Mods yall have to do something about these agents


The Chairman of the Board will be... The Kingpin
Jun 14, 2014
Bronx NY
Im an Agent of SHIELD!



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Why? Do you just want to see pictures of other men? shyt is strange. If its like that just stay on a site like Facebook where most people have their real names and pictures up. Most people here aren't using their real names but talking about verification. It isn't that serious. Truth of the matter is this site is mainly black just have differing opinions. Some of y'all act just like the white folks you complain about on them white nationalist sites where if,you don't parrot the coli narrative you're a c00n or cac. Why can't we just have different pov because we all have different life situations?

I'm site there are some digital blackface cats on here but close,to some big number to worry about not even close. Some just have to realize just because we're black doesn't mean we all will or should think alike on every issue. This isn't the coli chamber

In light of the fact that the alt-right has openly bragged about infiltrating this site and pretending to be black....your post is extremely puzzling.

The fact of the matter is most people on here won't post their pic because it doesn't match the shyt they say, regardless of race.


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm not on trial and you're not a prosecutor.
I'm not going to go back and forth on stuff I've said on this site for 9 years, when you select 0.0005% out of 47,000 posts.
I didn't, I just selected a few posts from the last couple years that you have interacted with me directly on. I listed about 90% of our interactions there and it was all right-wing shyt.

26 different examples of you promoting a right-wing agenda. Nice to see that you don't deny any of it.

America's Frontline Doctors wanted to open up the nation because closing it down was dumb and harmful when a least one treatment existed.
I literally just proved to you with clear sources, funding, and links that "America's Frontline Doctors" were a front group created by the GOP to push their agenda. Why are you ignoring that?


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Why? Do you just want to see pictures of other men? shyt is strange. If its like that just stay on a site like Facebook where most people have their real names and pictures up.

First of all I said "people" not men, so bite rocks on that assumption! Facebook is full of fake ass profile troll bots, that parrot both right wing and left wing agendas. That's a known a fact. Not to mention that Facebooks CENSORS OPINIONS. More specifically the opinions of black people who do not support Liberal dumb shyt. They banned Boosie on that and IG (same owner), because of what Boosie said about D-Wade's son despite his continued popularity among REAL BLACK PEOPLE.Why the fukk would I feel obligated to continue to support a site that is ran by a Jew, and that blocks me when I say things like Oprah is a Democratic black Mammy shill. .

Most people here aren't using their real names but talking about verification. It isn't that serious.

This site promotes itself as a black website that discusses black issues. If I want to have a discussion about black issues then I do not want to deal with people who are PRETENDING to be black. Do not realize how fukking INSANE it is to do shyt like that, and for it to be WIDESPREAD at that is more cause for alarm. Why are non black people obsessed with trying to butt into to black conversations that do not affect them?

Truth of the matter is this site is mainly black just have differing opinions. Some of y'all act just like the white folks you complain about on them white nationalist sites where if,you don't parrot the coli narrative you're a c00n or cac. Why can't we just have different pov because we all have different life situations?

The fact is you motherfukkas who actively supported Joe Biden and Kamala during this election FAILED MISERABLY on this website in providing SOUND LOGIC for why voting for them is beneficial to black Americans. The ONLY thing that you motherfukkas could stand on was "Big Bad Trumps has to go"/SPOOKISM! You tried to get black people not acknowledge facts regarding our government imposed financial woes, and the OBLIGATION of the United States to reparate our people. You told us to continue to put all of our faith into the hands of a political party that had a difficult time even acknowledging black people as a fukking entity let alone the entire fukking reason why they have been placed into office this much.

The only black people who promote the Democrats on TV or social media are VERIFIED clowns.

You can see VERIFIED black people having a 'RANGE" of intelligent opinions on REAL UNCENSORED discussions like this.

They are talking about the political election in true context with NO LOYALTY to either party. When black people on this website were saying the same thing as these black people who we visibily see arguing these same great points, the democratic shills on this site were trying to form a campaign to EQUATE BLACK INTEREST AND BLACK ENPOWERMENT WITH THE fukkING DEMOCRATIC PARTY AS EVIDENT BY THE DUMB MOTHERfukkER WHO MADE THIS THREAD!

Now with this little coup that has NOTHING to do with black people the fukking shills for the Democratic are about to act like Biden is our saving grace. It's all a weak ass propaganda field day.

YES I was one of the people who wanted to PUNISH THE DEMOCRATS FOR PRIORITIZING IMMIGRANTS AND EVERY OTHER GROUP OVER FOUNDATIONAL BLACK AMERICANS. I did not want for them to win, so that they understand how valuable the black folk is so that they do not take us for granted when it comes to political obligations and priorities. The Democrats clearly cheated (like Trump did a few years back), but they realize that this issue will be resolved by the next election so that strategy will not work next time!!! They are now talking about black issues alot of more, because they know how close they came to losing about a fukking nut job like Trump.

I'm site there are some digital blackface cats on here but close,to some big number to worry about not even close. Some just have to realize just because we're black doesn't mean we all will or should think alike on every issue. This isn't the coli chamber

No No No No No.....This site is full of non black people using the word the "nikka' CASUAL in an ATTEMPT to feel like they are validated by our community. Do you honestly think that people who go as far as creating fake black acting profiles do not also feel obligated to speak on black issues? That goes for the conservatives too! All none black people need to be weeded the fukk out on this site or another one. The wierdo Democrats will save us all Negroes will easily be labeled as gullible dumbasses, and our political discussions may have a chance to manifest the same way that white supremacist websites make their political ambitions manifest.


May 1, 2012
I'm not on trial and you're not a prosecutor.
I'm not going to go back and forth on stuff I've said on this site for 9 years, when you select 0.0005% out of 47,000 posts.
5 or 26 quotes w/o links is irrelevant doesn't matter.
If anyone wants to look up anything I said and links shared they can do a search, even using your "quotes" and see exactly what I said.

You selectively pick what you think is alt-right talking points, but I can show you Democrats and Liberals and Black Pundits that have stated the exact same thing. Apparently, according to your implied thinking, Jimmy Dore, Farrakhan, Cynthia McKinney, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and Tulsi Gabbard must be conservative alt-right Republicans.

America's Frontline Doctors wanted to open up the nation because closing it down was dumb and harmful when a least one treatment existed. Now there are half a dozen known treatments. The politics of who supported is irrelevant. Do you think the doctors and researchers cared what your politics is when they were treating people w/ hydroxychloroquine and Zinc?

That event happened in July 2020 w/ over 18 million views across social media platforms in a few hours a record for that amount of time.
By December 2020, America's Frontline Doctors were meeting with Black"Leaders" in Atlanta.

Let me guess Rizza Islam, Nation of Islam adherent who has Farrkhan on speed dial is alt-right? (since you want to talk about who is friends w/ who). Dr. Simone Gold, the white Jewish lady in the middle, is leader of the group was fired from both her jobs for using the drug successfully on her patients an promoting opening up the country.

My nikka you really posted some Angela Stanton king shyt? People think you suspect because you stay posting far right wing shyt and then try to throw out some random democrat you supposedly "like". Yes you are Q'Anon and it's pretty obvious.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Just for agent is NOT a black person with an opinion that differs from most black people. An agent is a person who sent by a NON BLACK entity or institution for the purposes of spreading false information to sway the opinions of real black people to support the interest of that entity or institution.

Case and point, Angela Rye. A woman who works for the DNC or groups directly tied to the party, and comes and dances and snaps her fingers with a "sista girl" attitude trying to create a pro-Demcratic party black narrative. All the while clearly ignoring the real issues facing black America.

African American Wealth May Fall to Zero by 2053


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
My nikka you really posted some Angela Stanton king shyt? People think you suspect because you stay posting far right wing shyt and then try to throw out some random democrat you supposedly "like". Yes you are Q'Anon and it's pretty obvious.

I found this event on Rizza Islam's page, who is a Farrakhan "disciple". Advertised as bringing religious leaders in Black community with America's Frontline Doctors.


Are Farrakan and Rizza Islam QAnon Republican Alt Righters Too? :dead:

Unfortunately, Black Democrats are apparently pushing experimental vaccines and not basic therapeutics that work. Imagine if
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