Microsoft Could Straight Up Buy Sony, By the Way

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
If PlayStation doesn't have a monopoly what do I need to justify MS for, they for sure ain't got one :mjlol:
Are you playing?


You're trying to justify MS buying up the industry by exaggerating Sony's market position. For the record, I never once said anything about a monopoly. That's not a real concern. I'm more worried about this industry becoming an oligopoly. And that is going to happen if MS is allowed to continue to consume PUBLISHERS at the rate they're going.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Are you playing?


You're trying to justify MS buying up the industry by exaggerating Sony's market position. For the record, I never once said anything about a monopoly. That's not a real concern. I'm more worried about this industry becoming an oligopoly. And that is going to happen if MS is allowed to continue to consume PUBLISHERS at the rate they're going.
#Shambles :mjlol:

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Are you playing?


You're trying to justify MS buying up the industry by exaggerating Sony's market position. For the record, I never once said anything about a monopoly. That's not a real concern. I'm more worried about this industry becoming an oligopoly. And that is going to happen if MS is allowed to continue to consume PUBLISHERS at the rate they're going.
You can tell that lie to someone else, not one person talks, discusses or has made a thread about tencent or embracer or anyone of the sort. And the simple reason for that is because it doesn't threaten (not yet anyway) your beloved Sony and how they get games or potential exclusives.

This industry has been being bought up for decades now by all players involved. Out of the big three console makers Microsoft recently has become the aggressor. And the only people who are concerned about that are Sony stans, Nintendo players don't care, PC players don't care and even Xbox players don't care.

I'm not worried about Microsoft Nintendo or Sony a bunch of devs or publishers.

It's Google, Amazon, tencent and the likes which concern me.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
You can tell that lie to someone else, not one person talks, discusses or has made a thread about tencent or embracer or anyone of the sort. And the simple reason for that is because it doesn't threaten (not yet anyway) your beloved Sony and how they get games or potential exclusives.

This industry has been being bought up for decades now by all players involved. Out of the big three console makers Microsoft recently has become the aggressor. And the only people who are concerned about that are Sony stans, Nintendo players don't care, PC players don't care and even Xbox players don't care.

I'm not worried about Microsoft Nintendo or Sony a bunch of devs or publishers.

It's Google, Amazon, tencent and the likes which concern me.

Microsoft is just the american tencent at this point

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
You can tell that lie to someone else, not one person talks, discusses or has made a thread about tencent or embracer or anyone of the sort. And the simple reason for that is because it doesn't threaten (not yet anyway) your beloved Sony and how they get games or potential exclusives.

This industry has been being bought up for decades now by all players involved. Out of the big three console makers Microsoft recently has become the aggressor. And the only people who are concerned about that are Sony stans, Nintendo players don't care, PC players don't care and even Xbox players don't care.

I'm not worried about Microsoft Nintendo or Sony a bunch of devs or publishers.

It's Google, Amazon, tencent and the likes which concern me.
First, there are no Tencent or Embracer fanboys on here raising their pom poms whenever they buy up another developer. There isn't a dedicated group of people making the bogus claim that the only way for Tencent/Embracer to compete is for them to buy everybody. Second, I talk about Tencent and Embracer right along side Microsoft too*, so go bark that bullshyt at somebody else.

There has never been consolidation on such a scale in the gaming industry before. This is another instance of you exaggerating to diminish what's happening. MS consumed the largest 3rd party publisher and a smaller one. That was an unprecedented move. There's no downplaying that. Trying to claim that people are only concerned for console wars reasons only shows how blind you are. Anyone familiar with MS' history in other industries should be concerned. And that's why I am concerned. I hate their vision for what this industry should be.

I'm worried about all of them, especially MS, because right now, they're the only ones with a game rental service at the center of their vision.

Microsoft, Tencent and Embracer Group are racing to ruin this industry with all this consolidation shyt. :camby:

This will trigger Tencent, Embracer and Amazon making more huge acquisitions. I don't like this.

We're about to see this

Phil is a clown. There's nothing healthy in the type of consolidation MS, Tencent and Embracer are currently engaged in. It's funny how quickly the narrative has changed from "timed-exclusives are anti-consumer" to now.

Why do you some of you want more consolidation? It's bad enough that Tencent is now moving into Japan and buying things up.

I don't see gamepass being put on PS or Nintendo systems. They're going to release some kind of dongle where you can stream the GP library across different devices (tvs, toasters, etc).

MS will probably consume another publisher too. I'm betting WB.

Tencent and NetEase will continue to eat up Japanese developers.

Homegrown Chinese talent will start making their mark.

I believe things are going to look very different near the end of this generation compared to how they were at the start. And we'll be worse off.

You can thank MS/Tencent/Embracer for this current hellscape.


May 2, 2012
You say this because your a stan in casual gamer clothing.

The fact that you can't separate preference and trolling from being a actual fan of gaming says a lot. Of course I'm going to clown Sony stans if that happened:mjtf: even if I don't think it's good for the industry. But when someone wants to actually have a real conversation about gaming in general then I'll keep it a buck just like I do now.

The crazy then is Sony has a monopoly on the game industry at this very moment and if not for MS and there boat load of money even they couldn't hope to stand a chance in the industry.

Yet you are perfectly fine with Sony Stan's pom pom and cheering as they dominate the market share. I guess it's ok as long as the monopolistic practices are in a way you prefer. :jbhmm:

I'm one of the handful of people on this board that has all systems, all this stan talk but I'm the one playing and enjoying games on all systems.
You're literally full of shyt breh.

You say I'm a stan, I've argued with Sony stan on the possibility of sony buying Square Enix. My opinions on the consolidation of the gaming industry are known on this site.

You're not trying to have a real conversation, I've tried having this conversation with you and you couldn't put the stan shyt aside to have that conversation.

You're still claiming that sony has a monopoly on the Industry, I've posted information from multiple countries on the definition of what a monopoly is. Sony being ahead due to their innovation does not make them a monopoly, nor does it make them anti competitive. Leveraging money and resources gained in other industries to influence another industry is monopolistic business practices, I've proved that by posting government sources in multiple threads. Yall still arguing that is sony a monopoly because Sega failed as a company.

You can't name a single instance where I'm waving pom poms over anything sony related

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
You're literally full of shyt breh.

You say I'm a stan, I've argued with Sony stan on the possibility of sony buying Square Enix. My opinions on the consolidation of the gaming industry are known on this site.

You're not trying to have a real conversation, I've tried having this conversation with you and you couldn't put the stan shyt aside to have that conversation.

You're still claiming that sony has a monopoly on the Industry, I've posted information from multiple countries on the definition of what a monopoly is. Sony being ahead due to their innovation does not make them a monopoly, nor does it make them anti competitive. Leveraging money and resources gained in other industries to influence another industry is monopolistic business practices, I've proved that by posting government sources in multiple threads. Yall still arguing that is sony a monopoly because Sega failed as a company.

You can't name a single instance where I'm waving pom poms over anything sony related
We've never tried to have any type of conversation.

Saying Sony is ahead because of innovation with a straight face is all anyone needs to read to see the hypocrisy. The only one of the big 3 that is really up strictly because of the gaming aspect of there company is Nintendo.

Sony monopolistic practices that you feel like are "Leveraging money and resources gained in other industries to influence another industry" happen with the ps1. I'm sure Sony didn't use ANY of it's resources from any other era of there company to support the ps1 conception and development.:stopitslime:

I also never said Sony is a monopoly, but the Sony PlayStation does have as close to a monopoly on gaming as you can get. If we are being 100 none of the big 3 in the console gaming sector has a true monopoly, it's all one big oligoploy

Now if you are arguing that MS as a whole ia a monopoly :manny: that's pretty much fact. But when it comes to the Xbox. No there aren't any they aren't even remotely close to it.

Just like with Sony, they aren't a monopoly, but when it comes to the gaming sector... :francis: there can be a strong case made as to why they are in that area rather as to why they aren't.

Again by your own explanation of what monopolistic acts are, Sony is where they are now because of it and if you feel like they aren't a Monopoly in gaming then you shouldn't be worried about MS either.