Aint no body about to sit here and break down a list for you, I've already said MS and Sony "monopolistic practices" are pretty much exactly the same. I'm not about to "explain my work" to you like I'm some kind of student. Especially when you clearly don't know your history or facts based on the post for any of the systems.
But this whole exclusive thing I'ma go ahead break down for not only you but
@Gizmo_Duck and his underling
@CoolinInTheCut plus the other sony stans because yall all keep repeating the same foolishness, but just this once.
Saying MS started exclusive games is nuts, when exclusive games started way way before then with the atarti, then with the Snes (which is where my knowledge really starts), and then the with PS and Saturn. This is where I really really start to remember exclusive games because battle arena toshinden, Resident evil and wipeout were you guessed it. PlayStation timed exclusives, everyone thought they were playstation exclusive games though...and there are many more..
Then probably the biggest get for playstation was GTA being a timed exclusive thanks to MS fumble, but still a timed exclusive non the less and a common practice by now. Then we move to the 360 era and now MS is basically doing what you all claim they "started"

They actually are locking in timed exclusive games and this time and dlc exclusive deals. Between Sony and MS there were a ton of exclusive deals and promos that's arguably part of the reason that generation was so memorable to everyone. It was when competition was the highest and consumers reaped the benefit.
But yall don't remember anything pass MS/DLC/exclusives as if the whole timed exclusives and locking games and people out hasn't been around since pretty much the dawn of gaming it was even a thing with Arcades... Anyway Nintendo and Sony are the two MAIN culprits of locking out competition. But yall have these rose colored glasses of them having quality games and that being the main reason for there success. And with nintendo that is somewhat true, but even more true is that both companies built there brands off the backs of 3rd party publishers and devs via exclusive games and content. While later on there 1st party titles started to blossom.. Again NOT so much nintendo as there 1st party titles have always been the main attraction, and even with that they locked out and locked up timed exclusives. Sony literally had nothing out the gate software wise, fortunately the playstation was the easiest to develop for out of the N64/saturn and even with that... guess what? They locked up exclusives
Now if you want to pivot this back to "monopolistic practices" that I can't list do this, make a list of practices that xbox has done, then copy/paste it for playstation.