All Star
I haven't watched it and prolly won't till the weekend....
but it looks like a bunch of you disappointed cats was sitting there waiting on it to be a mid-level point between The Avengers movie and The Avengers cartoon.... production wise, costume wise and storywise.
You really expected to see some superpowered task force taking down The Masters of Evil or them trying to stop Juggernaut from taking a walk.
"But but it showed LUKE CAGE, man! I... I just wanted to see Spidey-Man swing in the background just one time..."
instead we got a marvel show with NO interesting characters aside from Colson. no excuse because even marvels c and d list characters can make things entertaining. i know its just the first episode but dayum the pilot is supposed to have some bite to get that viewership. this shyt lookin real toothless right now