It’s simple bruh. I thought you was a cac poster. You said you’re not, I didn’t press the issue and that should be the end of it.
“Saharan Jews’, moving us from Sijilmasa to Timbuktu by way of the Saharan oases Tuat, Akka and other areas of Jewish settlement in the region. In these contexts, I pay particular attention to the construction of group identity through mechanisms like trade, minority–majority relations and local religious practices. As I evaluate the concept of ‘Saharan Jews’ for better understanding Jewish history in North and sub-Saharan Africa, I simultaneously call for a more nuanced approach to the social imagination of Jewish identities in post-colonial African societies.”
Aomar Boum, Saharan Jewry: history, memory and imagined identity,
The Journal of North African Studies Volume 16, 2011 -
Issue 3)
You ask me these questions but don’t ask why cac Hapsburgs would commemorate their familial crest by making a statue of a black man holding their crest? Black people never ruled in Europe yet in Germany there’s a tapestry showing them in castles defending themselves from attacking white wildmen?
I know European history, that’s why I am asking you this. I also know the person who started to dig into the Blue Blood society. As a matter of fact I speak, read and understand Dutch and German. Do you?
If you go back to the link I’ve posted, all the way to the back you will see that we did discuss the crests.
Anyway, what does it do for you? How does it change your life? That my point!
All this we was this and that…, beside what we have been in Africa. All this stuff has held Black people back from making actual progress.
The only reason you ask all these questions is to deflect from the obvious that nations commemorate themselves first and foremost before others…
Europe was ruled by whites. Whites lived in Europe for the last 6 thousand years. And it had small pockets of Black communities spread throughout Europe.
It was never about skin color.
So, how come they enslaved a particular people, referred to as “negroes”, “negros”?
How do you explain away the BlackAmoors being expelled, or what about the Ladinos, who referred to themselves as the Libertos.
Sundry Act of 1790
Moors Sundry Act of 1790 was a 1790 advisory resolution passed by
South Carolina House of Representatives, clarifying the status of free subjects of the
Sultan of Morocco,
Mohammed ben Abdallah. The resolution offered the opinion that free citizens of Morocco
were not subject to laws governing
blacks and
Ok, and what does that do in the court of law? Explain the law of the Moors Sundry Act of 1790 and Negro Act of 1740, in the court of law?
You do know that the sultan of Morocco had a war with Senegambia and that is how Gao Timbuktu got destroyed.
“The Almoravids, or al-Murabitun as they called themselves, were an Islamic Berber dynasty that established an empire in Morocco and eventually took it over a wide region of Northwest Africa including modern Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, and part of Algeria.”.
The Almoravids, or al-Murabitun as they called themselves, were an Islamic Berber dynasty that established an empire in Morocco and eventually took it over a wide region of Northwest Africa including modern Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, and part of Algeria. The emprire stretched as far...
“We also know that between 1042 and 1054, this peaceful spread of Mohammedanism took a violent turn when a fanatical religious movement known as the Almoravid movement arose among the Sanhaja Berbers in the Sahara region to the north of ancient Ghana.”
We know that from the second half of the eleventh century onwards, Islam or Mohammedanism was introduced into the Sahara and the western Sudan. We also know that between 1042 and 1054, this peaceful spread of Mohammedanism took a violent turn when a fanatical religious movement known as the...
You don’t pass this law unless the Moors were being confused as blacks. And if you think they weren’t there’s the time Abraham Lincoln defended a moor named William Dungey who was accused of being a “negro”:
It's difficult to determine this man's ancestry and history, because that will explain why he was called a negro. Perhaps you have information to his heritage?
"After training in Egypt he sailed with his unit to France in March 1916."
Before He Was President: Abraham Lincoln And The Man Who Refused To Be Called 'Negro'
The oldest description of the word Moor goes back to old Greek. And the empire itself was a cosmopolitan empire, which had members from Senegambia.
See, your problem is that you focus too much on everything else but for actual Black history, where it starts in Africa.
An extended discussion about the Fulani (Foulahs) of West Africa as a people who could be enrolled in the effort to stop the slave trade at its source. Deals mostly with Fulani ethnology and language rather than with slavery or the slave trade.
The genetics of African North Americans are complex amalgamations of various West and Central African peoples with modest gene flow from specific European and Amerindian peoples. A comprehensive understanding of African North American biohistory is ...
Some medieval graves found in Germany do have Africans or admixed-African people that cluster with Africans populations.
"Germans are tied to the exclusively African cluster
described earlier via a medium-length branch to the
Nubian sample."
(T. W. Holliday, Population Affinities of the Jebel Sahaba Skeletal Sample: Limb Proportion Evidence - 2013)
Only a person that looks black would have the need for a lawyer to defend themselves from being declared black. And lol at asking “who is this guy” when it says his name right in the photo. The better question is why is someone who is supposed to be a cac, being depicted as black?And how come the kings after him get lighter and lighter until they’re white?
Do you have any jurisprudence? Thanks in advance...
I guess racist Europe brought an “African” woman to Europe and put a crown and royal drip on her too?
The above is an illustration of Queen of Sheba, from a 15th-century manuscript now at Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. It also gives it in the description, which you most likely didn't read.
In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, as the Holy Roman Empire developed a new iconography to justify its expansive pretensions, certain Christian figures received Black features. Along with St.…
As I said before, there was an African presence in Europe. This is documented, as you own source explained. And some indeed had prominent positions s your source explained. This doesn’t mean these people were the main rulers of Europe. Did you actually read the source, because they are explaining the presence of the Moors!??
And you never answered my questions. How is it possible these Europeans alleged “Black rulers” send Blacks into slavery. We have actual records of the first enslaved Africans.
If you actually know how to do comparative analysis methodology you would now be making these pseudo intellectual mistakes.
I actually have these books at home: