was saying. He clearly initiated the physical confrontation.

You see him hitting her there and people running out. How long was it before the son came into the store? It clearly had to be at least a few more seconds before he came in and saw his mother getting beaten. If he sees his mom getting punched in the face, then I think shooting him in the back would be justified there. However, it becomes an issue when leaving the store and shooting the man as he was allegedly fleeing, and then the mother allegedly telling her son to shoot a witness.

I'll wait for more information to come out about the later parts, as the original articles seem to be inaccurate and poorly written.

If the son shot the guy in the back OUTSIDE of the store if the man was running away, then he's toast.

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
so are people ignoring the part about them shooting at the other person? or has that changed?
No one else got shot. It was said the mother told her son to shoot the other person (dude’s girlfriend who was laughing) but he didn’t. Then they said she tried to grab the gun from her son to shoot her, but her son pushed his mom off. Just stating what the article said, so it may not even be true.

Bop Gun

Turn Me Loose, We Shall Overcome
Mar 11, 2022
210 via 201
The only thing I take from this thread:

Alot of you bytch ass mother fukkers would've watched this guy viciously attack your Mother, and done nothing about it.

Little man was 14 and much smaller, if there was no gun, that dude probably kills his Mother. He clearly was not going to stop punching her.

Ain't yall the dumb mother fukkers who always say it only takes one punch to kill someone? But it is acceptable in this case for this guy to beat on this Woman, and in public? Those articles posted in here all sound like complete gibberish, and most of yall in here ran with it.

I remember the thread where the couple was on the train and some dude was hitting the girl in front of her man, he didn't do anything, and yall were furious he didn't "protect" her. And another thread where people criticized @valet and called him every variation of being a p*ssy and emasculated him for saying he would not hit that white woman who was repeatedly kicking that little girl, because of fear of going to prison.

But all of a sudden it's different now? If the son doesn't intervene in any way, mother fukkers would have cooked that kid in here.

Little Man did the right thing. That guy deserved to die.


Dec 2, 2012
The bytch ass nikka who put hands on her is the one that put them in that position, not the momma. If I was 14 and someone did that to my mom I should've shot him too, nobody would have to tell me shyt.
The son was waiting in the car, the mother could have just taken her food and left and would have never gotten punched.

The God Poster

LWO representa
May 1, 2012

Let me say that video is damming. Too many emotional people out in the city. Primary reason shyt get escalated

:pacspit: Him hitting her cause she was verbally lightning him up.

Legally Mom is done tho. She was blood thirsty & also meets the definition of an overly emotion person. As I’ve said before, women despite what the media says men/women are not equal. Do not argue with strangers who are men. Particularly after they threaten to punch you. Yes y’all deserve equality but centuries on earth show you each gender has a role & one is clearly stronger.

Did they take down the page? Or did godundme? If it’s the latter :scust:


Uptown WaYo87

May 7, 2012
The only thing I take from this thread:

Alot of you bytch ass mother fukkers would've watched this guy viciously attack your Mother, and done nothing about it.

Little man was 14 and much smaller, if there was no gun, that dude probably kills his Mother. He clearly was not going to stop punching her.

Ain't yall the dumb mother fukkers who always say it only takes one punch to kill someone? But it is acceptable in this case for this guy to beat on this Woman, and in public? Those articles posted in here all sound like complete gibberish, and most of yall in here ran with it.

I remember the thread where the couple was on the train and some dude was hitting the girl in front of her man, he didn't do anything, and yall were furious he didn't "protect" her. And another thread where people criticized @valet and called him every variation of being a p*ssy and emasculated him for saying he would not hit that white woman who was repeatedly kicking that little girl, because of fear of going to prison.

But all of a sudden it's different now? If the son doesn't intervene in any way, mother fukkers would have cooked that kid in here.

Little Man did the right thing. That guy deserved to die.

Breh im 100% behind any 14 yr old kid defending his mother after shes getting attacked but theres two things

1) after he shoots him and he runsaway, his mother instructed her son to kill him. Its a execution at that point, he couldve shot dude and probably got away with it
2) why does lil man have a gun in his hoodie in the first place??? Is it really to just protect his moms "just in case" or are both mom/son on demon time 24/7?

Not only she instructed her son to kill the victim, but she also tried to shoot another customer afterwards for laughing. Those two things alone tells me the mom is a piece of shyt, and makes me question how this all transpired in the first place. Not saying the victim was justified for hitting her, but i wonder what kind of buttons she pushed to get him to the level he was at when the video starts. Again, hitting her shouldve never been an option, but who knows where his mind was at, at that time of his life

Hes a coward for hitting a woman. But we are all different human beings and we all react different, whether its justified or not. He deserved to get shot, but executing him after he ran away takes this story to another level of fukked up. 3 lives ruined


Nov 18, 2016
The articles written before the video was posted were horribly written. It was confusing about exactly what happened. I didn't see the woman spit on the guy like some article was saying. He clearly initiated the physical confrontation.

You see him hitting her there and people running out. How long was it before the son came into the store? It clearly had to be at least a few more seconds before he came in and saw his mother getting beaten. If he sees his mom getting punched in the face, then I think shooting him in the back would be justified there. However, it becomes an issue when leaving the store and shooting the man as he was allegedly fleeing, and then the mother allegedly telling her son to shoot a witness.

I'll wait for more information to come out about the later parts, as the original articles seem to be inaccurate and poorly written.

If the son shot the guy in the back OUTSIDE of the store if the man was running away, then he's toast.

This is what stupid people do when they thought it'll be one way and it goes another. The B*TCH who was instigating the sh*t probably had a "oh sh*t" moment, and got to lying to get the woman in trouble as well.

Pure Water

May 12, 2014
From what I saw, the son came into the store with the gun, but didn't use it until his mom got hit. Seems like self defense on the kids part imo. Idk about the mom though.


May 20, 2012
Smh, this is not about defending the dude who got shot. This is about what this woman as a mother did to her child. Y'all really think traumatizing your 14 year old son and risking his future by getting him involved in a physical fight with a fully grown man and telling him to kill someone is not bad parenting :snoop: The boy is supposed to be reading comic books, not carrying weapons and being his mothers bodyguard. Of course punshing her in the face was wrong, but she could have avoided this whole situation by just buying her food and leaving instead of continuing the argument. When the video starts, he is pleading with her to shut up and leave him alone, but she doesn't. So there was no immedeate threat that warrented for her to call for help. She could have just left it alone. Instead, she apparently told her son to come and bring a weapon. The responsible thing would have been to just leave, not involving a child into this mess. Her than telling that child to keep shooting even after that guy was injured and fled and then telling him to kill a woman that didn't pose a thread is completely fukked up. And even if they will get off, her son will carry this shyt with him for the rest of his life. He killed a man at 14 because his mother is irresponsible:francis:

Bunch of idiots justifying this woman putting her underage son's life in danger and ruining his life and future. Over what? Something she could have simply just walked away from. Sometimes you gotta realize you got more to loose than the person you are arguing and fighting with. Just walk away. Every battle aint worth fighting. If you have a child with you walking away from confrontation should be the automatic response.. Cause you are supposed to protect your kids not put them in harms way or force them to make life altering decisions. Her ego was clearly more important than her sons life and future. This type of short term emotional thinking is why the community is in the state it is in.

Bop Gun

Turn Me Loose, We Shall Overcome
Mar 11, 2022
210 via 201
Breh im 100% behind any 14 yr old kid defending his mother after shes getting attacked but theres two things

1) after he shoots him and he runsaway, his mother instructed her son to kill him. Its a execution at that point, he couldve shot dude and probably got away with it
2) why does lil man have a gun in his hoodie in the first place??? Is it really to just protect his moms "just in case" or are both mom/son on demon time 24/7?

Not only she instructed her son to kill the victim, but she also tried to shoot another customer afterwards for laughing. Those two things alone tells me the mom is a piece of shyt, and makes me question how this all transpired in the first place. Not saying the victim was justified for hitting her, but i wonder what kind of buttons she pushed to get him to the level he was at when the video starts. Again, hitting her shouldve never been an option, but who knows where his mind was at, at that time of his life

Hes a coward for hitting a woman. But we are all different human beings and we all react different, whether its justified or not. He deserved to get shot, but executing him after he ran away takes this story to another level of fukked up. 3 lives ruined

Those articles aren't making any sense though, especially when the video shows a completely different picture. You can hear the Mother in the video tell her son to get in the car, and then the guy attacks her. I dont believe the other nonsense at all that said to finish him off or whatever.

This is a crazy story, but we gotta call out the degenerates on this site. You got people on here proud to say the suburbs get it poppin' like in the inner cities, you got dummies who will fight and shoot you over College Fraternities, there are people here who have said they would harm you if you criticize or disrespect hoodlums, I'm sorry, I mean "certified nikkas in the streets".

But a 14 year old protecting his mom got them clutching their pearls? It's not adding up.