Most black doctors are women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Cacs are not into black women en masse like they are into asian women. But I do see them with alot of mixed chicks nowadays. The same ones black dudes would normally get.

I know a bunch of educated single black women and this is the ish they tell me


yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
Make no mistake those are Nigerians not AA. Africans love the medical field, be engineers back home and be an RN in America :mjlol:
It's mostly because of the job security and having to depend less on people. You have to depend less on people in the medical field compared to engineering. An immigrant whose English might not be as good as a native American's English will try to get a job where he is almost guaranteed a spot as long as he studies well.


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
I don't know any brehs myself that are in med school like that, I know a few in the field that do other stuff and some in dentistry but no doctors. You gotta take on crazy debt on that path though, plus you gonna be broke during the process. Unless you sell dreams you not about to get any action and you gotta be focused unless you mess with other doctors, but don't couples in those fields have higher divorce rates?

I think it’s this more so than, anything. It’s a hard ass process and without the proper support system — you will not make it through — regardless of how intrinsically talented or intelligent you are. I really wanted to be a doctor when I started college as a non-traditional student, but after awhile, I realized I didn’t have it in me to be broke for another 7-10 years. I’d already been broke 25+ years :gucci:. If I could’ve just focused on school, I would’ve been fine. The process is basically designed to remove those that aren’t 150% fully committed to becoming a doctor in terms of idealogy from becoming one.
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Ugo Ogugwa

Neega Wotsssss
May 1, 2012
There are wayyy more black female doctors than male doctors, it's not even close:mindblown:. What's the story behind this gap :why:. Especially given the fact that medicine is such an important profession. This needs to change. Women are getting more degrees than men nowadays too (not just in liberal arts degree, either) :francis:. The future about to be a place with rich men at the top (executives etc.) followed by tons of women in middle management. The average brehs about to get left behind and eaten up by the next wave of automation :yeshrug:. For doctors 29 and younger nearly 70 percent of them are women :gucci:.



Source: AAMC Data Warehouse: Student Data and Applicant and Matriculant Files as of July 11, 2016. Presented in Diversity Facts and Figures, Current Trends in Medical Education, as Figure 19A, AAMC FACTS & FIGURES 2016 | Current Trends in Medical Education |.

Source: AAMC Data Warehouse: Minority Physician Database, AMA Masterfile, and other AAMC data sources, as of Jan. 22, 2014. Chart is compiled from data shown in Figure 5 in AAMC Diversity Facts and Figures:
Build a wall to keep them in the kitchen and away from books.


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
It basically comes down to more doctors reaching back and helping the youngins coming up, and creating a buzz early for the youth especially males, every kid that i run across in college/high school if they are biology majors or interested in biology/science field then i give them my number,(college kids) or promos to write a letter on their behalf if they apply to hbcus, or to get in med school, i say you need help, to vent, whatever hit me up, i know a girl about to go to med school i make sure i reach out and check on her, growing up i didn’t see any male doctors except my pediatrician.

But then there’s the crippling debt you run into trying to be a doctor, it’s not necessarily a road many want to take

Then you have people who only view mds as the go to doctor to be, when there are so many more routes that still allow you to give back and help, and you still earn your doctorate, but people in our community ridicule them, shyt the way some nikkas on this board acted when they found out I’m a chiropractor you would think i murder puppies, or i took weekend classes for two months and now I’m a doctor, but I’m a doctor/general practitioner as recognized by the states, insurance etc

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
It's mostly because of the job security and having to depend less on people. You have to depend less on people in the medical field compared to engineering. An immigrant whose English might not be as good as a native American's English will try to get a job where he is almost guaranteed a spot as long as he studies well.
yeah the medical field is the closest thing to complete job security.
Even if society as we know it were to crumble today, you'll still have a job :skip:

Mr. McDowell

The Brotha's Got His Own Money
Nov 17, 2016
Jamaica Estates
Dude said a doctor, like people don't have to go to school for a decade, do a residency and all that shyt. Being a doctor isn't just a profession, it's a calling. A desire to help people needs to be in your DNA. And to be clear, I am talking about doctors who deal with a patient's physical health, not mental health.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I think it’s this more so than, anything. It’s a hard ass process and without the people support system — you will not make it through — regardless of how intrinsically talented or intelligent you are. I really wanted to be a doctor when I started college as a non-traditional student, but after awhile, I realized I didn’t have it in me to be broke for another 7-10 years. I’d already been broke 25+ years :gucci:. If I could’ve just focused on school, I would’ve been fine. The process is basically designed to remove those that aren’t 150% fully committed to becoming a doctor in terms of idealogy from becoming one.

Basically, they purposely keep tuition high as another form of nepotism. Basically, they gonna be broke until they hit in their late 30s when they FINALLY can pay off a good chunk of over-inflated loans. Most people can't be broke and financial underachievers for all of their youth.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Black girls are actually targeted for prison as well. Blk children are disproportionately targeted for punitive disciplinary practices period.

What differs for black boys and girls is expectations and a school system that is uniquely anti-male energy. Boys move more than girls and need to be more active. This isn't a bad thing and a seasoned teacher will leverage this vitality and dynamic brain energy to create BEAST mode little boys.
But ya see apart of my job is to literally teach pre-service teachers. Every semester, at dozens of education prep programs, I see classes filled with nothing but WHITE FEMALES.
White females are primarily the largest demographic of instructors in America. They are also single-handedly responsible for the school to prison pipeline due to their cultural incongruity with black children and their hang ups with particularly male children. They are also primarily responsible for black male boys being funneled into terminal Special Education programs.

These brand spanking new PAWGs that blk boys are socially conditioned to love, enter into the schools, encounter an active young black boy, doesn't know the first thing about culturally responsive instruction, or positive behavior support and armed with her preconceived notions of thugs and black dysfunctionality, the FIRST thing she does is send these young black boys straight to the office or refer him for special education testing.

Black females can be just as susceptible to these issues and many are. I've seen young blk females literally get suspended for shyt like rolling their eyes, while a white student could literally EXPLODE and blank on the principal and be untouchable.

But blk shyt gets real for black females at a younger age than black males in a lot of cases. Pregnancy, sexual abuse, being told you fast or slutty---potential biological pitfalls mean that girls mature sooner. Thus a lot of black girls start being about their shyt academically while a lot of young blk boys are still aspiring to be their favorite basketball player. Many blk girls view education as an escape and many blk boys view it as a prison.

It doesn't help that the lack of black male role models means many black boys end up having nothing but athletes and hip hop artists to look up to and emulate. And a very sad game is being played in the psyche of black men. They grow up wanting to be like these artists but many of these artists aren't even the way they are paid to be in entertainment. Many are unaware of how educated a LOT of blk male hip hop artists are and how these artists are paid to play a role. So the industry fools millions of young blk boys to be anti-intellectual, anti-education, pro-drugs, pro-violence, pro-anything white female. And then these same artists are alive and kicking, chilling safe and sound while their young blk male fans who follow up there nonsense reap the negative consequences of the lifestyles they were brainwashed into: early death, dropout rates, gang violence, unemployment.

Young blk females get brainwashed by toxic female figures as well. But toxic femininity doesn't have the same immediate mortality as toxic masculinity. The former is more of a slow, subtle poison that leaves a black female wondering why her emulation of the hoe life didn't get her the same privileges as Cardi B. The latter is far more immediate for black males b/c it results in behaviors that are answered with immediate violence like getting shot b/c you wanted to be about "that life" like young whoever claims to be.

Black female teachers are worse than white female teachers for black boys. Why because the gender politics play heavy into how they teach.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
yeah the medical field is the closest thing to complete job security.
Even if society as we know it were to crumble today, you'll still have a job :skip:
I want to go into engineering but I can't tell if I will have a job 10 years down the line because of all these advancements in AI that are happening here and in China. You also gotta consider that only the top 30 percent of graduates in IT can get a decent job while the other 70 percent have to compete with H1B visa holders :francis:. I got this GI bill that I plan on using next semester but I don't want to finish college thinking I wasted money on an engineering degree when I could have gone into the medical field:francis:.


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
i have an older female cousin who is a doctor and 2 younger cousins that are on their way to becoming one. My dad tried his damnedest to get me and my siblings into the medical field. I have a scientific mind and had the talent for it but it didn't interest me like computers did. Even after i got my computer science degree he was like its not too late become a doctor. Tried to get me to go into dentistry using a connection from my uncle. :heh:


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
Mentor more young black boys to study medicine. The profession never interested me and I couldn’t spend my whole life doing it. Once you a doctor, ain’t no career switching like that lol.
So you didn’t want to become a doctor cause it wasn’t interesting

Ok bud

The Radiant One

Nov 18, 2016
Why Medicine you ask?

-It is a long path
-Often in debt
-Have to work hard hours in medical school and residency and have to tap dance to arrogant attendings
-The profession can have a high rate of suicide compared to the general population
-risk of getting sued
-lack of autonomy (compared to the past)

-I'm just going to just recommend medicine/healthcare. Why? So this entire subforum is dedicated to 6 figs 6 certs. Healthcare consumes a large portion of the GDP hence you have a lot of jobs in that sector from nutrition to pharmaceutical companies to IT companies making hospital equipment to tech investing in health.

Everyone has a body and gets old so you have job security in fact probably one of the few areas where automation will break into the least.

No specifically medicine
-Black people can get into the field easier than asians and whites with the same stats (this is because as a breh you will be one of the few in your science classes)

-You can do it you need to take some youtube clips and read on how to study (verbalize as in read outloud while you are reading important stuff also find practice questions in physics, chemistry, organic)

-Black woman ratio to black men ratio is 2-1 you will be feasting heavily if you go to Morehouse, Meharry or Howard. I went with my state school because it was cheaper but still was involved in SNMA

-You get to help your community and your family to live longer because you can learn healthy habits like intermittent fasting. Trying to get 10,000 steps a day and other things.

-Helping other people in multiple studies show that helping others makes you happier

-wealth creation I pay 6k a month towards my loans 200k. I also max out my roth ira, my solo 401k. I have been one year out and I have 72k in my solo 401k. Plus a lot of jobs are independent contractors which means that you can start your LLC and get tax breaks for maxing out your retirement account.

-As a doctor you have job security and you can live anywhere in the US. In other professions you stay with your company like tech (sure you can make six figs but you HAVE to live in Cali so you make less comparatively) You make more as a doctor living in a rural area or you can do like me and live in ATL. You can really build wealth like no other.

Here are some sights about physician wealth
Backdoor Roth IRA Ultimate Guide and Tutorial
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