Mods yall have to do something about these agents

Sep 17, 2014
#RIP Kobe

I'm an Alex Jones fan (conservative leaning libertarian)
I'm a Jimmy Dore Fan (liberal progressive)
I'm a Tulsi Gabbard fan (moderate Democrat)
I'm a Rand Paul fan (moderate conservative Republican)
I'm a Robert F. Kennedy, Jr fan (moderate Democrat)
I'm a Cynthia McKinney fan (Independent Democrat)
I'm a Farrakhan fan. (NOI)
I'm a Mike Adam's "The Health Ranger" fan (conservative leaning libertarian)
I'm a Tariq Nasheed fan (Foundational Black American)
I'm a Real Tim Black fan (liberal progressive Democrat)

That's just a few pundits or politicians I have openly said countless times I liked in terms of their messaging , and they represent a wide spectrum of politics and ideology

Notice I said fan and not Stan.
  • I'm a fan b/se they all tend to talk truth that mainstream media will not touch until much later or maybe never
  • They also will call out people on their own "team"
  • I'm NOT a STAN, because I call out bullshiit or simple ideological differences as I see it, no matter who or what says it.
So save your Conspiracy Fantasy Boy Tales for a different poster.

definitely a c00n , you prolly poot and giggle :unimpressed:


May 27, 2012
qc NC
You've been posting just like a cac troll would

Even negged me trying to get my attention but you still haven't denied anything I said

Antagonize someone else because I'm not responding to you again

your p*ssy ass wouldn't be antagonized if you would've practiced self control and not @ me like yall did in the other threads where i got shadowbanned after yall tagged me to come in there in the first place. you keep getting what you ask 4 try leaving me alone next time. this ether will find you I dont need an invite fakkit...
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May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
How big a dumbass do you want to be? The context of all 26 is obvious. The statements are clear. Do you agree with them or not? Just pick 5 you disagree with. You know I'm not gonna waste time getting 26 links for a troll who is just going to keep trolling whether I get the links or not.

You know full well that you've agreed with every one of them.

No, the conspiracy is "flooding the zone with shyt", as your Breitbart leader famously admitted to, in order to decrease American trust in institutions and ensure that the response overall is ineffective as possible. HQC promotion has never really been about HQC, as was proven when even Trump himself refused to take the shyt when he got sick. HQC promotion has always been about deflecting from the actual shyt going on.

Notice that I pointed out to you that the researchers themselves said your source was lying about their research, and you ignored that. You CONSTANTLY post misinformation and don't even care that it is misinformation.

The event was organized by the "Save Our Country Coalition", it was hosted and funded by the "Tea Party Patriots", and Breitbart broadcast it. All three are extreme right-wing organizations, and Brietbart has often been overtly racist. It was organized as an overt effort of the GOP, who controls the Save Our Country Coalition, which is why Trump and his family tweeted it out so quickly the second it broadcast. Those are your sources, as always, which is why you're constantly promoting right-wing drivel.

If you want more information on who is running the right-wing propaganda campaign that you gobble up without question, read these:

Republican operatives front 'pro-Trump' doctors to prescribe rapid reopening

Report: Trump Campaign Linked to COVID Misinformation

Trump campaign, conservative groups coordinating ‘extremely pro-Trump’ doctors to prescribe rapid reopening of country on TV

Your constant assertions that people like that are just doing this shyt for the good of America and not for explicit right-wing political reasons prove you're either an ignorant fool or a useful agent. Which is it?

I'm not on trial and you're not a prosecutor.
I'm not going to go back and forth on stuff I've said on this site for 9 years, when you select 0.0005% out of 47,000 posts.
5 or 26 quotes w/o links is irrelevant doesn't matter.
If anyone wants to look up anything I said and links shared they can do a search, even using your "quotes" and see exactly what I said.

You selectively pick what you think is alt-right talking points, but I can show you Democrats and Liberals and Black Pundits that have stated the exact same thing. Apparently, according to your implied thinking, Jimmy Dore, Farrakhan, Cynthia McKinney, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and Tulsi Gabbard must be conservative alt-right Republicans.

America's Frontline Doctors wanted to open up the nation because closing it down was dumb and harmful when a least one treatment existed. Now there are half a dozen known treatments. The politics of who supported is irrelevant. Do you think the doctors and researchers cared what your politics is when they were treating people w/ hydroxychloroquine and Zinc?

That event happened in July 2020 w/ over 18 million views across social media platforms in a few hours a record for that amount of time.
By December 2020, America's Frontline Doctors were meeting with Black"Leaders" in Atlanta.

Let me guess Rizza Islam, Nation of Islam adherent who has Farrkhan on speed dial is alt-right? (since you want to talk about who is friends w/ who). Dr. Simone Gold, the white Jewish lady in the middle, is leader of the group was fired from both her jobs for using the drug successfully on her patients an promoting opening up the country.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I’m sure there are some sleepers, but this site is largely irrelevant now. Registration has been closed and a majority of all agents have already been exposed.

Brook hasn’t even logged on since August. This ain’t 2013 - this is a dying forum plain and simple.

This site is in a complete freefall in terms of the # of people who browse it. We’re barely in the top 50,000 sites on the internet and fell down 1000+ spots in the past 90 days.

It’s what happens when admins get complacent and forget about their site. Maybe Brook invested in some Bitcoin and is a millionaire now who could give less of a fukk about this site. Who knows.

Brook logged in a couple days ago. :gucci:

Why do you cats hop on here say easily disproved nonsense?



Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Like I said before...We need our own forum where we can be verified.
Why? Do you just want to see pictures of other men? shyt is strange. If its like that just stay on a site like Facebook where most people have their real names and pictures up. Most people here aren't using their real names but talking about verification. It isn't that serious. Truth of the matter is this site is mainly black just have differing opinions. Some of y'all act just like the white folks you complain about on them white nationalist sites where if,you don't parrot the coli narrative you're a c00n or cac. Why can't we just have different pov because we all have different life situations?

I'm site there are some digital blackface cats on here but close,to some big number to worry about not even close. Some just have to realize just because we're black doesn't mean we all will or should think alike on every issue. This isn't the coli chamber