Marcus Garvey Wrote a Letter to White Supremacist Earnest Cox Calling Negros Lazy


Aug 9, 2013
One day you may have a home built,it may be an army of Mexicans who build it for you. But its not the Mexicans house. Garvey was telling black people the harsh realities that yes you were forced to build the house for the European. But America will more than likely never be your house unless your going to take on his army. They weren't willing to do that back then because it was probably suicide,and we definitely ain't about to do that today. I believe Marcus just kept it real and told those people who thought they weren't slaves anymore,that they were still slaves. And we are still a far more comfortable slave today,working for free as a cog in the white supremacy system. Garvey didn't give a damn about how hard we worked to build another mans house for him. Obviously it was unfortunate,but are we going to spend another 400 years talking about how we built it,while still only having a guest room smh?

I always tell people to leave this country too,I don't know where the hell we should all go. I have ideas of where I want to go. Anywhere is better than living in the U.S. But most of us are so brainwashed we don't see the value of finding our true selves. Not even Garvey had that true awakening yet. Fighting for America is shortsighted when you are literally the original man/woman. We essentially were everywhere first and built everything. Being desperate to stake a claim to America just tells me how great yall really think Babylon is,while constantly complaining about white supremacy. Either yall don't truly understand the white supremacy yall talk about,or you don't think its all that bad
. If it ain't all that bad,just go ahead and assimilate already,I want you to accelerate the process like Garvey was attempting in the opposite direction.

bruh these nikkas don’t know shyt about that man. In a way you can’t blame em because he’s not taught anymore. But then you can, because it’s obvious they haven’t read his own words and that’s the true laziness.

Brother Garvey’s biggest fear was exactly what we’re witnessing today with covid and the economic fallout it’s caused. We’re suffering the most and getting the least help, and aren’t in any position to help ourselves. All we can do is hope the white mans covid vaccine initiative isn’t like his old smallpox and measles initiatives which introduced hiv/aids to the Black population. That’s the best we can do.

white people have mastered the forces of nature to a degree they’ve been able to weaponize science and are using it against us.

“What will happen to you, the weak and unprepared…?”

that was his main question and what drove him to try to get us up outta here. The answer is us “disproportionately” leading in every negative statistic there is in this country and damn near helpless to do anything about it.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
ADOS were more "American" than the majority of white americans in the 1920s based on how long the respective groups ancestors had been on the land:

The Impact of Immigration on American Society: Looking Backward to the Future

no one had/has the right to question their rights/beliefs/stake as Americans, especially not a recent foreigner:dahell::camby:

By this same logic we could say you are more african/south american/australian than you are american. So you shouldnt be offended by someone telling you to go home. Its just that deep down yall love america as much as MAGA patriots.Just admit we have gotten comfortable here. We know deep down weve wasted our time and dont want to start over. So we will kick the can down the road to our children. Our children will be talking about gaining power from the european or new race of chinese latino mixture now that china runs america. Actually we will possibly have breeded ourselves into a group of mulattos by then. A happy group of mulattoes who are happily assimilated and not fighting anything.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
bruh these nikkas don’t know shyt about that man. In a way you can’t blame em because he’s not taught anymore. But then you can, because it’s obvious they haven’t read his own words and that’s the true laziness.

Brother Garvey’s biggest fear was exactly what we’re witnessing today with covid and the economic fallout it’s caused. We’re suffering the most and getting the least help, and aren’t in any position to help ourselves. All we can do is hope the white mans covid vaccine initiative isn’t like his old smallpox and measles initiatives which introduced hiv/aids to the Black population. That’s the best we can do.

white people have mastered the forces of nature to a degree they’ve been able to weaponize science and are using it against us.

“What will happen to you, the weak and unprepared…?”

that was his main question and what drove him to try to get us up outta here. The answer is us “disproportionately” leading in every negative statistic there is in this country and damn near helpless to do anything about it.

I was told i hadnt read enough. That may be very well true that theyve read more than me. But obviously they dont understand the spirit of Garvey as they read,or this thread wouldnt be a thing. One person in here admitted they were reading up on him so much trying to understand his mindset. To that i would say come back after you understand his mindset. Because if you dont,all that reading is pointless. Only a few of us today will be able to understand. Very few AA's can look around at the luxury and excess of america,and see a house on fire withe the walls closing in. And see European robots and Black bots who seek to destroy you and assimilate you. They cant,because they are bots who have been assimilated. Being able to see this takes not only knowing your history,but also being a visionary which Garvey was#WeCantAllBeVisionaries.


Jun 22, 2014
By this same logic we could say you are more african/south american/australian than you are american. So you shouldnt be offended by someone telling you to go home. Its just that deep down yall love america as much as MAGA patriots.Just admit we have gotten comfortable here. We know deep down weve wasted our time and dont want to start over. So we will kick the can down the road to our children. Our children will be talking about gaining power from the european or new race of chinese latino mixture now that china runs america. Actually we will possibly have breeded ourselves into a group of mulattos by then. A happy group of mulattoes who are happily assimilated and not fighting anything.


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012

Whats not to understand?You said we were more American than whites were in the 1920's based on how long our ancestors have been here. Well do you realize how long your ancestors date back in Africa,Austrailia,South America? Point being why would you as a black person use that logic to stake claim to America. When by that logic we have roots every where in the world,some that go back to before we were in America. The reason yall want to claim America so tough is because you love this white supremacist nation and all of the abundance and filth that Babylon contains. Different strokes for different folks:hubie:#TheWorldIsOurs

Happy B Day to Marcus Garvey btw:wow:


Jun 22, 2014
Whats not to understand?You said we were more American than whites were in the 1920's based on how long our ancestors have been here. Well do you realize how long your ancestors date back in Africa,Austrailia,South America? Point being why would you as a black person use that logic to stake claim to America. When by that logic we have roots every where in the world,some that go back to before we were in America. The reason yall want to claim America so tough is because you love this white supremacist nation and all of the abundance and filth that Babylon contains. Different strokes for different folks:hubie:#TheWorldIsOurs

Happy B Day to Marcus Garvey btw:wow:


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012


Indigenous peoples in the Amazon and Australia share some ancestry | New Scientist

Mysterious link between people from South America and Australia

Indigenous South American tribes found to have evidence of ancient Australian DNA | Daily Mail Online

But if you believe all the black people who were over here during slavery came by way of slaveship,I can't help you.
If you humble yourself and do the research I have done you will put it together,right now scientist are still struggling.
But I'm not out to convert anyone,I'll let everyone catch up at their own speed,its not a race champ.


Jun 26, 2013
History is written by the victors of war.. We know damn well the FBI tried to take hiim down and they did. From framing him for mail fraud to having agents derail thr black star line.

Idk how accurate all this stuff is , seems like alot of misquotes etc.. but it isn't a long shot to think this was part of the slander against him at the time

We're way too quick to tear eachother down.

You lot need to chill with the Garvey slander on his birthday. For any faults he may have had his, efforts, achievements and accomplishments to unite us speak for themselves.


Jun 22, 2014

Indigenous peoples in the Amazon and Australia share some ancestry | New Scientist

Mysterious link between people from South America and Australia

Indigenous South American tribes found to have evidence of ancient Australian DNA | Daily Mail Online

But if you believe all the black people who were over here during slavery came by way of slaveship,I can't help you.
If you humble yourself and do the research I have done you will put it together,right now scientist are still struggling.
But I'm not out to convert anyone,I'll let everyone catch up at their own speed,its not a race champ.


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
History is written by the victors of war.. We know damn well the FBI tried to take hiim down and they did. From framing him for mail fraud to having agents derail thr black star line.

Idk how accurate all this stuff is , seems like alot of misquotes etc.. but it isn't a long shot to think this was part of the slander against him at the time

We're way too quick to tear eachother down.

You lot need to chill with the Garvey slander on his birthday. For any faults he may have had his, efforts, achievements and accomplishments to unite us speak for themselves.

Exactly,and this is the fallacy of this thread. Everyone here knows there were a variety of movements in that period who had different ideologies,and leaderships. All you have to do is look around today to see how in politics or even the black conscience community. The media that covers it misquotes,takes people out of context,and outright lies some times. This is just what they do to make the other side look worst and convert people over to their side. Its crazy to believe that wasn't going on back then at the local level,federal level.

"A March 1968 memo stated the program's goal was to "prevent the coalition of militant black nationalist groups"; to "Prevent the RISE OF A 'MESSIAH' who could unify ... the militant black nationalist movement"; "to pinpoint potential troublemakers and neutralize them before they exercise their potential for violence [against authorities]."; to "Prevent militant black nationalist groups and leaders from gaining RESPECTABILITY, by discrediting them to ... both the responsible community and to liberals who have vestiges of sympathy..."

Yes cointelpro was after Garveys time allegedly,but discrediting black organizations and creating infighting wasn't a new strategy.


Jun 22, 2014
You lot need to chill with the Garvey slander on his birthday. For any faults he may have had his, efforts, achievements and accomplishments to unite us speak for themselves.

Garvey probably did more to create a divide than he did to unite:usure:

Garvey tried to look/critique AfroAmerica through the Jamaican 3 tier caste system lens and no one (in the USA) was having it.




Garvey's wife who wasn't considered "black" in Jamaica but of the "colored-brown" caste there, was drawn to AfroAmerica because they saw themselves as the same regardless of shade but Garvey himself was trying to make it a goal of his to undo this in the USA while chasing after light skinned women:mjlol:




Dubois called him out on it too:


his own people (west indians) even called him out on it






During the 1922 convention, Garvey gained virtually complete control of the UNIA by silencing his opposition, but he gained this control at the cost of increasing disaffection inside, and dissent outside, the movement. By 1924, of the officers elected at the original 1920 convention, only two---Garvey and Henrietta Vinton Davis---remained. Rev. J. W. H. Eason, impeached during the 1922 convention, emerged as an open rival, and, with J. Austin Norris, another former UNIA stalwart, he attempted to constitute a competing UNIA under the name of the Universal Negro Alliance.

Eason, by then a potential prosecution witness in Garvey's mail fraud trial, was assassinated in New Orleans in January 1923, and two UNIA adherents, William Shakespeare and Constantine F. Dyer, were charged with the crime. Although initially convicted of manslaughter, they were acquitted in August of the following year. The Bureau of Investigation's agents believed that Esau Ramus, a minor UNIA official who had recently been sent by Garvey to the New Orleans division, was the real assassin. While it is impossible to determine Garvey's role in the killing (he denounced it, and attributed the murder to Eason's "woman affair") (Negro World, 13 January 1923), the publicity surrounding the assassination of Eason cast a pall over the movement and did Garvey no small damage.

Garvey's relations with colleagues such as William H. Ferris were never the same after the Eason incident. Many in the UNIA leadership opted to give confidential statements to the government. For some of Garvey's internal critics, Eason's murder was implicitly the culmination of the ever-widening split between the West Indian and African-American factions. Meanwhile, the delays in Garvey's mail fraud trial (caused by both prosecution and defense) became a new focal point for his critics outside the movement. Eight prominent African-Americans, among them William Pickens, Chandler Owen, Robert Bagnall, and Robert Abbott, petitioned the attorney general demanding the deportation of the black leader. Garvey responded quickly to the "Garvey Must Go" campaign with a flurry of press releases, articles in the UNIA's Negro World, and public speeches, attacking his black opponents and questioning both their political motivation and their racial character.

Mgpp .::. UCLA Africa Studies Center

West Indians didn't like how Garvey was moving and were the ones who got him booted:lolbron:



Jun 26, 2013
@IllmaticDelta on the surface this seems like some tear eachother down shyt. 100 years later and we're still on the witch hunt? Seems bogus asf and shows why we can't progress.

Learn from past mistskes but let's not spend time picking faults.

Seen the same thing with Umar.

Don't be an agent of regression. You seem knowledgeable, use your skills to uplift not tear down


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
@IllmaticDelta on the surface this seems like some tear eachother down shyt. 100 years later and we're still on the witch hunt? Seems bogus asf and shows why we can't progress.

Learn from past mistskes but let's not spend time picking faults.

Seen the same thing with Umar.

Don't be an agent of regression. You seem knowledgeable, use your skills to uplift not tear down
You're on the coli breh and we're in the middle of an ethnic war as it were. Doubt your reasoning will win out.


Aug 9, 2013
@IllmaticDelta on the surface this seems like some tear eachother down shyt. 100 years later and we're still on the witch hunt?

No Brother, we were warned 100 years ago. Today we’re right where we were warned we would be if we didn’t get right. These nikkas can sit around and critique Garvey all they want, but he said this day was coming and we’re here.

Covid has exposed our unpreparedness and reliance on white people for our very lives like few things have, and Biden basically told us that our reliance on white Democrats has come to an end, and they’re turning us over to the Mexicans.

We’re finished. Most of us just don’t know enough to realize it.