Meek Mill tells black women to get rid of their wigs/fake hair in 2019


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
Stop being dramatic. My hair is natural and I would never bleach my skin or date a neoconfederate. I’ve endlessly tried to explain to people that just because I wear weave doesn’t mean I don’t like my own hair but you guys do exactly what you’re doing, come up with crazy ideas as to why I want to wear box braids one day and wear my natural hair the next. It’s just hair.

That’s why I say I don’t care. Like you see what you did? All I said was I’ll continue wearing weave and you went off the deep end saying I hate myself and my hair and my skin color and all kinds of crazy shyt because of my hairstyle. That’s why I just don’t care. Never mind the fact that I haven’t worn weave in hella long but I might in the future. But you know everything.

You would never do those things -- good! ...But if you wanted to, you wouldn't care what black men thought about it -- just like you don't care what we think about you paying $$ to hostile aliens for yaki yaki (which is exactly what you expressed in your post).

And I'm saying kudos.

You have a right, just like we (and Meek Mill) have a right to call out the nonsense.

...Just don't try to say you're doing it for black men, when most black men in fact don't like the weave, and many black men would try to tap the booty even if you were bald.

My point is don't piss down our necks and tell us it's raining (aka "we do it for black men"). We're on the same page about that (I think).

(And where did I say you hate yourself and your skin color? All I meant is you're going to do what you want, without regard for black men.)


HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
Welp there go half his female fanbase next year

They ain't going no where

Meek reminds them of all the arrogant vocal "street dudes" they admire and have babies by

Cause they seek validation from these type of guys all the time

"Big Money... Big Attitude
B1tches like that

Talk to them any kind of way

Them b1tches love that


Kodak Black insulted Black Women and they are supporting him more than ever......

Black women have been "insulted" by numerous gangsta rappers.. Trap rappers and commercial rappers..

Yet they still are it's strongest consumers. .

because they have low self esteem and thrive off misery...

It's entertaining

They are more OFFENDED by the CONSCIOUS RAPPERS whom try to UPLIFT them because they are boring and preachy and predictable

That's whom they DONT SUPPORT
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Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
nobody respects us cause some men have strong opinions on wigs and weave? :mindblown:

I can't love natural hair cause I don't have political power? :why:

How can you as a black person fix your mouth to say some stupid shyt like that?

That was dumb as fukk :rudy:
Let me walk you through it. I think I understand the disconnect here, and I think it might explain the missing link btwn bedwenches and natural hair.

Fact: Compared to other men, black men have fewer resources.
Fact: That small percentage of bm with resources appears to prefer sharing those resources with women who either have long hair or looser textured hair.

1. Bw seeking bm look at the market objectively and 'advertise' themselves accordingly.
2. Bw NOT seeking bm (usu bc of resources, real or assumed) 'advertise' themselves accordingly.

The current paradigm won't change until one of two things happens: either those few bm with resources start rewarding bw with natural AFRO textured hair OR more bm get resources and those bm reward bw with natural AFRO textured hair.

:ld:I'm obv generalizing like crazy, but we're talking about milliions of ppl, so... we do the best we can.

Juicy Ace

Toxic and Masculine
Nov 27, 2012
Weaves, make-up and lip/ass/breast augmentation are like cheat codes to these IG thots

Based Lord Zedd

Colts or Die
Apr 30, 2012
Houston TX
Me personally? My man, bc I don't work. For everybody else, including bm, the white man who signs your checks. Am I lying?

I guess you not working is why you have so much time to post this bullshyt. Talk about what resources other people have when you don't provide anything at all.

Cloutius Maximus

with the aid of the Funk...
Aug 25, 2013
Altadena ---> Inglewood, California
This is the relation between black men and women in a nutshell.

right? these white folk got us fukked up in the game. how we gon take our rightful position if the women undermine us? white men had white womens help whipping black folks ass and demeaning us, we gotta go super saiyan and beat white folks, asians and our own women :wow:


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
Let me walk you through it. I think I understand the disconnect here, and I think it might explain the missing link btwn bedwenches and natural hair.

Fact: Compared to other men, black men have fewer resources.
Fact: That small percentage of bm with resources appears to prefer sharing those resources with women who either have long hair or looser textured hair.

1. Bw seeking bm look at the market objectively and 'advertise' themselves accordingly.
2. Bw NOT seeking bm (usu bc of resources, real or assumed) 'advertise' themselves accordingly.

The current paradigm won't change until one of two things happens: either those few bm with resources start rewarding bw with natural AFRO textured hair OR more bm get resources and those bm reward bw with natural AFRO textured hair.

:ld:I'm obv generalizing like crazy, but we're talking about milliions of ppl, so... we do the best we can.

lol -- aka "we do it for black men". No you don't. You do it for your own internal beauty aesthetic and for other black women.


Krazy K

All Star
May 15, 2015
Let me walk you through it. I think I understand the disconnect here, and I think it might explain the missing link btwn bedwenches and natural hair.

Fact: Compared to other men, black men have fewer resources.
Fact: That small percentage of bm with resources appears to prefer sharing those resources with women who either have long hair or looser textured hair.

1. Bw seeking bm look at the market objectively and 'advertise' themselves accordingly.
2. Bw NOT seeking bm (usu bc of resources, real or assumed) 'advertise' themselves accordingly.

The current paradigm won't change until one of two things happens: either those few bm with resources start rewarding bw with natural AFRO textured hair OR more bm get resources and those bm reward bw with natural AFRO textured hair.

:ld:I'm obv generalizing like crazy, but we're talking about milliions of ppl, so... we do the best we can.
This did nothing to help my understanding because you didn't answer none of the questions from my post :francis:

New question

How do bm reward bw with natural AFRO textured hair?

dem bath salts

To be reckoned with
Jun 11, 2012
They not going to listen to men. It's going to have to come from women. I'm glad and a bit surprised at how large the natural hair movement is today. I remember getting in arguments in the early 2000s about weave. shyt was ugky:heh:


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
right? these white folk got us fukked up in the game. how we gon take our rightful position if the women undermine us? white men had white womens help whipping black folks ass and demeaning us, we gotta go super saiyan and beat white folks, asians and our own women :wow:

Can't put this on white folks. The black male/black female problem is an unforced error, if we're in fact still playing for the same team. lol

...But it is indeed fukked up that even though some of us bm do well, we can't expect respect and consideration unless all of us are balling. A toehold doesn't count for anything if you're black and male -- at least not among black women.

"You have no leverage with which to make demands."

This shyt is also one of the reasons why black-on-black relationships are so fragile...

...And -- hate me for saying this -- this is also why so many black men who believe in themselves and are trying to achieve something don't believe having a black woman at his side is going to make him more productive and inspired -- but instead will be a hindrance and a distraction.

Not saying that belief is justified, but I understand how dudes with eyes and ears can come to that conclusion while the clock is ticking down...

(Cue the female interpretation: "You're just making excuses for why you can't resist those magical, beautiful irresistible white women with their beautiful hair and tantalizing skin color.")

Black women have internalized this attitude: "Black men have no leverage with which to make demands." ...Even when it comes to basic stuff like -- "let's not run to a hostile, disrespectful people such as koreans and hand them billions of $$ for other people's hair to wear on our heads" -- we have no leverage to make demands.

No matter what we do, no matter what we try to do, we still "ain't shyt" and are "unworthy" of hearing out -- even when it's super clear that we make sense -- until every last black man is as perfect as the men they see on tv.

Seriously, if we can't get black women to stop doing something as obviously silly as handing billions of dollars to koreans in exchange for weave ... if we can't get black women to even speak out on our side against that... there is no hope for the culture.

Call me a doomsayer... call me "apocalyptic"... But this is yet another sign of the imminent, inexorable disintegration of afro-american culture...

That's why I say I used to be against the weave... but now I'd rather they continue with it, because natural hair actually says nothing about bw values and intellect (see the wenches)... and the weave helps make a case to other black men about how we need to carry ourselves in this day and age.

In crisis, there is opportunity...



May 1, 2012
This is how illogical your argument is. You will NEVER hear me rattle off crime stats or shyt on uneducated bm. NEVER, EVER. I'm not coming at it from a feminist perspective. I'm coming at it like your (youngish) auntie who be talking sense. I want bm to do better. This ain't it. Women don't get in line bc men whine about some shyt. Women get in line because men INCENTIVIZE them. (and vice versa)

Lastly, men shouldn't speak on hair be THEY DON'T KNOW shyt. Bw did not start the natural movement bc of bm. Bw started the natural hair movement primarily due to the recession. They could no longer afford the maintenance of relaxers and weaves. A secondary cause was, a generation of bw raised on weave had led to extensive damage which they noted and wanted to fix. They wanted long hair. To get it, they needed to stop the chemical (ie, perms/ relaxers, color) and physical (ie, extension braids, cornrows under weaves, pulling the edges too tight for weave ponytail) damage.

This is why men shouldn't speak on hair. Yall literally don't know shyt, as is proper, bc THIS AIN'T YOUR LANE. Damn.

edit: re spending money with hostile Asians. I don't disagree with you. But have some sympathy for your sisters. We're still catching up. Many of us literally don't know how to handle out God-given hair. You're correct in reading bw's response as defensive, but you're not hearing the why. It's sad and they already feel bad enough.The next generations will be better bc we, their mothers, are learning what our mothers neglected to teach us. (Similar to how bm raised by single mothers are learning to be men. It's sad, but here we are.)
Forget all that weak crybaby shyt and excuse making you’re doing. Y’all should take the gotdamn weave/wigs off. Don’t deflect your self hatred issues on your resentment/hatred for black men. “:to::mjcry: Yea we know it’s a problem but you black men should just shut up because y’all don’t even get it”

What does that even mean? Like any of that simple shyt you’re talking above is some kind of mystery. The weave/wigs fukks your hair/heads up, it empowers a non black community that is deliberately exploiting you, and they reinforce black inferiority. Now we all know that the self hate issues around y’alls hair and beauty image are caused by being beaten down by white supremacy, and that’s our whole point. We get it but that doesn’t mean we should just sit back and watch y’all just continue the cycles of dysfunction without saying anything. Again, Meek posted a simple comment that didn’t disrespect anyone

This is all about misandry towards black men. Not only do most black women have no respect for black men, a lot of black women harbor resentment/hatred for black men and it’s to the point where most of y’all are intolerant of any criticism from black men whether it’s accurate and constructive or not. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with what Meek posted and you even agree that the weave/wig issue is a problem, you just can’t stand to see black men saying anything about it because ultimately you don’t respect black men.


Jul 19, 2015
When a lot of men say they want women with natural hair they mean this


Not this

This is some black womens complete natural hair, no heat, no relaxer. See how long it is when it’s stretched but if she’s completely natural then she has that short afro and a lot of men don’t find that attractive.

Black men know what natural hair is. They have it themselves.

You hit on SO many of the points I used to post about!!!! Your point about what men say vs. what men do is so on point. Men say the same thing about makeup. They will say they don't like women who wear makeup but pick a chick with mean make up game in a second. Same with natural hair. It's gotten waaaaaaay better btw like u said. But at the same time we gotta stop acting like blk men are somehow magically exempt from social conditioning from having white standards of beauty shoved down their throats their entire lives. It has an impact on blk women and blk men too!
And yeah it also shyts on black chicks that are natural. Once again whole pockets of blk women are invisible. And you hit on something else but I'm high right now so I'll have to get it later and my friend keep djijsb wiyfh mi phone

Usually your takes are excellent but I don't understand how you are going to cape for this weave and wig shyt. It really needs to go.

I totally understand what you are saying because I am natural. I know that in the past when I would switch from wearing box braids to natural hair and back again I got more attention with the longer synthetic hair. But I realized that I was not really being true to my literal phenotype. So I stopped wearing the hair years ago and I am currently resisting the mainstream and socioethnic conditioning to wear such hair.

The response from Black women in general should be to resist white supremacy. But deciding to wear the fake hair anyways is not going in the correct direction.

You might be only one of the 3 women on The Coli that think like that.

But I bet you that if their WHITE zaddy said something, they would comply and not a single protest would have happened :mjpls:

Breh if a dude like that Thor cac said something like this there would be 100000 heart eye emoji and 1000000 likes on that photo.