Monique tells lee daniels, tyler perry and oprah to suck her dikk


Good Vibrations
Jun 29, 2014
You read this thread you can clearly see the people in this thread who would be on 360 deals if they were musicians or fukked in the ass and doing sexual favors to gay jews in hollywood to get put on.
Sad as hell.
Even in anonymity their need for white acceptance and c00ning can't be denied.
False equivelance breh. Movies and talk shows are much more fruitful than record sales.

Problem is, we're always comparing ourselves to the next person. If you want to fight for equality then do it on the appropriate platform. Hollywood is not that platform. If she compared how she's living to 99% of the globe, instead of over privileged cac megastars - she would probably be able to humble herself, make some real paper, and have a real influence on equality independently from movies.


Dec 2, 2015
False equivelance breh. Movies and talk shows are much more fruitful than record sales.

Problem is, we're always comparing ourselves to the next person. If you want to fight for equality then do it on the appropriate platform. Hollywood is not that platform. If she compared how she's living to 99% of the globe, instead of over privileged cac megastars - she would probably be able to humble herself, make some real paper, and have a real influence on equality independently from movies.
I'm not the one who made the equivalence, might need to read the thread breh.
If its a false equivalence the example doesn't work at all, not it only works the way that benefits the point you are trying to make.
That said talk shows are advertisement, not money for anyone and that is contracted.
Movies are fixed fee/rate and a cut of first dollar and back end if you are established on a big film.

The problem isn't comparing at all. She did what was in her right to do, period and she was blackballed for it.
What you are saying doesn't even make any sense by the way, who care how much money she is making, she choose not to do non contracted work for free, end of discussion.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
The films isn't hers, she isn't getting back end, she got a upfront fee.
So why should she go promote your film that you are going to profit from, it isn't hers, its the studios film.
Unlike a muscian or artists who gets a cut and typically is the main creative voice and person associated with music and who gets money off every album sales and gets money from live performances, who has a financial stake in an album's success.

The film isnt hers but its her showcase. Monique was not taken seriously as an actor and was relegated to bad black comedies before that movie. She should have used that movie to get more serious roles and roles in larger movies.

She should have went and promoted the movie because in reality she was promoting herself!

Thats the correlation with the music industry, when you get hot you go out there and you sell yourself. She did the exact opposite of what she should have done. She thought she was "on" but she wasnt at that point yet where she could sit back and make demands.


Jun 10, 2012
Cannes and film festivals are typically for prestige, not sales, and for smaller films finding distributors.
The movie already had distribution, already was finished filming, and this wasn't regular press tour, this was extra for just the studio.
They should have paid her, the studio paid Dolph Lundgren and Van Damme to go to Cannes to promote Universal Soldier, no reason not to pay this woman who fulfilled her contractual obligations to do something extra when she took a pay cut to do the film.

You do an indie movie for small amounts of money. You should expect to do promo as part of that. You don't take roles like that to cake up especially when you're not known as a serious actress. Big name actors have done indie movies for scale and done promo to show they believe in the project. Get Out was made for $4.5 million (less than half of Precious) and the actors did promo. You gotta get out there and promote yourself at the same time. Daniel Kaluuya was everywhere and he's already getting future roles lined up.

:dahell: Van Damme and Dolph were stars so if they say they don't want to do promo for free they have the leverage to get paid.

Don't act like she had a noble cause. She just didn't want to go to Cannes. She didn't even ask for money. It was only after Lionsgate kept calling that her husband asked. Again, blackballing her is not right but she and her husband overestimated her worth. You think the studio "should" have paid her but they didn't have to so they didn't. If you don't have the leverage to force their hand you lose in the long run. She didn't get paid and got exiled from Hollywood. She gotta hold the L.
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Dec 2, 2015
The film isnt hers but its her showcase. Monique was not taken seriously as an actor and was relegated to bad black comedies before that movie. She should have used that movie to get more serious roles and roles in larger movies.

She should have went and promoted the movie because in reality she was promoting herself!

Thats the correlation with the music industry, when you get hot you go out there and you sell yourself. She did the exact opposite of what she should have done. She thought she was "on" but she wasnt at that point yet where she could sit back and make demands.
The film was already filmed, her work was locked down and already showcased if that was legit and seeing that she got an Oscar without going to Cannes your whole argument seems illogical.
She was hot from the Oscar, going to Cannes isn't for her and again if they wanted to cut her in on first dollar or pay her it would have been professional, than asking her to do something out of contract and not compensating her.


Dec 2, 2015
You do an indie movie for small amounts of money. You should expect to do promo as part of that. You don't take roles like that to cake up especially when you're not known as a serious actress. Big name actors have done indie movies for scale and done promo to show they believe in the project. Get Out was made for $4.5 million (less than half of Precious) and the actors did promo. You gotta get out there and promote yourself at the same time. Daniel Kaluuya was everywhere and he's already getting future roles lined up.

:dahell: Van Damme and Dolph were stars so if they say they don't want to do promo for free they have the leverage to get paid.

Don't act like she had a noble cause. She just didn't want to go to Cannes. She didn't even ask for money. It was only after Lionsgate kept calling that her husband asked. Again, blackballing her is right but she and her husband overestimated her worth. You think the studio "should" have paid her but they didn't have to so they didn't. If you don't have the leverage to force their hand to lose in the long run. She didn't get paid and got exiled from Hollywood. She gotta hold the L.
She did promo for the movie, she did her promo run, what you don't seem to understand is this though, when someone is trying to get you to do something for their financial benefit, you need to be asking where is my check. Period. That is business.

The actors of Get Out did their contracted promo, if someone asked them to go to Cannes and promote it after they already had distribution and finished filming and editing, it would be foolish of them and ridiculous of the studio to expect them to do extra labor when they aren't paying them.

Daniel Kaluuya got roles because the movie did box office period, Monique's got recognition with the Oscar and the movie was a success. She was blackballed, so what is your point?

LOL Van Damme and Dolph were paid to do additional promotion for the film at Cannes, but Monique who took less than scale and did all the promo for the movie as contracted should have done free promo for people who eventually blacklisted her for not doing something for free for their benefit? That shyt doesn't make any sense.

Getting paid for the work you do is now a noble cause?
Seems like a lot of you folks are in that sunken place for real. The shyt you are saying to justify her getting blackballed makes no logical sense and is absurd on its face.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
No, that is whoring yourself out.
People work to be paid, simple as that.
There is no such thing as for the love.

Art Barr
you never heard of being an intern? or a favor for a favor... or getting in good with someone by doing them a solid?

and no this wasn't that... but look where she at now. all she had to do is one press run, which would have lead to MILLIONS

instead she up here mad as hell, screaming about people who don't care about her, for what? not going on a press run for her own damn movie

i remember kevin hart had this same issue in those leaked emails... they cussed his out too in them... and then he did them.. now look where he at


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
There are a lot of norms that shouldn't be. She said they had her working round the clock pkus she already took a pay cut so the movie could get made. fukk that. Black people have to make sure Black people are getting their money. At tge very least dont blackball them when you weren't vetting them right to begin with. Tyler and Oprah rich af..they got paid.
That's the truth

At best, Tyler perry and Oprah should have looked out with her own feature film to compensate for the "hook up" she gave them for precious.

But they wanted her to "play the game" because although they have all the money in the world they just richer slaves still having to buck dance and bend over for white corporations and producers.


Aug 25, 2015
The film isnt hers but its her showcase. Monique was not taken seriously as an actor and was relegated to bad black comedies before that movie. She should have used that movie to get more serious roles and roles in larger movies.

She should have went and promoted the movie because in reality she was promoting herself!

Thats the correlation with the music industry, when you get hot you go out there and you sell yourself. She did the exact opposite of what she should have done. She thought she was "on" but she wasnt at that point yet where she could sit back and make demands.

I think you're conflating two different things.

"She should have went and promoted the movie because in reality she was promoting herself!"

That's only partially correct. In reality she was promoting the movie, the studio, and the directors too. Her self-promotion would have been a by-product of that.
And thus, she should be paid if she's going to be working for them.

Think of it this way. Many athletes, artists, actors get on shows like First Take or GMA when they are about to drop a movie or a book.
They are promoting themselves and the work that they are putting out.

But you better believe that Disney is cutting them a check for that appearance.
You better believe the studio has a deal set with their agent and is compensating them for their appearances.

Nothing wrong with self promoting.
Everything wrong with promoting others for free.
Dont work for free brehs :francis:


Nov 3, 2015
Mustard Island
She's an example of when keeping it real goes wrong.
Technically she probably was right about not wanting to promote the movie on her own time, but from a big picture perspective it was a dumb stance to take.
she cost herself how many millions? She had multiple BLACK big timers supporting her and trying to put that battery in her back so she could cross over and she let her ego get in the way

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Nate Parker didn't rape anyone. He and his friend were acquittted

They got off on a technicality.

but after those transcripts came out - there's undeniable evidence that him and his boys ran a train on a sloppy drunk chick

now, is that rape? :hubie:

She's an example of when keeping it real goes wrong.
Technically she probably was right about not wanting to promote the movie on her own time, but from a big picture perspective it was a dumb stance to take.
she cost herself how many millions? She had multiple BLACK big timers supporting her and trying to put that battery in her back so she could cross over and she let her ego get in the way

- this is the story that they're running with but this is the truth IMO:

Mo’Nique AND her husband got her ‘blackballed’ in Hollywood, former BET worker said

“And that’s when I started to learn about Mo’Nique, the business woman. She and her long-time husband/manager, Sidney Hicks, were becoming the talk of the industry because they allegedly asked for money to show up on carpets to support Precious. While she was not contractually obliged to show up to many of these carpets, most nominated actors “kissed the ring” to sweeten their hopes of a win, if not to continue hype around their nominated movie. But Mo’Nique and Sidney didn’t want to “play the game”, as she recently told The Hollywood Reporter. They wanted to get paid to play the game.

I couldn’t report on that, really. It wasn’t a fact I could prove, nor one I thought super important, given the weight of the film itself.

And that should give you a micro-hint at the macro problem of why no one wants to work with Mo’Nique. Because aside from “not playing the game,” she has a non-professional husband who does all of her dealings. And, frankly, Sidney is not someone anyone wants to actuallydeal with. So while playing the game would be helpful, being nice (and informed) would probably help too. I hope she gets her chance for a renaissance in an unforgiving Hollywood, but I also hope she (and Sidney) have changed the tune."

with just about anything in the professional world, there is a "game" to be played to schmooze up to people blah blah...

i'm sure dentists even have to do the's normal.

but refusal to do so won't get you blackballed...sean penn went a whole decade not going to the oscars and still would get nominated
I read that gary oldman who is easily one of the GOATS, doesn't play the "game" either which is why he's never won one

her and her husband lost their damn minds out there and got humbled. now she needs to go back to the hood movie's and tv shows and earn herself a living :martin:


Dec 2, 2015
They got off on a technicality.

but after those transcripts came out - there's undeniable evidence that him and his boys ran a train on a sloppy drunk chick

now, is that rape? :hubie:

- this is the story that they're running with but this is the truth IMO:
No they didn't get off on a technicality. He was never convicted of rape.
His friend was retried and the initial guilty verdict was overturned.

Her whole story was full of inconsistencies and out right lies.

I'll post this like I did in another thread

I'm gonna provide you the respect and not generalize you and dismiss you with a label.
So tell me, why does a man who was found not guilty, his friend who was retried and found not guilty, why should we ignore what their not guilty verdicts?
Why do you seem to want to argue that the case should be ignored, you want to dismiss the words from the lady who made the claim that indicate that not only did she have sex with Parker before, she had sex with the man the next morning before she left his house. She had a recorded phone call with him where she says that she would have prefered if both Nate and Jean wore condoms during the sex? A woman who claims she was black out drunk but on the stand recounted the drinks she had, recounted calling her girlfriend and telling her she was staying with a friend and that she was perfectly fine, while sitting on Parker's lap and kissing him, a woman who remembers screwing Jean and asking him where did Nate go, and then the same woman who woke up the next day fukked parker and went to her dorm got showered and went to work on time. You want us to believe that because she eventually died on drugs that suddenly she is a innocent victim whose story did not stand up in a trial and whose own words betray her claim of what happened.
Why is that?