Yall really sounding like some bytches in here. What's next, advice on my shoes? Stilletos or nah? Should I use Nars or Fenty? What say you on Fashion Nova?
STFU and focus on your focus. This is why nobody respects us, bc our men our out here on the bullshyt. "Hey, black woman.

I have nothing for you or for the children we keep creating. I have no money or political power. BUT I HAVE STRONG OPINIONS ON YOUR HAIR.

You have no leverage with which to make demands. You gotta pay the cost to be the boss and, as of right now, yall ain't got it.
That being said, despite our poverty, yall might still have some sway if your actions matched yall words. But just like red pill theory says (about
), 'Don't watch what they say, watch what they do.' Well, er, uh... yall words don't at all match your actions. Brehettes keep saying it and yall keep dancing around it. '

My girl who nobody never seen wears her hair natural. Ignore the fact that all the girls we post and simp all have factory built asses and weave down to their knees. '