I posted this link earlier in the threadRight wingers do that.
On purpose. They associate these sort of iniatives with black people because they know it will trigger a stronger negative emotion within their intended audience
Embracing Change Through Inclusion: Meta’s 2022 Diversity Report | Meta
Read our Annual Diversity Report and learn how we're putting diversity at the forefront of building for the metaverse.
It's Meta's official diversity report.
When you read it, it says Black, Hispanic, Black, Hispanic, Women, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black.
However when you actually look at the charts you can clearly see Asians by far and away making the most gains yet no mention of Asians by name anywhere in the written text.
Was it right wingers that published the diversity report where black is overly emphasized while we're making the least gains? Who's going to read that report and not attach black faces to DEI? Who's going to read that report and attach Asian faces to DEI?
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