Low-key...Miami sucks and is overrated

Raw Lyrics

Sunset Park
May 15, 2012
Cubans are notorious for saying disrespectful shyt in Spanish about black people in their presence. You are not going to get the job if a Cuban is the manager. He is going to find a Cuban first. Then we have salaries. Say a job starts a 50k. If you are black your raise will be 3%, everybody elses can range from 10 to 20%. This is fact because I'm an accountant and I see payroll. Something that 99% of people in the work place don't see.

Blacks are not promoted as quick as Cubans or Whites. I mean it's really bad. This dorky idiot white guy worked at our Tallahassee office. My job in Miami had several offices. Came in and made more money than the black girl that had a Masters. He had his bachelors. They started him a 40k. 2 years later he is a manager and is making 80k. The dude was a fukking idiot. Cuban broad that is terrible at her job. Gets a raise and makes 65k. Doesn't even have a bachelors. smdh. The cost of living is extremely high there. Most blacks are scrapping by. Honestly blacks only do good if they are in the gov't or in the hospital. I mean of course if you a Lawyer or doctor you write your own ticket. I'm talking about jobs the majority of people get.

If you react to anything in just. You can lose your job. It's an at will state so they can terminate you for anything. I personally never gave a fukk, I always went hard if some one talked slick. Thing is once you set from the jump that you are not the one. They don't come at you like that. Miami is different from a lot of cities. You will get beat down at work or outside of work. Yes I'm talking about corporate settings.

This is why you are seeing blacks moving to Broward and Palm Beach county by the droves. It's never fair for blacks anywhere, but it's 20 times hard if you are black in Miami.

This is really eye opening. SMH
May 16, 2016
Only two types of people in Miami... haves and have nots... most of the haves are white and Cuban... that's just what it is... cool place to visit but not really cool to move to if your trying to come up... especially if you are black and don't speak Spanish.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Being an breh of my ethnic background... i experienced a lot of, can't say overt racism.

But you can tell the hospitality wasn't something I would call Miami's greatest calling. If anything, it was borderline non-existent.

It wasn't until I began having conversations with the locals (whether native inhabitants or people in the service industry... even tourists). It's like they had a stigma about my type of people but once I commenced dialogue, they definitely opened up their eyes a bit and say, "hey, this breh isn't your typical... he's worldly, cultured, traveled and is pretty humorous!"

That said, this past July marked my very first time in Miami (let alone Florida) for a bachelor party and I had a splendid time (didn't get laid unfortunately, cuz I don't pay for my shiit, i'm finding women out and about. half a rack for a hoe is not my idea of a good time, altho my homeboys did it. LOL!).

Bottom line: most latin people don't fukk with my kind of people. And I get it. There aren't too many of us there to begin with. I guess i just didn't think about it. But technically Florida is still the south and perceptions about folks they aren't familiar still run rampant. I felt like I was the last of the mohicans, there to change the mindset of folks who came with predisposed ideologies of a certain group/culture of personnel.

The high light of my trip, besides being with 16 close homies were the group of sistas I met at the lobby at Seacoast resort.

When my boys were checking in, I was chilling in the couch area and I look over to my left, there was a nice fleet of nubian princesses chillin. So i turn my head and smile. And one of 'em goes, "Hello!"

That was my cue (cuz all my dudes were being shy, they aren't used to dating/interacting with black women like I does, so it was my comfort zone, and preference overall).

Long story short, i grabbed the dominican chick's digits and she's posed to come to seattle to visit me next month.

And you know how i do:



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Being an breh of my ethnic background... i experienced a lot of, can't say overt racism.

But you can tell the hospitality wasn't something I would call Miami's greatest calling. If anything, it was borderline non-existent.

It wasn't until I began having conversations with the locals (whether native inhabitants or people in the service industry... even tourists). It's like they had a stigma about my type of people but once I commenced dialogue, they definitely opened up their eyes a bit and say, "hey, this breh isn't your typical... he's worldly, cultured, traveled and is pretty humorous!"

That said, this past July marked my very first time in Miami (let alone Florida) for a bachelor party and I had a splendid time (didn't get laid unfortunately, cuz I don't pay for my shiit, i'm finding women out and about. half a rack for a hoe is not my idea of a good time, altho my homeboys did it. LOL!).

Bottom line: most latin people don't fukk with my kind of people. And I get it. There aren't too many of us there to begin with. I guess i just didn't think about it. But technically Florida is still the south and perceptions about folks they aren't familiar still run rampant. I felt like I was the last of the mohicans, there to change the mindset of folks who came with predisposed ideologies of a certain group/culture of personnel.

The high light of my trip, besides being with 16 close homies were the group of sistas I met at the lobby at Seacoast resort.

When my boys were checking in, I was chilling in the couch area and I look over to my left, there was a nice fleet of nubian princesses chillin. So i turn my head and smile. And one of 'em goes, "Hello!"

That was my cue (cuz all my dudes were being shy, they aren't used to dating/interacting with black women like I does, so it was my comfort zone, and preference overall).

Long story short, i grabbed the dominican chick's digits and she's posed to come to seattle to visit me next month.

And you know how i do:

Are you black? Hispanic? I was confused by what you meant by being an outsider


Aka Allhiphopsux
May 30, 2012
#717 --> #215 #PA #ByrdGang
I was fortunate enough to party there during South Beach's glory years first time was 05' for spring break....Opium, Crobar, Mansion, etc. Were all crazy....south beach was still popping and lots of natives went

I was there like last year and it's a ghost of it's former self...South Beach is washed up now it's nothing but folks flying in on cheap flights acting crazy.....now native folks don't even set foot there if you're from out of town and know someone that lives there and are like "let's go to south beach" they'll be like :why:

Brickell is the place to be....all native chicks ...that's where the mamis migrated too....not on the beach but it restores some of that feeling

QU Hectic

Nov 8, 2015
A place where Latino immigrants who got off the boat yesterday turn Repub and treat others who aren't white like sh!t. Nah I'm good :hubie:

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
Being an breh of my ethnic background... i experienced a lot of, can't say overt racism.

But you can tell the hospitality wasn't something I would call Miami's greatest calling. If anything, it was borderline non-existent.

It wasn't until I began having conversations with the locals (whether native inhabitants or people in the service industry... even tourists). It's like they had a stigma about my type of people but once I commenced dialogue, they definitely opened up their eyes a bit and say, "hey, this breh isn't your typical... he's worldly, cultured, traveled and is pretty humorous!"

That said, this past July marked my very first time in Miami (let alone Florida) for a bachelor party and I had a splendid time (didn't get laid unfortunately, cuz I don't pay for my shiit, i'm finding women out and about. half a rack for a hoe is not my idea of a good time, altho my homeboys did it. LOL!).

Bottom line: most latin people don't fukk with my kind of people. And I get it. There aren't too many of us there to begin with. I guess i just didn't think about it. But technically Florida is still the south and perceptions about folks they aren't familiar still run rampant. I felt like I was the last of the mohicans, there to change the mindset of folks who came with predisposed ideologies of a certain group/culture of personnel.

The high light of my trip, besides being with 16 close homies were the group of sistas I met at the lobby at Seacoast resort.

When my boys were checking in, I was chilling in the couch area and I look over to my left, there was a nice fleet of nubian princesses chillin. So i turn my head and smile. And one of 'em goes, "Hello!"

That was my cue (cuz all my dudes were being shy, they aren't used to dating/interacting with black women like I does, so it was my comfort zone, and preference overall).

Long story short, i grabbed the dominican chick's digits and she's posed to come to seattle to visit me next month.

And you know how i do:


My breh had pics. Excellent quality post sir.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
Can't have a subway system, the whole city would flood.

America is so friggin stupid though. Why not copy off Japan and have the speed train. Japan is way more over crowded and they solved it by having speed train and carousel parking where like four cars can take up two parking spaces instead of four. shyt is crazy. The city makes dumb money off of taxes, but the Cubans are so crooked the shyt will never happen.



Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
The south tend to be against public transport but I thought Miami would be different
They just got done building a high speed rail system that'll connect downtown west palm to downtown fort Lauderdale and downtown Miami. Unfortunately 3 ppl have already been hit by the train, and 2 killed.

:pachaha: :snoop: :mjcry:

Gotta take the good with the bad in SoFla. But the building of the high speed rail now means there's 4 different rail based public transit in SoFla.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
They just got done building a high speed rail system that'll connect downtown west palm to downtown fort Lauderdale and downtown Miami. Unfortunately 3 ppl have already been hit by the train, and 2 killed.

:pachaha: :snoop: :mjcry:

Gotta take the good with the bad in SoFla. But the building of the high speed rail now means there's 4 different rail based public transit in SoFla.
When was this