Mods yall have to do something about these agents


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
In light of the fact that the alt-right has openly bragged about infiltrating this site and pretending to be black....your post is extremely puzzling.

The fact of the matter is most people on here won't post their pic because it doesn't match the shyt they say, regardless of race.

Nothing puzzling about my post at all. Get your daps though. The second part I agree with.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
I didn't, I just selected a few posts from the last couple years that you have interacted with me directly on. I listed about 90% of our interactions there and it was all right-wing shyt.

26 different examples of you promoting a right-wing agenda. Nice to see that you don't deny any of it.

I literally just proved to you with clear sources, funding, and links that "America's Frontline Doctors" were a front group created by the GOP to push their agenda. Why are you ignoring that?

You're trying to box me into an Alt Right Republican Conservative Box, but I'm sure I have responded to you and others w/ black activists, liberals, and democrats that say exact same things

Is Jimmy Dore alt right? He said Russiagate was a hoax for 4 years

Is Tulsi Gabbard, the former Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee alt right? She proposed a bill to stop supporting those actors causing mayhem in Syria while Obama and Hillary were in power.

Is Farrakhan and Robert F. Kennedy alt right, when they warn people not to take covid19 vaccines?


Are Jimmy Dore, Farrakhan, Tulsi, and RFK, Jr Alt Right Conservative Republicans? :dead:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
You're trying to box me into an Alt Right Republican Conservative Box, but I'm sure I have responded to you and others w/ black activists, liberals, and democrats that say exact same things

Is Jimmy Dore alt right? He said Russiagate was a hoax for 4 years

Is Tulsi Gabbard, the former Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee alt right? She proposed a bill to stop supporting those actors causing mayhem in Syria while Obama and Hillary were in power.

Is Farrakhan and Robert F. Kennedy alt right, when they warn people not to take covid19 vaccines?


Are Jimmy Dore, Farrakhan, Tulsi, and RFK, Jr Alt Right Conservative Republicans? :dead:

Literally all of them are notorious for having idiotic right-wing views mixed in to their other positions. :gucci:

You sound like one of those White Supremacists who finds a token Black person who agrees with them and claims that makes them not a White supremacist. :mjlol:

Literally every single person you mentioned is notorious for having some right-wing conspiracy views. You come here and promote ALL right-wing conspiracy views. You literally post clips of Jimmy Dore on Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan then you're trying to argue that you must not be conservative if you agree with him on something. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

By your logic Tucker Carlson isn't right wing either cause he agrees with Jimmy Dore too. :deadrose:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
You're trying to box me into an Alt Right Republican Conservative Box, but I'm sure I have responded to you and others w/ black activists, liberals, and democrats that say exact same things

Is Jimmy Dore alt right? He said Russiagate was a hoax for 4 years

Is Tulsi Gabbard, the former Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee alt right? She proposed a bill to stop supporting those actors causing mayhem in Syria while Obama and Hillary were in power.

Is Farrakhan and Robert F. Kennedy alt right, when they warn people not to take covid19 vaccines?


Are Jimmy Dore, Farrakhan, Tulsi, and RFK, Jr Alt Right Conservative Republicans? :dead:

You *push* alt-right conspiracy/q-anon conspiracy, because those are the people who've influenced you. You get too hung up on the whole alt/indy media label which has caused you to develop a huge blind-spot. You act like it means much that a person has a D or an I next to their name, but it doesn't. You don't like them because of that. You like them because they operate in the same fringe and spread the same fringe conspiracy theories.

Most of these people have a distrust of the media (I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I do as well; some skepticism is good) but it is not borne by them having a critical eye, but simply because they don't play up their conspiracy theories. Look at how they go on Fox News for example.

Wrt Jimmy Dore: He is a huge 9/11 truther, Seth Rich truther, Pushes Syria chemical attack falseflag conspiracy, JFK conspiracies, Las Vegas shooting conspiracies, helped promote pizzagate conspiracy theories and more.

Wrt Tulsi Gabbard: She's a bigot who belongs to a hate-cult, pushes Project Veritas conspiracy and cozies up to the likes of Tucker Carlson among others. Huge on Fox News. David Duke loves her.

Wrt RFK Jr: He's an anti-vaxxer who chairs an anti-vaxx group.

This is why you like these people. You use their supposed party affiliation only as a smokescreen. This is a "tie that binds" situation. You might not be alt-right, *some* of the names you mentioned might not be alt-right (some are), but that doesn't really matter when you are helping promote bullshyt created/cultivated in those conservative/republican/alt-right spaces on here.

No one with a critical eye seriously entertains this shyt:


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Literally all of them are notorious for having idiotic right-wing views mixed in to their other positions. :gucci:

You sound like one of those White Supremacists who finds a token Black person who agrees with them and claims that makes them not a White supremacist. :mjlol:

Literally every single person you mentioned is notorious for having some right-wing conspiracy views. You come here and promote ALL right-wing conspiracy views. You literally post clips of Jimmy Dore on Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan then you're trying to argue that you must not be conservative if you agree with him on something. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

By your logic Tucker Carlson isn't right wing either cause he agrees with Jimmy Dore too. :deadrose:

So you are calling Louis Farrakhan, head of Nation of Islam, a right wing conservative conspiracy theorists?

So the guy that led the Million Man March is an alt right token black male? @Rhakim?

Is that right or wrong?:mjlit:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
So you are calling Louis Farrakhan, head of Nation of Islam, a right wing conservative conspiracy theorists?

So the guy that led the Million Man March is an alt right token black male? @Rhakim?

Is that right or wrong?:mjlit:

Farrakhan praised Trump, I guess that makes Trump not a right-winger too in your ridiculous "cleansing by association" logic. :mjlol:

Louis Farrakhan on Trump: "I like what I'm looking at"

Yes, You Read It Right: The Right Welcomed Louis Farrakhan’s Support of Donald Trump

Farrakhan praises Trump for worst possible reasons - BET UK

Louis Farrakhan saying God picked Trump, portrays him as both truth-talking hero and racist villain

So now you can say, "If I say I like Trump, does that make me a right-winger? Louis Farrakhan said he likes what he's looking at too!"


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
You *push* alt-right conspiracy/q-anon conspiracy, because those are the people who've influenced you. You get too hung up on the whole alt/indy media label which has caused you to develop a huge blind-spot. You act like it means much that a person has a D or an I next to their name, but it doesn't. You don't like them because of that. You like them because they operate in the same fringe and spread the same fringe conspiracy theories.

Most of these people have a distrust of the media (I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I do as well; some skepticism is good) but it is not borne by them having a critical eye, but simply because they don't play up their conspiracy theories. Look at how they go on Fox News for example.

Wrt Jimmy Dore: He is a huge 9/11 truther, Seth Rich truther, Pushes Syria chemical attack falseflag conspiracy, JFK conspiracies, Las Vegas shooting conspiracies, helped promote pizzagate conspiracy theories and more.

Wrt Tulsi Gabbard: She's a bigot who belongs to a hate-cult, pushes Project Veritas conspiracy and cozies up to the likes of Tucker Carlson among others. Huge on Fox News. David Duke loves her.

Wrt RFK Jr: He's an anti-vaxxer who chairs an anti-vaxx group.

This is why you like these people. You use their supposed party affiliation only as a smokescreen. This is a "tie that binds" situation. You might not be alt-right, *some* of the names you mentioned might not be alt-right (some are), but that doesn't really matter when you are helping promote bullshyt created/cultivated in those conservative/republican/alt-right spaces on here.

No one with a critical eye seriously entertains this shyt:

Jimmy Dore doesn't talk about 9/11 Truth, didn't push any Pizzagate theories, or Las Vegas shooting theories.
  • Show a single quote from any of these that he has said himself :mjlit:

Tulsi Gabbard's parents raised her in a particular group. She officially rejected any anti-gay rhetoric if that's your concern :dame: What Project Veritas conspiracy did she support? Tucker Carlson interviewed her just like Jimmy Dore just like Van Jones.

I noticed you missed Farrakhan...tell me his issue? :mjgrin:

A Pimp Named Slickback

Apr 22, 2018
Just for agent is NOT a black person with an opinion that differs from most black people. An agent is a person who sent by a NON BLACK entity or institution for the purposes of spreading false information to sway the opinions of real black people to support the interest of that entity or institution.
I thought everyone here knew that's what agent meant. nikkas in here talking about "you're silencing free thinking Black people :damn:" when that's not the case

You can easily tell when a poster is black with a different opinion and when a poster is a nonblack trying to blend in with the environment while spewing MAGA propaganda and racist rhetoric

I even said in the OP I have no issue with the Republicans on here. It's the MAGA extremists who purposefully cause disruption and monitor the site on another platform's behalf that I'm referring to

I'm not surprised that some don't take it seriously it is what it is

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This is the thing about newworldafro being such a worthless poster. He constantly posts bullshyt, can't defend it, gets proven wrong, and then doubles down on the bullshyt or deflects to something else.

And 99% of the time the bullshyt is right-wing cause all his sources are right-wing. But he deflects from that too.

Jimmy Dore doesn't talk about 9/11 Truth, didn't push any Pizzagate theories, or Las Vegas shooting theories.
Show a single quote from any of these that he has said himself :mjlit:
You just straight lied. You've claimed in the past to be Jimmy Dore's biggest fan, now you're claiming that he doesn't do stuff that we all know he has REPEATEDLY done.

On Twitter:
Sorenzo4: @dpakman @Jimmy_Dore The explaination[sic] of Building 7 fall is very plausible. I think people who believe otherwise just WANT to believe that.
Dore: @Sorenzo4 who are you going to believe, the government or your lying eyes? #bridgeForSale #UShouldJumpOnIT
Sorenzo4: @jimmy_dore I don't see why they'd fake a building collapse after just taking out two skyscrapers. I'm not defending Cheney. HE'd do it.
Dore: @Sorenzo4 I would be more skeptical than u r being.
Sorenzo4: @jimmy_dore I'm perfectly sceptical of the government. Maybe YOU need to be more sceptical?
Dore: @Sorenzo4 I'm not sure we are using that word the same, assume gov is lying and work back from there.

On Conspiracy Queiries #70
Why would you need to shame people who question the government's view of what happened on 9/11? So that's what makes me suspect. They call them truthers. They name them so you can dismiss them. As soon as you ask a question about 9/11 they go "oh, you're a truther."

On Comedy and everything else #58
David Feldman: Are you a Tower 9 person?
Dore: You mean Building 7?

Feldman: Or is it Building 7 or...?
Dore: Well there is no explanation for that and everyone just pretends like you're a maniac. It's that same shyt. It's like the big lie. Has a building, has a steel structure, fallen since from fire? Since 9/11? No. Guess what? None ever fell before either. And Building 7 fell and it wasn't hit by fukking anything.
Dore: Have you heard of an explanation for the Building 7 falling?
Feldman: Popular Mechanics which, you know, dismissed the whole thing. They spent a lot of time going into it and then the conspiracy buffs--
Dore: That is bull-- Well, I'll have to, you know what, I'll have to look up the Popular Mechanics Building 7 theory because whatever it is it has got to be bullshyt. There is no fukking way.
Feldman: What I heard, according to Popular Mechanics, that metal doesn't melt-- steel doesn't melt--
Dore: Yeah, you have to get it at a certain temperature. Jet fuel doesn't even burn at a hot enough temperature to melt that kind of material.
Stef Zamorano: ...for all of those levels to collapse.
Dore: Plus and that stuff was fireproofed. That stuff was fireproofed anyway. Those buildings were built to withstand a fukking jet crashing into them and they took it easily. You saw. Two jets flew into those towers. They took them easily.

There are another dozen quotes like that.

And here, he talks about pizzagate at 29:05 and talks about the Las Vegas shooting at 49:33.

So you lied. And now you'll find a different way to juelz out of that.

Tulsi Gabbard's parents raised her in a particular group. She officially rejected any anti-gay rhetoric if that's your concern :dame: What Project Veritas conspiracy did she support? Tucker Carlson interviewed her just like Jimmy Dore just like Van Jones.
Tulsi pushed the Project Veritas conspiracy that said that Ilhan Omar was engaged in voter fraud. She literally signal-boosted a lying right-wing propaganda specialist over a liberal black colleague in the House.

Breh, YOU have repeatedly pointed out that they love Tulsi at the Drudge Report, which is clearly right-wing. YOU have pointed out that Tulsi is a big supporter of Assad, who is literally a Russian client. On this board over and over I've shown how Tulsi is a huge supporter of Modi, who is an extremist right-wing nationalist.

It's not just one thing - she constantly works to appeal to right-wing dumbasses like....present company.

Tulsi Gabbard's support skews conservative and male

Why Conservative Media and the Far Right Love Tulsi Gabbard for President

Why Conservatives love Tulsi Gabbard so much

Tulsi Gabbard: the Democrat that Republicans love

Opinion: Tulsi Gabbard may not be a Russian asset. But she sure talks like one

Tulsi Gabbard is only lawmaker to vote 'present' on Trump impeachment

and you act like Tulsi didn't interview for a position in the Trump Administration and ain't trying to get on conservative media all the time. :mjlol:


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
equating "conspiracy theories" to cac shyt implies that black folk should always follow popular narratives

This is exactly what this thread is saying. If a black person isn't 100% in line with neoliberal group think and the democratic party then... they are an enemy.
Even if they do generally follow that path- yet they don't believe in Biden or whatever white daddy is popular atm, then still an enemy.
Being 100% pro black family and liberation.... also enemy.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

This is exactly what this thread is saying. If a black person isn't 100% in line with neoliberal group think and the democratic party then... they are an enemy.
Full on bullshyt deflection - I've spent 10x as much time attacking neoliberals on this board as you and @newworldafro have combined.

Being 100% pro black family and liberation.... also enemy.
Literally no one has said that.

We're talking about a poster who literally posts shyt from Breitbart and Tucker Carlson and ZeroHedge and numerous other right-wing propaganda sources, and who refuses to accept counterevidence when they're proven wrong. I posted 26 different right-wing conspiracies he had pushed on this site, many of them emanating directly from Republican or Russian disinformation operations, and I could have posted 20 more.

Just in this thread I showed him that the organization he was pushing was literally a GOP political operation, and he just straight refused to believe it and said that the only thing they cared about was people's best interests. If a poster is posting literal propaganda from a political party, and refuses to be skeptical and believe it is propaganda while also claiming to be skeptical about everything in government, when are you going to admit they're just a tool?

Y'all can't counter the literal GOP propaganda he's pushing. So you try to deflect and change the subject into something else.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
This is the thing about newworldafro being such a worthless poster. He constantly posts bullshyt, can't defend it, gets proven wrong, and then doubles down on the bullshyt or deflects to something else.

And 99% of the time the bullshyt is right-wing cause all his sources are right-wing. But he deflects from that too.

You just straight lied. You've claimed in the past to be Jimmy Dore's biggest fan, now you're claiming that he doesn't do stuff that we all know he has REPEATEDLY done.

On Twitter:

On Conspiracy Queiries #70

On Comedy and everything else #58

There are another dozen quotes like that.

And here, he talks about pizzagate at 29:05 and talks about the Las Vegas shooting at 49:33.

So you lied. And now you'll find a different way to juelz out of that.

Tulsi pushed the Project Veritas conspiracy that said that Ilhan Omar was engaged in voter fraud. She literally signal-boosted a lying right-wing propaganda specialist over a liberal black colleague in the House.

Breh, YOU have repeatedly pointed out that they love Tulsi at the Drudge Report, which is clearly right-wing. YOU have pointed out that Tulsi is a big supporter of Assad, who is literally a Russian client. On this board over and over I've shown how Tulsi is a huge supporter of Modi, who is an extremist right-wing nationalist.

It's not just one thing - she constantly works to appeal to right-wing dumbasses like....present company.

Tulsi Gabbard's support skews conservative and male

Why Conservative Media and the Far Right Love Tulsi Gabbard for President

Why Conservatives love Tulsi Gabbard so much

Tulsi Gabbard: the Democrat that Republicans love

Opinion: Tulsi Gabbard may not be a Russian asset. But she sure talks like one

Tulsi Gabbard is only lawmaker to vote 'present' on Trump impeachment

and you act like Tulsi didn't interview for a position in the Trump Administration and ain't trying to get on conservative media all the time. :mjlol:

Maybe I shouldn't have sad never discussed those topics. I never heard him discuss those things. The point is not his bread and butter. Who hasn't discussed 9/11.

Tulsi argued against destroying black and brown countries for no reason. Does that sound like a bigot to you

A Pimp Named Slickback

Apr 22, 2018

This is exactly what this thread is saying. If a black person isn't 100% in line with neoliberal group think and the democratic party then... they are an enemy.
Even if they do generally follow that path- yet they don't believe in Biden or whatever white daddy is popular atm, then still an enemy.
Being 100% pro black family and liberation.... also enemy.
If you're black and believe in QAnon theories then you're brainwashed and you're suspect. But this isn't about black posters with different opinions. This isn't about liberal or conservative ideologies

This is about extremism. There's a difference between being a conservative and being so infatuated with Trump that you storm a capitol building and want to take America back by means of facism

No matter how much posters try to hide it, most can tell when they're nonblacks posturing with a different agenda on here. I don't understand why yall are deflecting when this is a real issue


Jun 15, 2012
equating "conspiracy theories" to cac shyt implies that black folk should always follow popular narratives

Yes and no. The problem with conspiracy theories is that they largely are cac shyt. It is a cac industry and it’s largely rooted in racism and bigotry.

Cacs aren’t sitting around talking about the Tuskegee experiments or Cointelpro but we use these 2 example to justify following all of their delusional ramblings.

Gotta separate the interests of our community from the interests of theirs.