Men of the coli who are 30+ & established,would you date (to marry) a woman who is 30+ & ...?

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Would you date a woman who is 30+ and works as a retail associate?

What about fast food, and those other little dead end jobs?

*She has no degree
*She lives with her parents

I know that majority of women would say no unless they are in the same position.

Came back to add, state your age, if you have a degree, and if you have a career.

& No, I'm not talking about fcking, I'm talking about dating, looking for a wife and mother of your children.


This thread was inspired by a thread from another site. lsa
of course... i'm a man

will some dime get turned down cause she works at macy's... fukk no


Nov 19, 2013
in general, men are not monetary based and do not factor in.
monolithic gold standards into finding an ideal long term mate.
in general, all gold diggers and non-committal type females focus on factors surrounded by monolithic gold standards.

art barr

No one is a gold digger for wanting someone with the same amount of money that they have.

Golddigging is going after people for their money and their money only while you are broke or make significantly less than them.

dap but black women for the most part are considered gold diggers by default, usually the bitterness lies in them having to take any Man and build with him rather than to get the money immediately like white women do.

Giselle is a perfect example of a lsa poster. wants the sky based on the fact she educated and doesn't see other factors when dealing with men.

I understand but it's a small pool of men thst will play their game very small. I'm surrounded by educated dudes who wouldn't even take a broke chick out to eat unless they sexing immediately afterwards.

the game won't let them get the benefits other races of women get that's because America doesn't want to see black women rise above black men. they want to keep us as one to establish a base of poverty and name bashing.
You're wrong.

I gotta hear her sob story (all women have one) then ill decide.

There is no sob story. She didn't go to college, has been working "dead end" jobs since 20, has no plans to go to back to school, and never moved out of her parent's house.

The girl in the thread on lsa actually dropped out of school because she thought she was going to marry a professional athlete. I didn't want to add that because then everyone would say no and call her a gold digger & bird heaux.

I would usually say fukk no but the person I'm currently dating has a similar story .

She went through a really hard time .

Someone crashed her car totaled it shyt was brand new too :snoop:

She went through a break up so she had to move back home .

Also she worked in retail .

But in 7 months since she's met me got a new whip , full time gig making more money and she's bout to move into her crib soon :wow:

I'm so proud of her she was so broken and God lifted her up :mjcry:

She's done this basically all on her own I don't give no bish money .

Just inspire and encourage her to pick herself up .

Your gf is not like the girl in the op.

white women who get married actually ride with a white guy.
while he gets to go where he gets and are socialized to do so by pedigree.
while, our women were duped and then agreed to be capitalist.
who are shackled by project mentality, eic succubus-ism, cs reliable and divorce law.
that destroyed the good man builds a strong family ideal that black men had.
till it was systematically destroyed by the government purposefully and our women still subscribe to every facet of this destructive social practice, in general.
to the point,...
now in general all college degree'd black women.
immediately go to get eic and have a child out of wedlock as an exact science.
so, now we as black men can not even get a virtue based woman.
who has a degree/educated, either.
as all our educated black women with degrees purposefully are selling their virtue to the government for eic checks, first.

so it is all fukked up, and black women agreed to let it get fukked up.
while and continuing to pray upon the government, that lets them get away with it.
all through deflection, narcissism and traditionalism all gone awry.

black women actually before the projects actually were on the fast track.
it is just once, the men of that gen were simp based and that worked as a double edge sword.
when, the government started to undermine black men in the home to the projects.
via project mentality and the laws from the welfare/projects being actualized.
plus, the government has succeed in making and stripping black america.
of its slowly developing small social structure as well.
where, black men were erroneously made a scape goat.
for the social pathogens they infected black women with.

when, a nation attacks a people.
they do so through compromising the mental frame and rubrick of those people they are attacking.

the government attacked black america using black women and they have won as of right now.
all, from this despicable action in general.
globally being apart of the think tank of black women in general, as well.

@Giselle is just caught up in all of it and i guess from this thread is looking for answers.
or looking to create a discovery zone like all black women who post here.
to take advantage and pray on black men later on.

art barr

You sound slow. Your whole post is full of sht that you made up. You're wrong. You can't even type in complete legible sentences. Bye :queen:


Nov 19, 2013
Some males in here negative repd me for making this thread. I'm assuming that they're in a similar position as the girl in the op. Most women who are 30+, with a degree, career and their own place would not want to date you. They don't even think that you should be dating.They think you should be working to better yourself instead of trying to date someone. That is another reason why I asked this question on here, to hear what males (who fit the criteria) have to say about this. There are women in your same position who wouldn't want to date you either because they want to date up. That's not my fault, it's yours. No one is wrong for wanting to date someone on their same level financially or in the same position in life as they are.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
No one is a gold digger for wanting someone with the same amount of money that they have.

Golddigging is going after people for their money and their money only while you are broke or make significantly less than them.

You're wrong.

Giselle said:
There is no sob story. She didn't go to college, has been working "dead end" jobs since 20, has no plans to go to back to school, and never moved out of her parent's house.

The girl in the thread on lsa actually dropped out of school because she thought she was going to marry a professional athlete. I didn't want to add that because then everyone would say no and call her a gold digger & bird heaux.

Your gf is not like the girl in the op.

You sound slow. Your whole post is full of sht that you made up. You're wrong. You can't even type in complete legible sentences. Bye :queen:

Just the delussion of these responses are hilarious.
Try to change the definition of golddiggin, to fit your agenda, brehette.

Again, if you value anything monetary or in the monolithic standard of gold.
about someone above who they are as a person.
You are a gold digger.
use gold diggers as examples, and omit their psychosis.
All because you know the deal and outcome.
Then, try to ignore that and then withhold content.
that is derived from the actual plight of a FAILED GOLDDIGGER.

Art Barr

Praise the creation and not the creator, breh's and brehette's.


Nov 19, 2013
You're wrong.

Just the delussion of these responses are hilarious.
Try to change the definition of golddiggin, to fit your agenda, brehette.

Again, if you value anything monetary or in the monolithic standard of gold.
about someone above who they are as a person.
You are a gold digger.

use gold diggers as examples, and omit their psychosis.
All because you know the deal and outcome.
Then, try to ignore that and then withhold content.
that is derived from the actual plight of a FAILED GOLDDIGGER.

Art Barr

Praise the creation and not the creator, breh's and brehette's.

No one is valuing their money over the type of person they are.

You don't have to know a person well to know their age, where they work, and who they live with. Anybody can pretend to be like anything, any personality you like, when they think that you're going to same them from their walmart job.

People don't want people to use them for their money, they don't want a lazy person. They don't want someone who is dependent on them like a child, they want a partner. They want someone equal to them. & there is nothing wrong with that.

You're still wrong :queen:

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Some males in here negative repd me for making this thread. I'm assuming that they're in a similar position as the girl in the op. Most women who are 30+, with a degree, career and their own place would not want to date you. They don't even think that you should be dating.They think you should be working to better yourself instead of trying to date someone. That is another reason why I asked this question on here, to hear what males (who fit the criteria) have to say about this. There are women in your same position who wouldn't want to date you either because they want to date up. That's not my fault, it's yours. No one is wrong for wanting to date someone on their same level financially or in the same position in life as they are.

My good female friend is 43 big with no kids, she's a engineer making big bucks in Houston, she's lonely and rants daily. She can't blame black men because she missed that boat. I work with several childless sisters over 40, you wanna guess want topic gets the blood boiling?:francis:

You're completely wrong, p*ssy has no value past a certain age, after that only broke bummy nikkas would deal with it. I'm oushing 40 and I have options and all these women make more than me, dont't sleep.

I will say to be real I want BETTER options but literally this is the difference.

I can get a chick to take care of me,

Past a certain age no dude is taking care of you

See how that works:beli:

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
No one is valuing their money over the type of person they are.

You don't have to know a person well to know their age, where they work, and who they live with. Anybody can pretend to be like anything, any personality you like, when they think that you're going to same them from their walmart job.

People don't want people to use them for their money, they don't want a lazy person. They don't want someone who is dependent on them like a child, they want a partner. They want someone equal to them. & there is nothing wrong with that.

You're still wrong :queen:

Black women:beli:

You're completely off base, getting to the point where it's time to drop outta this convo, you're the typical entitled sister looking for WHAT you consider QUALITY dating options.

A couple dudes I know married doctors, female doctors.. do you know what they do?


Think about that.

A white guy comes into the office to water the damn plants

His wife is a engineer, second wife, first wife was a executive of some company:whoo:

No offense but you're a young naive girl, you don't know the world past your degree and a couple slim sisters you break bread with, wait till you get up there and start being past all the bullshyt you're on now, I hope your married:ufdup:

\Women and men date down all the time, black women historically date down, even the ones who date cacs usually out earn them:sas2: America pushes equality, women out perform men at school and jobs, lotta women will have to get on that train eventually or get cats.

I stay away from girls like you too old for the bullshyt:pachaha::pachaha:

If you judge a man by income you already lost, more than that goes into play, you're just making it cool for more dudes to pipe and dip.

Do you have a hobby besides looking in the mirror or reading books to make money? Do you like to laugh and watch shows that don't involve rich handsome dudes, do you have anything that interest you outside of money and sex and attaining a certain social status?

These are the things alot of educated men actually look for, them shallow girls get dikked down, not wifed up.


Nov 19, 2013
My good female friend is 43 big with no kids, she's a engineer making big bucks in Houston, she's lonely and rants daily. She can't blame black men because she missed that boat. I work with several childless sisters over 40, you wanna guess want topic gets the blood boiling?:francis:

You're completely wrong, p*ssy has no value past a certain age, after that only broke bummy nikkas would deal with it. I'm oushing 40 and I have options and all these women make more than me, dont't sleep.

I will say to be real I want BETTER options but literally this is the difference.

I can get a chick to take care of me,

Past a certain age no dude is taking care of you

See how that works:beli:
The age has increased because people are getting married later in life.

You're old, not broke or working at kmart or living at home with your parents though. That's why old people with money are willing to date you.

Most people can get a desperate person to take care of them.


Nov 19, 2013
Black women:beli:

You're completely off base, getting to the point where it's time to drop outta this convo, you're the typical entitled sister looking for WHAT you consider QUALITY dating options.

A couple dudes I know married doctors, female doctors.. do you know what they do?


Think about that.

A white guy comes into the office to water the damn plants

His wife is a engineer, second wife, first wife was a executive of some company:whoo:

No offense but you're a young naive girl, you don't know the world past your degree and a couple slim sisters you break bread with, wait till you get up there and start being past all the bullshyt you're on now, I hope your married:ufdup:

\Women and men date down all the time, black women historically date down, even the ones who date cacs usually out earn them:sas2: America pushes equality, women out perform men at school and jobs, lotta women will have to get on that train eventually or get cats.

I stay away from girls like you too old for the bullshyt:pachaha::pachaha:

If you judge a man by income you already lost, more than that goes into play, you're just making it cool for more dudes to pipe and dip.

Do you have a hobby besides looking in the mirror or reading books to make money? Do you like to laugh and watch shows that don't involve rich handsome dudes, do you have anything that interest you outside of money and sex and attaining a certain social status?

These are the things alot of educated men actually look for, them shallow girls get dikked down, not wifed up.

Men date down more than women.

They are doctors, lawyers dating down, but they are not dating old people who live at home with their parents and work at places like kmart and walmart.


Jun 22, 2012
Would you date a woman who is 30+ and works as a retail associate?

What about fast food, and those other little dead end jobs?

*She has no degree
*She lives with her parents

I know that majority of women would say no unless they are in the same position.

Came back to add, state your age, if you have a degree, and if you have a career.

& No, I'm not talking about fcking, I'm talking about dating, looking for a wife and mother of your children.


This thread was inspired by a thread from another site. lsa

wifing probably not, but there can be different scenarios, she can be ambitious and a business owner without a degree and just not want to leave the house until married or ready, or she can be a bird that has no job, no goals and trying to be a instagram model....


Jun 22, 2012
Some males in here negative repd me for making this thread. I'm assuming that they're in a similar position as the girl in the op. Most women who are 30+, with a degree, career and their own place would not want to date you. They don't even think that you should be dating.They think you should be working to better yourself instead of trying to date someone. That is another reason why I asked this question on here, to hear what males (who fit the criteria) have to say about this. There are women in your same position who wouldn't want to date you either because they want to date up. That's not my fault, it's yours. No one is wrong for wanting to date someone on their same level financially or in the same position in life as they are.

i would date school teacher making 35-40k a year, its not ideal for me but not everyone is swimming in cash and that life, she also may be passionate about her underpaying career, i just wouldnt date anyone who is working dead end jobs because they become a dead weight to me. I would do better by myself than putting myself in a situation with a person like this, what is the point of me really having a future when they have no goals and will be the same in 10-20 years, we cannot build like that its negative energy to me.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
So, most of you on here are supposedly #GMB #HOH, but you'd date (to marry) a completely dependent person?
see you grouping them together as if they are the same thing

DATE - go out to eat with... go see some movies... try to fukk... try to chill... whatever happens happens

MARRIAGE - forever in life till death do us part

most dudes would DATE that girl... who gives a fukk.. most men don't use or ask women for money anyway

but marry and risk half on? no


Nov 19, 2013
see you grouping them together as if they are the same thing

DATE - go out to eat with... go see some movies... try to fukk... try to chill... whatever happens happens

MARRIAGE - forever in life till death do us part

most dudes would DATE that girl... who gives a fukk.. most men don't use or ask women for money anyway

but marry and risk half on? no

I said date to marry, which means you are dating to find a wife.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I said date to marry, which means you are dating to find a wife.
most people aren't doing either one.. to find a husband nor a wife

most relationships start off with looks.. you won't even get to "spitting game" if the other person isn't attracted to you

then you have to win them over and get to the date

by then nobody is thinking, i hope this is the person i marry.. they are just thinking i hope we have a good time, and if so, lets have another good time... after a while you like that person enough to be together... and so on till you make that choice to be a husband and wife

so i'd still say no.. 99% of dudes, even if they are thinking of settling down, are not going to turn down a date with a woman they are attracted to, just for these reasons

now on the date or dates, you find she's also lazy, dumb, and has no future goals THEN you cut her off

but she could easily be working on being store/regional manager, stacking bread at home and never wanted to go to college... but she's smart, funny and seems like she'd be a great mom

men just don't do this... oh that bytch don't got a car, fukk her and this date

we see it from rich men to poor men.. all colors.. all times in history... we marry down when it comes to education, money, work, whatever...

we just want a damn good woman :mjcry:

we'll pay the rent and go to work... just let a nikka come home to a clean house, smart kids and a nice plate :blessed: