I consider myself a racially conscious person. I became aware of the mechanisms of white supremacy fairly early in my life (early teens) thanks to Malcolm X's autobiography. For better or for worse, racial consciousness is the primary lens through which I view the world.
Then you must realize that Race is a social construct.
That Changes depending on Time and Place
Race is based on History, Culture and phenotype so as exploit Humanity for the benefit of the few.
I've embraced and am proud of my blackness, but I also have a strong sense of self and individuality. If I'm honest with myself, race is something I'm really passionate about because I think white supremacy has prevented many blacks (including myself) from being free and at peace to reach their true potential as individuals. By extension, romance is the one area that I still choose to idealize and see as highly personal, private, and individual. I know racial dynamics are pervasive, but if there's any space in which they should not dominate, for me, it's that space.
What is important is the values you impart to your children...Chief among them should be that Character is not predicated upon skin color.
What we as Conscious Africans is fighting to destroy is Racism/white supremacy which is an Idea not a skin color....Many people confuse the ideology that is White Supremacy with people having (socalled) white skin.
I've dated a variety of women: black, Asian, and white, and now my current girlfriend is a Latina. I love her, and she fits the bill for everything I want in a wife/life partner. I have a great relationship with her family and they've welcomed me since day 1. She and I have the same philosophy on education, family economics, finances, and building wealth. More importantly, her values are solid and her loyalty to me is unimpeachable in my mind. This is the woman I want to raise my kids. There's no doubt in that we'd build something great together.
Nature Knows No Color Line and Love shouldn't either.
Marriage and Love became intertwine in Romance....a fleeting emotion.
Marriage is a Contract and as such should be seen as a business or investment.....what returns you get depends on what you put in.
Do you marry for your Love - Romance or for your Children's future - Investment?
Mixing Business and Pleasure is difficult but not impossible.
The only issue is that, from time to time, there's this tinge of discomfort with the feeling that I'm betraying my community by dating "out". I'm disgusted when black football players, basketball players, financiers, or whomever suddenly wind up with non-black women when they're successful. Every time I see a new instance of this, the question flashes to mind: am I doing the same thing?
Yes you are doing the same thing.....that does not mean its not love.
You must ask yourself why do you feel you are betraying your community?
Where in lies your disgust with successful blacks marrying out side the race reside....It follows that you then must also be disgusted with yourself.
Maybe your are equating success with marrying outside the race?
Maybe there is some latent self hate.....which is normal.
Make amends give back to the community in others ways
I also have the nagging fear that my kids could succumb to white supremacy/the black inferiority complex, and run away from their blackness through dating, friends, or whatever growing up. The idea of being old and grey, seeing my kids "preferring" not to date black or associate with the black community, or worse yet seeing them disconnect from their black family, is terrifying. I've seen it happen so often with the kids of mixed families or black families who do well. It's extremely depressing.
If you do not make an effort to expose them to positive successful Black people and organizations through their and your involvement with them....then yes we all run that risk in a Racist Environment that is America of having our kids shay away from blackness.
Setting an example is the best form of teaching.
What do other brehs think (I'm not asking what to do. It'd be stupid to walk away from this. Just asking for thoughts)? Any of you guys in or have been in similar situations? What'd you do?
You are caught up in the socialize racial hysteria that is America......force to choose sides.
When really all you need to do is find out where you really stand.
Here is the basic.
Right and Wrong is not a matter of Color but conscience.
Conscience is an innate sense of Fairness.....Being in the other person shoes.
Good and Evil (often confuse with Right and Wrong) are Social Constructs that Adhere to Cultural norms......That Often Replace Right and Wrong
Know the difference end your confusion.