Instead of realizing there are some black men who use it because they want to see black women in their natural state, self-loving state but then you have some who use it to justify why they aren't with black women. This is a sensitive topic to women so I understand the backlash but the attacking is what you are using to drive your point?
Most brothers are not going to stop themselves from seeing woman because she is wearing a wig or weave, that's the honest truth and we all know that. Most women are not wearing weaves or wigs just to impress man, many of us have all been there - once she's in doors in a place of comfort it's coming off her head. Her man might complain every once and while but guess what? His still there while she's at home in her natural state. I only cared for my girl to go natural because of our future children especially a future daughter of mine mindset and acceptances of herself. That shift will one day happen when we all get past our issues while existing in a WS society and weave/wig is one of those attributes. Antagonizing one another isn't a straight discussion.
Why do we has black man want the weave/wig to go? Are we playing a part in our future wives, daughters are accepting of going out with their natural hair?
Why do black women want hold on to weave/wig? Why label man gay and out of pocket for being concerned about their woman hair?
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