Meek Mill tells black women to get rid of their wigs/fake hair in 2019


Apr 5, 2015
:angry::angry::angry: from both sides.. I'm reading how some are responding with other shyt that doesn't concern this topic at all and downplaying one another.. at the end of the year smh. Nasty depictions of each other in this thread :gucci:

Instead of realizing there are some black men who use it because they want to see black women in their natural state, self-loving state but then you have some who use it to justify why they aren't with black women. This is a sensitive topic to women so I understand the backlash but the attacking is what you are using to drive your point?

Most brothers are not going to stop themselves from seeing woman because she is wearing a wig or weave, that's the honest truth and we all know that. Most women are not wearing weaves or wigs just to impress man, many of us have all been there - once she's in doors in a place of comfort it's coming off her head. Her man might complain every once and while but guess what? His still there while she's at home in her natural state. I only cared for my girl to go natural because of our future children especially a future daughter of mine mindset and acceptances of herself. That shift will one day happen when we all get past our issues while existing in a WS society and weave/wig is one of those attributes. Antagonizing one another isn't a straight discussion.

Why do we has black man want the weave/wig to go? Are we playing a part in our future wives, daughters are accepting of going out with their natural hair?
Why do black women want hold on to weave/wig? Why label man gay and out of pocket for being concerned about their woman hair?
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At peace
Nov 19, 2016
This is useless because nobody has denied that some black men don’t mind black women who wear weave. The argument isn’t that all women who wear weave are unattractive either. This is all about black women not being tolerant of black men being efen the least bit critical even if it’s constructive. We all agree that black women have self hate issues regarding their hair, but if black man dares to point that out y’all lose your minds and immediately aim to shut said man/men up. That’s the elephant in the room that y’all are desperately deflecting from.

Ok. As already discussed there are many bw that are natural in 2018. I see them everyday. No one cares that SOME of y’all prefer women that are natural, the thing is if that is what you prefer, then why focus or be critical of the women that aren’t what you prefer? What purpose does it serve to clown women that aren’t natural? And why are these celebs using public platforms to go in on us for our hair, skin complexion, etc—things that many of us are still struggling with due to the residual effects of white supremacy and conditioning about our looks, that still affects many of us today.

If these women have self-hate, that’s their battle, not yours. Putting them down about it, isn’t going to help them, it’s what causes the defensiveness, especially when many of your peers continue to uplift women that have straight hair and wear weaves. We see it in threads in here all the time, women with a face full of make up and a hair hat, and men calling the women dimes. Perhaps if y’all stop focusing on the women wearing weaves, and just focus on the women you prefer, and uplift those women, then in time, we’ll continue to see more women without weaves. As we already are. I went to the movies the other day, and 80% of the young bw there(mostly teens) were natural, and they were with their bm boyfriends. Trust me, more and more bw are going natural everyday.

Now, going back to the op, why is meek using his platform to down women wearing wigs, when he was with nicki Minaj who wore lace fronts their entire relationship? When will he parade around a natural sista to be consistent about his no wig message?
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Accept to take the L
May 1, 2012
There's a huge natural hair movement going on now.

The thing is it isn't Hollywood yet. But you're average day to day women. More and more are rocking natural. I personally love it, I'm a huge fan of natural over made up.

However ya ballers, rappers athletes, actress and others do not Rock with the natural look, and neither do the women chasing men and women in Hollywood. Now famous black men are starting to wear there hair more natural....but women not so much.

Even randomly build a chick instgram models only rock a natural look on occasion. When it's time to show out it's wigs, and tons of make up and eye lashes.

I truly don't know who women get dressed up for now. It doesn't seem like for men, it seems like they compete with each other and what each other thinks of them rather than men.

However as soon as stuff like this comes up its:usure:

Men might have preferences on hair, but they not turning down a well kept, beautiful/sexy woman because she's natural or made up.:manny:

Like we always say men are leaders until more men especially those in the media start embracing natural black women they will continue to model themselves after the type of women they think the men on top values


May 1, 2012
Ok. As already discussed there are many bw that are natural in 2018. I see them everyday. No one cares that SOME of y’all prefer women that are natural, the thing is if that is what you prefer, then why focus or be critical of the women that aren’t what you prefer? What purpose does it serve to clown women that aren’t natural? If those women have self-hate, that’s their battle, not yours. Putting them down isn’t going to help them, especially when many of your peers continue to uplift women that look like them. We see it in threads in here all the time, women with a face full of make up and a hair hat, and men calling the women dimes. Perhaps if y’all stop focusing on the women wearing weaves, and just focus on the women you prefer, and uplift them, and in time, we’ll continue to see more women without weaves.

Now, going back to the op, why is meek using his platform to down women wearing wigs, when he was with nicki Minaj who wore lace fronts their entire relationship? When will he parade around a natural sista to be consistent about his no wig message?
You’ve read a whole lot into a simple comment. All Meek said was “in 2019, take the wigs off”. All this “why....why....why?” shyt is completely over the top and unnecessary. He didn’t say that he didn’t like black women who wear wigs/weaves. He didn’t say that black women who wear wigs/weaves were unattractive. So all of these contradictions you’re trying to catch him and black men in don’t apply.

I’ll speak for myself but I think my position is shared by many. While I think that black women are too dependent on weave and seriously need to address that, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t find some of the weave/wig shyt attractive. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Some black women look better with the European/Asian hairstyles and textures than other black women do.

Now just because I happen to be attracted to some women who wear weave doesn’t mean that I can’t take the position that black women have issues with being dependent on weave that need to be addressed.

Here’s my question for you though. Why are you so intolerant of black men being the least bit critical even when it’s constructive? Meek didn’t disrespect or clown black women, but you’re acting as if he did to justify your intolerance of his comment. What’s up with the outright disdain for black men? You’re saying that y’all don’t care that some of us prefer black women to be natural yet you’re whining about a black man telling black women that he’d prefer them to be natural. That’s a contradiction. We’ve got to address this hatred that y’all have for black men because it’s shaping the entire relationship between black men and women and not for the good. Black men can’t even encourage black women to express their natural beauty without being shyt on?


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
I really don't understand the logic of ya'll posting pictures of attractive women in weaves. Nobody said women in weaves aren't attractive. And if the majority of a group is wearing weaves, then the majority of what we point out as attractive in that group will be wearing weaves.

And, trust me, most guys aren't gonna stop wanting to get with those women because they stopped weaving.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
You’ve read a whole lot into a simple comment. All Meek said was “in 2019, take the wigs off”. All this “why....why....why?” shyt is completely over the top and unnecessary. He didn’t say that he didn’t like black women who wear wigs/weaves. He didn’t say that black women who wear wigs/weaves were unattractive. So all of these contradictions you’re trying to catch him and black men in don’t apply.

I’ll speak for myself but I think my position is shared by many. While I think that black women are too dependent on weave and seriously need to address that, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t find some of the weave/wig shyt attractive. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Some black women look better with the European/Asian hairstyles and textures than other black women do.

Now just because I happen to be attracted to some women who wear weave doesn’t mean that I can’t take the position that black women have issues with being dependent on weave that need to be addressed.

Here’s my question for you though. Why are you so intolerant of black men being the least bit critical even when it’s constructive? Meek didn’t disrespect or clown black women, but you’re acting as if he did to justify you intolerance if his comment. What’s up with the outright disdain for black men? You’re saying that y’all don’t care that some of us prefer black women to be natural yet you’re whining about a black man telling black women that he’d prefer them to be natural. That’s a contradiction. We’ve got to address this hatred that y’all have for black men because it’s shaping the entire relationship between black men and women and not for the good. Black men can’t even encourage black women to express their natural beauty without being shyt on?

I edited my comment.

I have no issue with men taking issue with weave or what not, it’s how it’s being done. It doesn’t feel like it’s coming from a place of understanding or compassion. I’m seeing comments from men that paag talking about how repulsive it is for women to put fake hair on their head, and comments that feel more like they’re belittling the choice instead of trying to understand why bw are like this about hair to begin with. Hell, I don’t wear weave, but I can still acknowledge and understand why some women do wear them as well as why some women struggle with wearing their hair, or just like having many options.

Y’all think it’s crazy how some women still were trying to buy hair from Asians after that video was posted of them beating on a patron... If anything that should reveal that this is clearly a deep issue that warrants way more compassion and sensitivity when it’s being discussed, and shouldn’t we at least get this from our men?

Bw are the only group of women in this country that have unique hair that is drastically different from European hair—a lot of us are dealing with years and years of programming, and shyt if you look around many of us are trying to overcome it.

Some of these women are hurting about their hair... And attacking them about it will naturally make them defensive. And as others have pointed out, there are so many reasons bw wear them, not always for the reasons men believe, so why can’t those reasons be acknowledged and seen as valid? why do you guys take issue with women exercising their options when it comes to their hair?

I never spend any time focusing on men I know I would not date or that I’m not attracted to, so I guess I’m trying to understand why this is important to some of you? Many of you have already stated that your gfs are natural. So then why does it matter what women that aren’t your gfs, do to their hair? You can not prefer, not date them, and Kim, but instead they get criticized... that’s what I don’t understand.

And tbh when men discuss this it doesn’t feel genuine, not from Meek, and not in some of the comments I’m reading on here.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
I really don't understand the logic of ya'll posting pictures of attractive women in weaves. Nobody said women in weaves aren't attractive. And if the majority of a group is wearing weaves, then the majority of what we point out as attractive in that group will be wearing weaves.

And, trust me, most guys aren't gonna stop wanting to get with those women because they stopped weaving.

Because men in here have said they hate hair hats, don’t find it attractive(some even said they found it repulsive) and they said they like women with natural hair. Yet, I’m seeing thread after thread of women with the hair hats that coli men loathe and find embarrassing.

I know there are women on Instagram with natural fro hair, I want to see more of those, since so many of you guys claim that’s what the average bm prefers, that’s all.

Now me? I’m going to keep getting my keratin treatment and running my flat iron through my hair every two weeks. And I’m planning in getting box braids in a month, and this summer some faux locks. I might even get me a weave for a wedding I’m going to in April. I’m going to continue doing what I want with my hair. And no man I’ve dealt with has ever gave a fukk. But apparently it’s important to bm on the coli, so it would be nice to see it reflected more on here. You guys can start posting more women with natural kinky hair. :feedme: I’d like to see them posted more.


May 1, 2012
I never spend any time focusing on men I know I would not date or that I’m not attracted to, so I guess I’m trying to understand why this is important to some of you? Many of you have already stated that your gfs are natural. So then why does it matter what women that aren’t your gfs, do to their hair? You can not prefer, not date them, and Kim, but instead they get criticized... that’s what I don’t understand.

And tbh when men discuss this it doesn’t feel genuine, not from Meek, and not in some of the comments I’m reading on here.
I keep trying to make the point to you that black men encouraging black women to be less dependent on wigs/weave doesn’t necessarily mean that black men are saying that they wouldn’t deal with or date black women in weaves. That’s a straw man argument that you’re using to deflect. You keep complaining about feeling attacked when nobody has attacked black women. Again, Meek didn’t even single out black women.

You’re being disingenuous and passive aggressive. You’re playing victim to mask the resentment/hatred you have for black men.


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
Because men in here have said they hate hair hats, don’t find it attractive(some even said they found it repulsive) and they said they like women with natural hair.
"Men in here" is a large group of people. Some like it, some don't. Some grow up and change their minds. Some are just hypocrites that you can rightfully call out.
Doesn't really take away from the core point tho. There's a larger problem at hand.
Yet, I’m seeing thread after thread of women with the hair hats that coli men loathe and find embarrassing.
I personally don't loathe them on an individual basis. I loathe the larger impact it has had on us. I loathe that we can't even talk about it.

My girl once told me how much damage getting her hair done was doing to her scalp. I told her to wear it natural then. She immediately went into "I do this for you!" and "the white people at work won't understand!". After the back and forth I finally convinced her that she can still look good without it and the white people at work don't care. She now wears it natural and looks good. And occasionally she gets it done up (just like every other race) and still looks good.
I might even get me a weave for a wedding I’m going to in April.
I'm sure it'll look good.
You guys can start posting more women with natural kinky hair. :feedme: I’d like to see them posted more.
Again, it's hard to find them to begin with since so many of them are wearing weave (as if that's the deal breaker for most men). I wish I could find more. Damn, I could probably find attractive bald chicks more easily.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
I keep trying to make the point to you that black men encouraging black women to be less dependent on wigs/weave doesn’t necessarily mean that black men are saying that they wouldn’t deal with or date black women in weaves. That’s a straw man argument that you’re using to deflect. You keep complaining about feeling attacked when nobody has attacked black women. Again, Meek didn’t even single out black women.

You’re being disingenuous and passive aggressive. You’re playing victim to mask the resentment/hatred you have for black men.

It’s how you guys are saying it, that’s the issue. But I digress, if you feel like I’m being passive aggressive I’m not sure how else I can convey my point to you.

I love bm, only men I fukk with, and I’ve talked with the bm I’ve dated about this topic many times. My son is also going to one day grow up into a bm, so I’d hope that he wouldn’t believe I have disdain when it’s the last thing I could ever have for BM, I love y’all.

But okay, I guess we’re just going in circles.