The father was a white deadbeat, you really want a brotha playing that role?![]()
Wasn't the dad a respected scientist who got teleported due to a freak science experiment?

Sounds like an excuse to bedwench but ok

The father was a white deadbeat, you really want a brotha playing that role?![]()
You know what the crazy thing about ya'll saying this is she specifically made the father white because she didn't want to perpetuate that "black father not in their child's life" stereotype. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess.
at the end of the day, i'm a black man and i like to see myself represented in films like everyone else. You can try to make up any myriad of reasons why that's wrong but it won't get me to purchase tickets. There is no compromise here, you either represent me or you don't. There no such thing as close enough.At the heart of it, people are upset because A Wrinkle In Time depicts an interracial relationship. That’s it. There’s no negative black stereotypes anywhere in the film to be seen and no examples of Ava herself shytting on black men in interviews or anywhere...B bu but it’s a black woman/White man relationship on screen, so outrage.
To me that just makes coli nikkas no different than the intersectional feminists snowflakes on twitter. Opposite side of the same ‘easily triggered’ coin.
My argument is not that Ava is perfect and shouldn’t be criticized for anything...but rather it’s important people look at the whole of who a person is (and what they’ve done) instead of only responding in a knee jerk fashion emotionally to a fraction of a person’s existence, especially one as insignificant as who they decide to cast in a single film. We’re better than that.
Yes, he was.Wasn't the dad a respected scientist who got teleported due to a freak science experiment?
Sounds like an excuse to bedwench but ok![]()
Is that on Ava, Oprah or both?There was more than one male role in the film. What is the reasoning for other one being white?
There was plenty of room in the film for a black male. The fact that only part she even considered for a black guy was the deadbeat dad, speaks volumes actually.
I guess the incentive would be supporting the first black female director to helm a 100 million dollar film, who just so happened to direct a documentary attacking a topic that directly benefits black men, and one that no other director wanted a piece ofWhat incentive is there for black men to watch the movie? White father, white male love interest.
What specific thing about the movie is going to attract black people? Aside from feminists/shea butter twitter? The action? Chracters? Setting? Plot?
It wasn't made for us to go watch and enjoy in mind, and like I said before, white girls don't want to watch a black girl lead in Sci-girls/fantasy movies. It ruins the feeling of being a 'self-insert' and immersion for them. Should have just kept all of the chracters white, instead of trying to shoehorn in an agenda like "white boy following a black girl's lead is soooooo empowering". Or whatever the fukk Ava said.
Shut up. People have made it more than clear that the main objection to this movie is that she deliberately put things in the movie to illustrate black female acceptance from white males because she thought it was important for black females to see. That’s something that she said out of her own mouth. Yet you run your bytchass in here and try to make it about something else.At the heart of it, people are upset because A Wrinkle In Time depicts an interracial relationship. That’s it.
I guess whoever does the casting or has influence on the casting. I always thought people audition for the director during the casting process.Is that on Ava, Oprah or both?
So we must just blindly support her? Subject matter and content has no bearing on the decision? That's a ridiculous foolish point of view.I guess the incentive would be supporting the first black female director to helm a 100 million dollar film, who just so happened to direct a documentary attacking a topic that directly benefits black men, and one that no other director wanted a piece of
Is that on Ava, Oprah or both?
and an overall disrespect and lack of love for BW and their arts.
I read thru the few threads on AWIT
And reading how some of you nikkas were deadass rooting for her to fail was alarming
some of u hoping she never gets a shot at another big movie
like shes not same woman who made this
Shedding light on an issue that black men go through at an ridiculous rate. Arguably a top 3-5 documentary of all time when you consider its originality, cultural impact, structure, vision? and the sheer amount of truth loaded into in such a short frame of time. She could have used this as a chance to push an agenda about BM violence towards BW or any of that other shyt, but chose not to. Chose to put aside any and all of her agendas to do right by black men. And she gets repaid by disgusting threads like that because some (not all) black men can’t put their Internal struggle aside to support the art of one of the great visionaries of our time. I’m not saying you have to go see that film, im saying u clown ass nikkas using this film and It’s underachievement as vehicle to push your own agendas is flat out disgusting . The words and the vitriol hurled at Her specifically in these threads is unacceptable. Yall always worrying about if someone is fukkin a BW (truthfully because yall see a lot of women in general as sexual objects, including BW) like they are here simply to have ur offspring and be your other half and nothing else. Y’all forget that they are people going thru the other side of white supremacy , and are victims of both racism and sexism. there is no black Male director going out of his way to showcase an issue that is unique to BW. SHe did that. And we should appreciate her and support her if he u dont like the direction of her film and her “white fantasy fetish” even tho she’s showed you thru previous work that she’s everything short of a “c00n”
Some of U nikkas make me sick and And don’t ever forget it.