Monique tells lee daniels, tyler perry and oprah to suck her dikk


All Star
Apr 14, 2020
They got off on a technicality.

but after those transcripts came out - there's undeniable evidence that him and his boys ran a train on a sloppy drunk chick

now, is that rape? :hubie:

- this is the story that they're running with but this is the truth IMO:

Mo’Nique AND her husband got her ‘blackballed’ in Hollywood, former BET worker said

“And that’s when I started to learn about Mo’Nique, the business woman. She and her long-time husband/manager, Sidney Hicks, were becoming the talk of the industry because they allegedly asked for money to show up on carpets to support Precious. While she was not contractually obliged to show up to many of these carpets, most nominated actors “kissed the ring” to sweeten their hopes of a win, if not to continue hype around their nominated movie. But Mo’Nique and Sidney didn’t want to “play the game”, as she recently told The Hollywood Reporter. They wanted to get paid to play the game.

I couldn’t report on that, really. It wasn’t a fact I could prove, nor one I thought super important, given the weight of the film itself.

And that should give you a micro-hint at the macro problem of why no one wants to work with Mo’Nique. Because aside from “not playing the game,” she has a non-professional husband who does all of her dealings. And, frankly, Sidney is not someone anyone wants to actuallydeal with. So while playing the game would be helpful, being nice (and informed) would probably help too. I hope she gets her chance for a renaissance in an unforgiving Hollywood, but I also hope she (and Sidney) have changed the tune."

with just about anything in the professional world, there is a "game" to be played to schmooze up to people blah blah...

i'm sure dentists even have to do the's normal.

but refusal to do so won't get you blackballed...sean penn went a whole decade not going to the oscars and still would get nominated
I read that gary oldman who is easily one of the GOATS, doesn't play the "game" either which is why he's never won one

her and her husband lost their damn minds out there and got humbled. now she needs to go back to the hood movie's and tv shows and earn herself a living :martin:
Yea my boss gotta give out free lunches and dinners. Thats his real job. I do the work. He checks it when he gets back from lunch. He makes a mill. He out up the money. So its his. Thats the “game”. All industries work this way. Whether in movies, govt, retail, construction, etc.

She fukked up thinking shyt was sweet after a certain time. She couod pull that on people smaller than her, but bigger? Na… she fukked up.

I understand the want to be paid for ya work. I used to yell at my boss for having to throw up half my check every week for hotels and then wait to be repaid. But im not promoting a hollywood movie where people are working scale. This is how they control the industry. Her being ignorant to that is surprising.
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