Loving who you love vs. emphasizing black love


Atlanta to LA living
Jul 14, 2015
All this black this black that who cares b at the end of the day get with somebody responsible and that will be a good mother or father to your children. I don't care what race she is its birds in every race I just choose not to be with one. No agenda here I've met nice white/Asian/indian/Persian women and I look at them as a person not as a Agenda thecoli yall I tell you. People keep bringing up slaves and typing on the internet at the same time.


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
Thread's been enlightening. Seems like some of y'all are fighting for black supremacy which is not what I'm fighting for. If blacks were in the same positions Asians or white people were in, would you still feel this way? When I help out a fellow black person, that's a restorative rather than an instinctive thing--meaning I'm doing that to restore some semblance of balance since white supremacy has tipped the scales against us (though I should probably stop saying "us" based on the responses of this thread, huh?). It's funny to me that this is THE most pivotal thing. Like if I wanted to contribute in any meaningful way it'd be discounted just because my wife wouldn't be black.


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
You love in relation to what society loves most of the time. The propaganda society pumps out for the masses is what dictates your taste in women, your taste in clothing, cars, etc... IN other words, you've been programmed to love anything other than Black. Some Black folks realize the propaganda and reject it, other Blacks say, "I cannot choose who I love" which is a bunch of croc.

And Blacks shouldn't love anything other than Black. I would even go as far as to say it is your moral imperative to love only Black at this point in time in history.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Thread's been enlightening. Seems like some of y'all are fighting for black supremacy which is not what I'm fighting for. If blacks were in the same positions Asians or white people were in, would you still feel this way? When I help out a fellow black person, that's a restorative rather than an instinctive thing--meaning I'm doing that to restore some semblance of balance since white supremacy has tipped the scales against us (though I should probably stop saying "us" based on the responses of this thread, huh?). It's funny to me that this is THE most pivotal thing. Like if I wanted to contribute in any meaningful way it'd be discounted just because my wife wouldn't be black.
This is why a take certain stuff with a mountain of salt here at times with regards to bold. A lot of these same cats ain't did shyt but allegedly "volunteer" that's the coli buzzword for helping the "community" for some but would criticize somebody really putting in work because their spouses isn't black. The point is to help people period don't matter who,they coming home to IMO. Then its black wealth transfer silliness like the majority of the same dudes ain't paying money to white folks whether its buying a car, house, food, their job, etc. most have to go through white people in some way kicking that out blacking talk some like to do on here. shyt is stupid. If you're helping black people or people in general you are doing a good deed stop letting people you don't even know control your dikk. Its not like we can even see if,these cats really living like they claim online.


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
Black people shouldn't be helping other people at this point in time. Helping a white person isn't necessarily doing a "good deed". You've been brainwashed into thinking helping people "in general" is doing good. Reality speaks more volumes than your brainwashed viewpoint on life.

Whites have never helped Blacks and look at them, look at their position compared to the Black. The lowliest white dates/marries Black, has a kid with that Black, and that kid then marries white and contributes to the white structure. OF course, I am just observing the facts on the ground.

Say what you will about Hispanics, but they tend to only marry within their culture as do Asians. Look how well they are doing in relation to the Black. Blacks don't have a communal focus, i.e. marry Black and contribute to Black.

In addition, whites have been controlling the Black males dikk since they landed in Africa.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Black people shouldn't be helping other people at this point in time. Helping a white person isn't necessarily doing a "good deed". You've been brainwashed into thinking helping people "in general" is doing good. Reality speaks more volumes than your brainwashed viewpoint on life.
No. The brainwashing is the attempt to separate ourselves

Whites have never helped Blacks and look at them, look at their position compared to the Black. The lowliest white dates/marries Black, has a kid with that Black, and that kid then marries white and contributes to the white structure. OF course, I am just observing the facts on the ground.
But you just made this up though:heh:

Say what you will about Hispanics, but they tend to only marry within their culture as do Asians. Look how well they are doing in relation to the Black. Blacks don't have a communal focus, i.e. marry Black and contribute to Black.
Total nonsense :smh:

In addition, whites have been controlling the Black males dikk since they landed in Africa.
What does this have to do with the thread topic?


All Star
Sep 27, 2015
I no longer have a romantic view of marriage. It's more than feelings.

I agree, the shift in the last millennia from marriage being about compatibility and mutuality to just about love has been one of the biggest causes of the high divorce rates in the Western world imo.


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
MeachTheMonsterNo. The brainwashing is the attempt to separate ourselves

I think you need to redress your post. Whites care for whites mostly because it is an evolutionary mechanism to care for ones like yourselves. The ones like yourself makes your community. A Black attempting to care for a white or vice-versa is more of an exception, an outlier if you will. Whites typically brainwash Blacks into not thinking for the Black group and instead thinking and caring for the white. Looking throughout history, whites have always considered Blacks a servant/slave class, and the servant is always to not care for his/her own well-being rather the king's well-being. Try to think yourself out of this all you like, but reality points this out rather clearly when comparing and contrasting whites vs Blacks globally.

But you just made this up though

It's an undisputed fact that whites haven't helped Blacks in the sense of actually giving a damn about the Black plight. This wasn't just made up.

Total nonsense :smh:

You say, "total nonsense" as that is more a knee-jerk reaction to a rather obvious fact. Maybe more obvious to me. But allow me to explain, Hispanics are

Hispanic wealth is at the level of, or a bit higher than Blacks, and is likely to increase in 10 years:

Hispanic Population's Share of Wealth Likely to Increase by 2025

More Hispanics are graduating with STEM degrees today than in the past (they still are under-represented in the STEM field as of today) and their growth in STEM-based fields will likely rise:

Excelencia in Education reveals the Top 25 colleges producing Latino graduates in science, technology, engineering, and math fields in 2012-13 | Excelencia in Education

You can just look up the data on Asians and their wealth as compared to Blacks, they own a larger share but make up a small minority of the U.S. population.

What makes these different groups (Black, Hispanic, Asian) different in terms of wealth accumulation?

Communal focus is the main part of the Asian and Hispanic/Latino communities, and isn't part of the Blacks in America. Say what you want, but Blacks post 1960s have been stagnant or saw a decrease in wealth.

The Moynihan Report Revisited

Not only that, Black wealth is likely to DECREASE in the future:

Report: Future Generations of Black People Will Feel Great Recession Pain

Even though I am Black and have graduated with a STEM degree, I barely saw any Black people in my field, so I decided to research as to why and while I didn't find the "why", I found the amount of Blacks in STEM:

African-American Men: The Other STEM Minority

Blacks have stagnated in earning STEM degrees (the report talks more on Black males).

The reason I bring up STEM is those fields are very important to Black future wealth. So, why don't Blacks do well in STEM fields? Here is another report:

Before you read it, while she makes some good points, I don't think she touched on the importance of community focus among Blacks. There are way too many whites teaching Black kids and stifling their potential, then you have the Black family which is more often than not a negro farm where a Black buck goes in has sex with the Black woman, leaves, and out of those many children most of them do the same as their father or mother and enter the prison system. It is more nuanced than what McGee makes it out to be, but she does have some valid points in the article.

Why Black Students Struggle in STEM Subjects: Low Expectations

What does this have to do with the thread topic?

It goes to my original point, Blacks don't actually choose who they are attracted to (more than not). Society chooses that for them. The more dominant a people are and subjected another group is, the lesser group will always pivot their attentions and desires towards what the more dominant group desires or wants. This is a fact of nature and human society. Blacks have always desired to be equal to the white, yet the white does not desire to be equal to the Black. The Black marries white as his/her unconscious mind wants the rest of white society to see or take note that she or he isn't ugly and does occupy a seat albeit the smallest chair on the European standard of beauty. So that white society sees him or her as not entirely less than they are in this world.

The Black, in short, wants to be white whereas the white has no desire or want to be Black simply because you don't want to be in the position of the lesser if you are the king. Why would a king give up his own power or empower the ones he governs over to the same position he sits in? (I don't believe whites to be kings, but I cannot deny that they essentially control the world and its fate). Yet, you have Blacks on here talking about who they fall in love with, they cannot control. The white controls who he loves. The white controls his own feelings which puts him in the more dominant position in relation to all others on the planet. Denying this fact is pure idiocy.

Whites have always invested in technology and have always thought about "white is first". They have never thought of other races before themselves. And when it comes to "helping" other races they must get something out of it before even considering it.

And given that whites dictate the fate of this world and human society, they also control the desires of those in a position far below than their own. In other words, they control the Black penis through various facets, one main facet is through media.
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Aug 26, 2015
Sounds like internal conflict that a lot of racially conscious black men have.

I have been surrounded by mostly whites growing up. Grew up from working class to upper middle class. In many cases my work environments and social circles tend to have very few blacks. This is not intentional and I'm not uncomfortable with other blacks. Like you OP Malcolm X is a personal hero of mine and I am staunchly rooted in my identity as a black man.

Some of my closest black friends joke around about this "double consciousness" I have yet know how strong I am in my own identity. I have never felt the need to congregate with a group just because they are xyz. I recall being recruited to black fraternities in college and I thought it was a bit silly, though when I was in ROTC I did know every black person there and hung out with them regularly because it is a sense of community.

I have dated black women, white, and latina. My ex was Latina and that happens when you are in a city where the population is 60% Hispanic. Hell growing up being around very few black women the only few I sometimes saw was out of a Jet's Beauty of the Week section so of course my attraction palate is probably in favor of "Western" beauty.

There are a few things I do fight - If I do end up marrying someone outside of my race what will someone like my sister and younger female cousins think when they see someone so close to them not date someone that looks like them when we live in a society where they may not be seen as beautiful based on their skin. My sister is younger than me and just as race conscious being in one of the elite military colleges in the US and being around whites yet I don't think she has confronted the racial beauty thing.

I do wonder what other black women will think. Again I have dated black women but most my interactions with women and the interests I'm in I see very few black women. I don't want to be with a woman because I feel like I am racially obligated to - no I will marry someone that I love for who they are, my intellectual equal, and "down for the cause" as I am. I have been fortunate enough to date white and Latinas that were racially aware and talked about mixed or black children living in a society we were in. I REALLY look at that. I think my personality probably puts off a lot of women who maybe want a black man as a 'experiment' or 'phase' because I'm so strong in my self identity, and that's fine. That's the point.

I do think that there is a 'neutral' tradeoff of power when a black man marries a non-white, non black woman. I think in the sense of OP dating a Latina woman it's seen as neutral since neither the black man or latina woman have any power/privilege to lose dating outside their respective races.
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Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
And also the ACTIVE agenda. Somebody made a video about how black people are being genetically stalked. It got deleted but she put it back up on a few sites.

Wouldn't mind seeing the vid if you got a link


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
Black people have been genetically stalked for the past few decades. We were test subjects for a long time. Our genome is much greater due to its diversity which is why scientists focus on studying the African genome. Do you honestly believe a bunch of white doctors/scientists are in Africa because they care about the African? I hope people don't take that garbage seriously. I'll post a study below, and the very first few sentences of the study are:

"Given the importance of Africa to studies of human origins and disease susceptibility, detailed characterization of African genetic diversity is needed."

The African Genome Variation Project shapes medical genetics in Africa : Nature : Nature Publishing Group